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Republican? Just scream and lie.



  • So apparently people wanting to defend the U.S. is a bad thing. Perry obviously hates the troops.
  • edited December 2011
    Matthew 6:5
    And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.
    Hmm, while this is subject to interpretation, I think this is mostly geared towards those making an obvious proclamation that "look at me, I'm so much better than you, I'm praying!" Those who do a silent prayer and try not to call unnecessary attention to themselves probably are exempt from this statement.

    In other words, it's one thing if you stand on top of a table in the lunchroom and go on about Jesus being your Lord and Savior whereas it's another thing if you cross yourself quickly before taking that math test.

    Post edited by Dragonmaster Lou on
  • Meanwhile, on Reddit:

  • Oh weird, I have that exact same style of menorah. I need to find a Han lookalike and recreate that picture.
  • That was the most disgusting ad I've seen in a while. Why don't these morons understand what creating a religious government will do? Just because the Middle East isn't close or predominantly Christian doesn't mean the same shit will happen here if you try to rule by religious doctrines.
  • That was the most disgusting ad I've seen in a while. Why don't these morons understand what creating a religious government will do? Just because the Middle East isn't close or predominantly Christian doesn't mean the same shit will happen here if you try to rule by religious doctrines.
    I honestly don't think they're thinking past "Saying this will get me a lot of votes."
  • I honestly don't think they're thinking
  • edited December 2011
    As to Perry being a jerk about homosexuality, that goes without saying. He is a total douche.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • edited December 2011
    As to Perry being a jerk about homosexuality, that goes without saying. He is a total douche.
    And he's wearing the same Jacket as Heath Ledger in Brokeback mountain, which is a pretty amusing coincidence.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited December 2011

    And a nice parody:

    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • edited December 2011
    Gingrich needs to seriously stop talking about the failings of Herman Cain's personal life seeing as he has some serious issues regarding marital fidelity, including getting into 'an unpleasant conversation' with his soon-to-be ex-wife after cancer surgery while she was still recovering in the hospital.
    And Here is the short list of things that Newtynewt seems to think no one will think about or remember.

    And here's some extra Santorumy derp for you.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • I can't seriously believe the republicans are going to put forward newt as their guy. I mean, the guy writes his own attack ads against himself. When did politics become a cheap reality show.
  • So, Newt Gingrich is now the GOP front runner. Wow. I remember when that living troll was in office. On top of that, Donald Trump is now hosting a debate?

    If I was a Republican, I'm not sure what kind of excuses I'd come up with to excuse this circus.
  • The entire nomination has become RINO week on discovery channel.
  • The entire nomination has become RINO week on discovery channel.
    You wanna be careful, it's really hot inside those Rhinos.
  • As a registered Republican there is no one running worth voting for. They call themselves Republicans but I don't.
  • As a registered Republican there is no one running worth voting for. They call themselves Republicans but I don't.
    As a registered Democrat I'm not sure who I'll vote for, and am considering looking into third party candidates. Although my state will vote for whatever blood-tinted candidate comes up.
  • I'm surprised that the high level of Obama dissatisfaction has not translated into a primary challenge.
  • edited December 2011
    I'm surprised that the high level of Obama dissatisfaction has not translated into a primary challenge.
    I'm not completely dissatisfied with him, in fact I mostly support him. More accurately, I'm just open to a third option. I'm pretty sure the talk of "high levels of Obama dissatisfaction" are either simply misrepresented statistics or exaggerations. Most of the people I know who are Democrat are like me, a bit frustrated but not dissatisfied.

    I also don't think that there is anyone in either of the two parties who I would actually rather have run.
    Post edited by SquadronROE on
  • I'm surprised that the high level of Obama dissatisfaction has not translated into a primary challenge.
    Basically, it comes down to not wanting to risk losing to the other party. Political analysts have stated that the last two times there was a primary challenge to an incumbent (1992 with George H.W. Bush and Pat Buchanan; 1980 with Jimmy Carter and Teddy Kennedy), the incumbent ends up losing -- the idea being that the grilling the incumbent gets during the primaries hurts him should he still get the nomination.
  • And a lot of those who are frustrated also realize a primary challenge would just be handing the presidency off to the nutbar republicans. It used to be you chose the least-worst candidate. Now you have to chose between a lame duck and a bunch of crazy motherfuckers. Even if you hate Obama with all your soul, if you lean sane you'll vote Democrat this time and hope the GOP comes to something marginally resembling their senses.
  • I'd never vote party line under those circumstances. I'd sooner not vote at all unless the opposition party was a serious threat to the country.

    I don't vote for the lesser of two evils and when someone uses that argument I end up ignoring everything that person says.

    I remember back when Dole was running against Clinton. No one expected him to win but one of my loonier friends truly believed that if Dole won abortions would be made illegal as soon as he took office!

    I'm not likely to vote for Obama (he's kept too many bad Bush policies in place and he doesn't seem to know who he is or believe in himself. Why is he always trying to act like or be perceived as previous presidents?) But I also will not vote for a bad Republican either.
  • I'd never vote party line under those circumstances. I'd sooner not vote at all unless the opposition party was a serious threat to the country.
    In my earnest opinion, the Republican part of the last decade through today is a real, serious, dangerous threat to the country, moreso than any foreign power or terrorist organization.

  • I'd never vote party line under those circumstances. I'd sooner not vote at all unless the opposition party was a serious threat to the country.
    In my earnest opinion, the Republican part of the last decade through today is a real, serious, dangerous threat to the country, moreso than any foreign power or terrorist organization.

    After a ton of thought and discussion I've started to think the same thing. Moreso the last few years than the last decade though.
  • Now, the Democrats are by and large corrupt/incompetent. But they're at least not actively trying to burn everything down. I'll accept incompetent first and then work toward good, rather than risk crazy.
  • edited December 2011
    Like I said before, there are no Republicans running...
    Post edited by HMTKSteve on
  • No True Scotsman, dude. This is what Republicans look like now.
  • Coke tried that once but no one wanted new Coke. Republicans are in the same boat. I don't consider the current crop to be Republicans, they are new Republicans and they leave a shitty taste in my mouth.
  • BTW, we should definitely report Rick Perry's ads to Youtube for hateful speech if he keeps up this dog whistle politics bullshit. He shouldn't be allowed to get away with this stuff just because he's a politician.
  • While I am frustrated with how the federal government has been operating, I am less dissatisfied with Obama and the executive wing, and far far more disgusted with the decrepit whorehouse we call Congress. Particularly the freshmen Tea Baggers who have done an excellent job of voting down every last thing Obama has attempted to do, and then gleefully ran to the media saying how his policies have failed, somehow making their success at breaking things his fault.
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