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The Thriller is gone



  • My favorite video of his. What can I say. I'm a sucker for dancing.
  • My favorite video of his.What can I say. I'm a sucker for dancing.
    My 2nd favorite video of his. Also the fact that Martin Scorcese directed it makes it very high in my list.
  • Holy cow! We agree!
    That's happened several times, actually.
  • edited June 2009
    I heard it on a non reputable radio station at like 4 or 5ish yesterday and they cited TMZ as their source. I looked online ASAP and TMZ was, at the time, the only news source that said anything about it. I didn't believe it.
    Then like an hour or two later the news just blew up...

    It's sad, but he hasn't made any good music in a long time and doubtfully would have made anything better than his 80s music if he lived longer.
    Post edited by Dkong on
  • Since I'm at my moms I currently have the luxury of having a radio in the shower stall. So this morning, Friday, I took a shower, and listened to the radio. They played 'Beat it'. Nice, but then followed 'Thriller' and there I stood, butt naked, shampoo in my hair, staring at the cover in the ceiling that hides the speaker. After all, one didn't expect to have them play two Michael Jackson songs back to back, now would one? After that the news came on and they said Michael Jackson had died.

    Well that explained. I then finished showering.
  • I found multiple radio stations that are playing MJ all weekend long.
  • MTV and VH1 were playing his videos back to back all this morning. It just felt right to see MTV actually playing music videos again.
  • Since I'm at my moms I currently have the luxury of having a radio in the shower stall. So this morning, Friday, I took a shower, and listened to the radio. They played 'Beat it'. Nice, but then followed 'Thriller' and there I stood, butt naked, shampoo in my hair, staring at the cover in the ceiling that hides the speaker. After all, one didn't expect to have them play two Michael Jackson songs back to back, now would one? After that the news came on and they said Michael Jackson had died.

    Well that explained. I then finished showering.
    I would have done the thriller dance in the shower.
  • MTV and VH1 were playing his videos back to back all this morning. It just felt right to see MTV actually playing music videos again.
    It was the first time I willing watched BET and MTV in a long time. VH1 wasn't showing it anymore when I got up.
  • I would have done the thriller dance in the shower.
    I tried, but there's too little space in the stall. :< And I don't know the moves that well, so it just ended up me doing the Urban Dead version.
  • So I'm in Wildwood NJ, and all the T-shirt shops already have 'in memory of MJ' shirts all over the place.. should I be surprised?
  • So I'm in Wildwood NJ, and all the T-shirt shops already have 'in memory of MJ' shirts all over the place.. should I be surprised?
    No, in the same manner, wares sites are overflowing with Michael Jackson related media; music and video.
  • edited June 2009
    I first got an inkling when I was checking my Gmail and an article title came up on the little advertisement bar saying "Michael Jackson had a history of health problems." I saw the "had" in there and thought, "Past-tense? Did he actually die or something?" I forgot about it a little while after that until I saw him mentioned again as being gone in the comments of something in my Google Reader (can't remember what it was), which confirmed my suspicion. Then the actual article came up on my RottenTomatoes feed not long after that, and the explosion of related content followed.

    Can't say I'm too affected by it. I was surprisingly not that aware of his music for many of my younger years due to my strange ability to avoid huge chunks of popular culture. I only really started to become aware of him after the plastic surgery and child molestation controversies started popping up. I do respect the work he did earlier in his life that affected others and feel sorry for his family, at least, but I don't feel much else.
    Post edited by Eryn on
  • I was hanging out at the caffe on Telegraph ave, at around 7pm. Now, this is the time when all of the shitty rapper/skater types from Oakland come roaring up Telegraph in their shitty, riced-out cars, blaring their rap music, and heading to the bars near campus. But! One car was blaring Thriller.

    That made my day. Even Oaklanders have a modicum of musical integrity. I am reminded of wars between an empire and barbarians, when they stop their fighting and lay down their arms for a common religious celebration.
  • I was a huge fan of his while growing up, but I don't think I ever really took an interest in him as a person. Since he hasn't produced anything of note for a great many years, I find that I'm really not emotionally effected by his death. However, I'll use this as a good excuse to watch Captain EO again.
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