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GeekNights 090625 - Celebrity Deaths



  • Richard Griffiths, AKA Harry Potter's Uncle Vernon has passed away.
  • edited March 2013
    Sad panda.

    Post edited by Banta on
  • Every time I see this thread pop up I'm a bit hesitant to click it.
  • I'm usually afraid its Betty White.
  • The heavens will shake and angels weep when that vile event occurs.
  • Thumbs down to that.
  • He was all like, "I'ma cut back on my work, but I'll be around for awhile yet guyz! Let me tell you about my terrible experiences with cancer."

  • Thumbs down to that.
    Too soon? I say no.
  • In a way, I think his death also marks the final gasp of professional film journalism.
  • In a way, I think his death also marks the final gasp of professional film journalism.
    I concurr. Now it shall be as is video game journalism. Metacritic and rotten tomatoes.
  • I've always made it a point to largely ignore critics. I established a network of people whom I know have tastes similar to mine. If something new comes out, I ask those people and base potential consumption from there. It's saved me from many a shitty movie/book/whatever.

    If everything fails, you can always go back and consume something later.
  • In a way, I think his death also marks the final gasp of professional film journalism.
    Presumably while a small snow-globe slips from it's grasp, and it whispers "Ebert."

  • image

    Made me smile.
  • image

    Made me smile.
    You know, after Ebert's repeatedly writing about how didn't believe in an afterlife, and that he didn't want people to think he was going to continue existing in any spiritual sense, I find that cartoon pretty insulting. The last thing he publishes is an article about being an atheist, and that is all the cartoonist could come up with?
  • Not to mention unbearably cliche and superficial.
  • Made me smile.
    You know, after Ebert's repeatedly writing about how didn't believe in an afterlife, and that he didn't want people to think he was going to continue existing in any spiritual sense, I find that cartoon pretty insulting. The last thing he publishes is an article about being an atheist, and that is all the cartoonist could come up with?
  • People often tend to project their beliefs, views, etc. on to everyone else. To me, that cartoonist acted out of one of two things.

    Ignorance of Eberts stance as an atheist or willful ignorance
  • Or just wanted to make money.
  • Or just wanted to make money.
    How dare you imply that the artist is a whore! ;-)
  • I really like the Jobs comic. It's just perfect.
  • The tribute on Multiplex is really sweet.

  • Im more irritated by the people of my generation who are compairing her to Hitler and cheering her death. You weren't even alive then! My personal favourate has been declairing that she was the same as Stalin, Moa, and Hitler and we should be happy that Thatcher is dead, when questioned the respsonse was "I don't have to explain my self to anyone". These are the same people that do not see the problems that Labour created for the country, nor do they actually know what she did aside from what they watched in Billy fucking Elliot.
  • Looking back, the 80's were pretty weird.
  • Its the only excuse for the fashion.
  • All I know is that she was buddy buddy with Reagan. Could someone bring me up to date?
  • Relevant

  • All I know is that she was buddy buddy with Reagan. Could someone bring me up to date?
    She was a prime minister for England, and during a critical time, inacted laws basically ensuring that everyone in the production industry (think coal mining) lost their jobs, and people in the finance industry experienced a boom. At least, that's what reddit told me.
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