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Republican? Just scream and lie.



  • Indeed, an obsession with balance in media led to ingraining the golden means fallacy deep into American media culture. Part of the reason the Republicans can control the tone of debate so well is because the media will report on any viewpoint, no matter how insane, as valid by giving it equal airtime to sanity. This lets the Republicans run as far into lala land as they want and drag the overton window with them.
  • Nah, I'm not talking about a completely clear line, I just want a little more difference between the guys who are paid to state their opinions and the people who's job it is to report on news. I know there will always be bias, but when the reporter is just reading something off the opinion makers site and reading it like it came from a legit source, then I start getting annoyed. (I.E. The stuff Fox News likes to do)
  • The problem with your graphic is that ignores those above the regional groups and local activists.
  • The problem with your graphic is that ignores those above the regional groups and local activists.
    Who are?
  • The problem with your graphic is that ignores those above the regional groups and local activists.
    Who are?
    Obviously the real conspirators.
  • The commies!!!!
  • The problem with your graphic is that ignores those above the regional groups and local activists.
    Who are?
    The commies!!!!
    At first I was all, "FFFFFF CLIMATE CHANGE DENIAL" but then I was all, "LOL, Troll-Bait-n-Switch Joke!"

  • You know I hate Santorum with a burning frothy passion, but the guy actually comes off 100% less turd-sandwich then Mitt Romney with talking to people (and not talking about social issues)
  • I think he is more genuine than both Newt and Romney, but that just means when he says hateful stuff, he really means it. He legitimately is a crazy Christian, and seems honest about his beliefs. Fundamentalist Christians can be very friendly and nice, if you don't trigger one of their bigot buttons. Romney is a richboy who tries to adopt an image, but is a very bad actor and kind of a failure at talking to normal people.
  • edited February 2012
    I think he is more genuine than both Newt and Romney, but that just means when he says hateful stuff, he really means it. He legitimately is a crazy Christian, and seems honest about his beliefs. Fundamentalist Christians can be very friendly and nice, if you don't trigger one of their bigot buttons. Romney is a richboy who tries to adopt an image, but is a very bad actor and kind of a failure at talking to normal people.
    The thing about Santorum is that he is even a bad fundamentalist with respect to his own Catholic faith. He's in favor of the death penalty, which the Catholic Church vehemently opposes. He's in favor of teaching intelligent design and creationism, while the Catholic Church has come out and said "evolution is the proper scientific description of God's method of Creation." I'm sure if I dig even deeper, I'll find even more examples of how he is a bad Catholic...
    Post edited by Dragonmaster Lou on
  • The thing about Santorum is that he is even a bad fundamentalist with respect to his own Catholic faith. He's in favor of the death penalty, which the Catholic Church vehemently opposes. He's in favor of teaching intelligent design and creationism, while the Catholic Church has come out and said "evolution is the proper scientific description of God's method of Creation." I'm sure if I dig even deeper, I'll find even more examples of how he is a bad Catholic...
    A 'Good Christian' is not the same as a 'Good Catholic'.
  • Fucked up Republican gerrymandering.
  • The thing about Santorum is that he is even a bad fundamentalist with respect to his own Catholic faith. He's in favor of the death penalty, which the Catholic Church vehemently opposes. He's in favor of teaching intelligent design and creationism, while the Catholic Church has come out and said "evolution is the proper scientific description of God's method of Creation." I'm sure if I dig even deeper, I'll find even more examples of how he is a bad Catholic...
    A 'Good Christian' is not the same as a 'Good Catholic'.
    True, but Santorum is a practicing Catholic...
  • Fucked up Republican gerrymandering.
    You should see PA, the map they just threw out had my district looking like a squid...
  • I just looked at the WA state map, and I can't believe all the shit with Disctricts 6, 8, and 9 is ridiculous.
  • edited February 2012
    Gerrymandering is really a problem we need to remove from the system...

    Found A Thing:
    Post edited by Anthony Heman on
  • This is the district Rochester is in:
  • My neighborhood's actually in another district, that also reaches around from Syracuse-way in order to keep the voting population sufficiently biased.
  • Here's MA's redistricting... It actually looks relatively sane and not too Gerrymandered, at least at first glance:
  • edited February 2012
    Irondequoit is in another district? What the balls.

    EDIT: Also, obligatory: West Henrietta Institute of Technology.
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • edited February 2012
    Illinois took the Gerrymanderer prestige class:


    Bonus points: like New York, the vast majority of voters are concentrated in our state's largest city (Chicago), which is still run by machine politics. Machines and Gerrymandering. (Democrats) Can't Lose.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited February 2012
    So the economy is looking up. Says Sarah Palin: It's all an Media conspiracy to cook the books and have Obama win the election.
    It's not a conspiracy, it's just Regression to the Mean.

    Post edited by Luke Burrage on
  • See, the way it works is, if your a campaign manager and your candidate says something retarded, you spin like the Tasmanian devil and hope something good comes of it.

    What you're not supposed to do is say something even more phenomenally stupid than your candidate just did to make his entire campaign look like it's run by a bunch of ultra-right neo-facist anti-everyone racist morons.

    That is unless that's exactly what you are.
  • Stolen from Bill Maher's twitter "Unemployment is down, confidence is up, DOW 5,000 above Bush - or as Republicans put it, let's talk about gay people and abortion!"
  • See, the way it works is, if your a campaign manager and your candidate says something retarded, you spin like the Tasmanian devil and hope something good comes of it.

    What you're not supposed to do is say something even more phenomenally stupid than your candidate just did to make his entire campaign look like it's run by a bunch of ultra-right neo-facist anti-everyone racist morons.

    That is unless that's exactly what you are.
    Nobody out crazy's Rick Santorum.

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