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Republican? Just scream and lie.



  • Aspiration Bias. They want to be in the position of the rich guys some day, and when they get there they want things to be as awesome as possible for them. Not realizing, of course, that it's far more likely they'll never get there in the first place.
    This was reflected quite heavily on the Fox news site comments. People were all "I want to be there some day and I want to know that my hard work is worth it."
  • Benevolent dictatorship. It's our only hope.
    They have always failed once the benevolent dictator is gone.
    Hey, the Roman Empire managed to have five benevolent dictators in a row! Then everything went to shit.
    A benevolent dictator might have good intentions, but still only one perspective. Competing groups, especially minority and fringe groups, are more marginalized under any tightly centralized government because of lack of perspective. If the dictator does not care about gay rights, the homosexual community loses. If he cares equally about gay rights and Christian demands, who wins? Benevolence isn't enough.
  • A benevolent dictator might have good intentions, but still only one perspective. Competing groups, especially minority and fringe groups, are more marginalized under any tightly centralized government because of lack of perspective. If the dictator does not care about gay rights, the homosexual community loses. If he cares equally about gay rights and Christian demands, who wins? Benevolence isn't enough.
    In other words, we should make what we currently have work since it's a pretty good idea.
  • I'm concerned about the idiots that run for office. Actually, I'm more concerned about intelligent people pretending they're dumb while they are running for office; they strike me as more dangerous than the genuine idiots.
  • Aspiration Bias. They want to be in the position of the rich guys some day, and when they get there they want things to be as awesome as possible for them. Not realizing, of course, that it's far more likely they'll never get there in the first place.
    Yeah, but these are policies that will make it easier for them to live comfortably and happily without necessarily being rich. Isn't that what the money ultimately is for anyway? To be able to let you live a comfortable, happy life and provide for yourself and loved ones?
    You would think that, wouldn't you? To a lot of these people, being rich is the end, not the means to the end.
  • As if we didn't know he was bat-crap loco and a lying sack of poo, turns out Perry's claims about towns along the Mexican border being lawless hellholes full of murder and drugs is entirely false.
    Not that i like Perry, but lol people looking at the wrong side of the border, and doing super suspect journalism. Juarez where most of the drug fighting is going down, and probably where perry is actually talking about, had a homicide rate of 229/100,000 last year and is the place where you hear about officers getting shot on their first day, and grenades going off in the streets. Though admittedly our side of the border is doing much better, and Perry is still a moron.
  • Yeah, I did a lot of research on the cartels for a school project a while back, and it is not pretty. Juarez is a fucking hellhole; a story came out last year about the cartel mutilating two policemen, dressing them up as clown versions of old Mexican lawmen in ponchos, and then stapling mocking notes to their chests before dumping them at the police station. The Juarez Cartel is also super-violent; people who interfere with their business are sometimes sawed into pieces, packed bit by bit into large coolers which are sealed with tape, and then dropped off at the family home.

    Not all the border towns are like that, but I wouldn't step foot in Juarez for all the money in the world.
  • Aspiration Bias. They want to be in the position of the rich guys some day, and when they get there they want things to be as awesome as possible for them. Not realizing, of course, that it's far more likely they'll never get there in the first place.
    Yeah, but these are policies that will make it easier for them to live comfortably and happily without necessarily being rich. Isn't that what the money ultimately is for anyway? To be able to let you live a comfortable, happy life and provide for yourself and loved ones?
    You would think that, wouldn't you? To a lot of these people, being rich is the end, not the means to the end.
    Personally, I would be a lot more apt to aggressively invest money if there were a better safety net in place. As it is, I have to be a bit more conservative with my money and professional aspirations, as it's pretty clear that I need to be able to provide my own safety net to a degree.
  • Aspiration Bias. They want to be in the position of the rich guys some day, and when they get there they want things to be as awesome as possible for them. Not realizing, of course, that it's far more likely they'll never get there in the first place.
    Yeah, but these are policies that will make it easier for them to live comfortably and happily without necessarily being rich. Isn't that what the money ultimately is for anyway? To be able to let you live a comfortable, happy life and provide for yourself and loved ones?
    You would think that, wouldn't you? To a lot of these people, being rich is the end, not the means to the end.
    Personally, I would be a lot more apt to aggressively invest money if there were a better safety net in place. As it is, I have to be a bit more conservative with my money and professional aspirations, as it's pretty clear that I need to be able to provide my own safety net to a degree.
    It also affects entrepreneurship, I'd imagine more people would try to start their own business if we had universal healthcare. Or even just switching jobs, I'm sure you know people who have stayed at an otherwise crappy job because of healthcare coverage.
  • It also affects entrepreneurship, I'd imagine more people would try to start their own business if we had universal healthcare. Or even just switching jobs, I'm sure you know people who have stayed at an otherwise crappy job because of healthcare coverage.
    The primary reason I'm staying at my current job is the very generous vacation/sick time policies, as well as stability.
  • image

    That repulsive bitch. I cannot express my hatred right now. Why is killing men who cannot be proven guilty apparently a new badge of honor for the Republican party?
  • Because Republicans have a huge hard on for individualistic interpretations and enforcement of morality rather than systematic legal approaches. They spent so long making big deals about people "getting away on technicalities" (you know, the technicalities that make sure we don't get screwed over by the government, protecting our freedoms) that the nature extension is to presume the innocent guilty so that nobody can escape their arbitrary, revenge-based justice.

    See, to them, the justice system isn't about protecting the public or betting society. To them, justice is another word for revenge. The Bible says an eye for an eye; as long as somebody's eye gets put out, they don't particularly care who it belongs to.
  • What a disgusting human being, and excellent mascot for the Republicans.
  • edited September 2011
    I hope she's cremated when she dies so I can post the same thing about her and retweet her original tweet with a screenshot.

