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Uncle Yo live in NYC this Saturday



  • lack of effective and useful mass transit in eastern PA and western NJ
    Where? NJTransit is pretty awesome if you're anywhere near the Route 1 corridor.

    I had fun, but the food was too expensive and crappy. The drinks were expensive, but alright.
  • GeoGeo
    edited August 2009
    lack of effective and useful mass transit in eastern PA and western NJ
    Where? NJTransit is pretty awesome if you're anywhere near the Route 1 corridor.

    I had fun, but the food was too expensive and crappy. The drinks were expensive, but alright.
    You were there? Well why didn't you join us. By the way, what did you order? I thought the Martguerita Pizza was really good.
    Thank you.
    You are quite welcome, keep on working with the comedy.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • You were there? Well why didn't you join us.
    I already had a table with friends. I came over in the middle of the show for a minute and then hung out after the show.
  • Are you George? I didn't put two and two together until just now.
  • lack of effective and useful mass transit in eastern PA and western NJ
    Where? NJTransit is pretty awesome if you're anywhere near the Route 1 corridor.
    No trains run on Saturdays until I drive as far out as Dover.
  • edited August 2009
    Are you George? I didn't put two and two together until just now.
    Yes, that would be me. I've lost my anonymity, horrors. Actually I'm flattered you remember my name and not just "you're Karl's friend." ^_^
    No trains run on Saturdays until I drive as far out as Dover.
    Dover? Damn, you're way up there and you couldn't get any train? That's pretty lame.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • Yep. East Stroudsburg, PA. In the sticks, as it were.
  • I just need to reiterate: that was a damn good show, sir. Granted, I was quite intoxicated by the end of it, so I'm sure that made everything seem funnier, but the point still stands: well played.
  • These are the sorts of things I wish I had a private jet for. You know, just to fly over once in a while and have some awesome with you guys.

    Oh, East Coast. How I miss thee.

    But fuck you and your coldness. California is a warm and inviting mistress....
  • California is a warm and inviting mistress....
    About the only reason I haven't left yet.
  • California is a warm and inviting mistress....
    But mostly in her southern regions... bah dum tsch!
  • California is a warm and inviting mistress....
    But mostly in her southern regions... bah dum tsch!
    I lol'd.
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