    Here's the fucked-up thing. The widow of the "victim" (used with quotes because the public is almost certain he did not do it) said this about Troy Davis: “He has had ample time to prove his innocence, and he is not innocent.” I'm sorry for your loss, sweetheart, really I am, but that is not how it FUCKING WORKS in the United States. I hope one day more evidence comes out, and all of these people have to live with the fact that they put an innocent man to the needle.

    It's pretty disgusting that the republican party likes to stand on the Ivory Tower of the pro-life agenda, but has no problem turning our own government into a repulsively prolific serial killer.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited September 2011
    Basically all Republicans nowadays would kill 100 innocent people if it ensures to also kill one guilty person. That is sad and disgusting.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • Basically all Republicans nowadays would kill 100 innocent people if it ensures also kill one guilty person. That is sad and disgusting.
    As long as it's not them, but is someone else who is slightly different from them. Just look at how much hate they spread on that woman from Florida awhile back, when the justice system actually seemed to do its job.
  • image

    The difference?

    Crowe plead guilty, thus accepting his "personal responsibility" and fulfilling his role in the narrative of infallible, cut and dry, good triumphs over evil, praise the lord in his wisdom justice that red state retards cling too. Granting him clemency doesn't make the cops, experts and judges who put him on death row look like assholes and call into question the integrity of the system as a whole.

    Justice theater; you has it.
  • edited September 2011
    Also, Troy Davis was guilty of being black in Georgia. Nothing against my southern friends, but the differences in race and case outcomes are a little too stark to ignore for a place with such a history of bigotry.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Isn't the Death Penalty the ultimate sign of big government and government power over the individual? Fucking hypocrites.
  • Isn't the Death Penalty the ultimate sign of big government and government power over the individual? Fucking hypocrites.
    Nope. Just taxes, safety regulations and giving money to people they're told they don't like.
  • Article about responding to abuse and aggression with kindness encourages said abuse.

    While it sounds like an obvious conclusion I wish Obama and other Dems realized this a year ago and responded accordingly.
  • edited September 2011
    I just had an assclown in another forum declare that while it is unacceptable that some innocent people are killed by capital punishment, it is also unacceptable to let some criminals live. And yes, he did use the word "unacceptable". Prime example of the conservative mentality here.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • Article about responding to abuse and aggression with kindness encourages said abuse.

    While it sounds like an obvious conclusion I wish Obama and other Dems realized this a year ago and responded accordingly.
    I wholeheartedly support the new Democrat strategy of 'neck-punch'.
  • Also, Troy Davis was guilty of being black in Georgia. Nothing against my southern friends, but the differences in race and case outcomes are a little too stark to ignore for a place with such a history of bigotry.
    None taken. Believe it or not, less than 24 hours after a white police officer was shot by a black man in my city, one of the City Councilmen had a rally about police abuse. Is there any wonder why he was asked to leave the funeral?
  • Also, Troy Davis was guilty of being black in Georgia. Nothing against my southern friends, but the differences in race and case outcomes are a little too stark to ignore for a place with such a history of bigotry.
    That problem happens just as frequently in Northern States, the key difference being that most Northern States do not have the death penalty as an option and/or - in general- use it with less frequency.
  • Also, Troy Davis was guilty of being black in Georgia. Nothing against my southern friends, but the differences in race and case outcomes are a little too stark to ignore for a place with such a history of bigotry.
    That problem happens just as frequently in Northern States, the key difference being that most Northern States do not have the death penalty as an option and/or - in general- use it with less frequency.
    No doubt, but it is still literally the difference between life and death. The fact that you can be an imprisoned innocent and not be murdered for a crime you didn't commit, even if you're kept in prison due to the racist attitudes of idiotic appeal courts, is still a far better outcome than being killed for nearly nothing more than your skin color.

    These states are effectively using their power to justify lynchings. Taking someone's entire life by way of imprisonment isn't much better, but that person still has a heartbeat, so it is definitely preferable.
  • edited September 2011
    Also, Troy Davis was guilty of being black in Georgia. Nothing against my southern friends, but the differences in race and case outcomes are a little too stark to ignore for a place with such a history of bigotry.
    That problem happens just as frequently in Northern States, the key difference being that most Northern States do not have the death penalty as an option and/or - in general- use it with less frequency.
    No doubt, but it is still literally the difference between life and death. The fact that you can be an imprisoned innocent and not be murdered for a crime you didn't commit, even if you're kept in prison due to the racist attitudes of idiotic appeal courts, is still a far better outcome than being killed for nearly nothing more than your skin color.

    These states are effectively using their power to justify lynchings. Taking someone's entire life by way of imprisonment isn't much better, but that person still has a heartbeat, so it is definitely preferable.
    You'll get no argument from me. I am anti-death penalty because of the fallibility of the justice system (such as pervasive racism).
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • One of the few things I can attribute to my Catholic upbringing in my current political views is my opposition to the death penalty. My little church made very very few political statements to its parish but "oppose the death penalty because killing is wrong according to our faith" was one. I wish I could say I had a better reason, like Kate Monster, but I'd like to note it as a change of pace from what we see on the other side.
  • Hey, neat! Apparently being a soldier doesn't automatically mean all Republicans love you.

    (Soldier gets boo'd by Republicans during debate)

    I wonder how many of those doing the boo'ing have "Support Our Troops" stickers on their cars/cubicles/asses.
  • Hey, neat! Apparently being a soldier doesn't automatically mean all Republicans love you.

    (Soldier gets boo'd by Republicans during debate)

    I wonder how many of those doing the boo'ing have "Support Our Troops" stickers on their cars/cubicles/asses.
    Yea, I am writing a "Stupid Political E-mail" right this minute to send to my dad.
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