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Republican? Just scream and lie.



  • Man, it's like the GOP is trying to lose. Not that I'm complaining or anything.
  • Wow. I haven't been following the republicans in the last week or so, but I heard whispers that they were throwing steaming piles of shit into our national fan. I didn't know how true that was until now.

  • Fucking wow. I am not sure what astounds me more, the fact that he can spout this garbage this freely or that it caused him to gain more support.
  • Unfuckingbelieveable. He just either lied through his teeth or is a complete moron.
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    I believe this is quite apt. Also, as an aside note: one of my friends posted this into a debate about homosexuality on a different forum I frequent, about paintball/airsoft. If there's single group of people who I don't want to have pissed off at me due to my beliefs, it would be those whom point automatic weapons at me. I don't care what they shoot.
  • Well, here's some more information on how Santorum is a bad Catholic, despite his (no pun intended) holier-than-thou attitude:

    Top Ten Catholic Teachings Santorum Rejects while Obsessing about Birth Control
  • I hope Santorum takes the nomination. That would be the millstone around the neck that drags the GOP to their inevitable demise.
  • It would be amusing... Kind of reminds of the old joke as to how the GOP gets its electricity: they have a generator hooked up to Abraham Lincoln's coffin.
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    Portrait of Rick Santorum made of gay porn. I would say nsfw but the pictures are so small I doubt it matters.
  • Supply Side Jesus. Just in case you were wondering who the GOP keep talking about.

    I'm fairly certain it is literally older than the Internet but if you haven't seen it, it's new to you!
  • Supply Side Jesus. Just in case you were wondering who the GOP keep talking about.

    I'm fairly certain it is literally older than the Internet but if you haven't seen it, it's new to you!
    Not sure. I know that it was printed in Al Franken's 2003 book "Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them", but it could be older than that.

  • edited February 2012
    I think it first ran in his book Rush Limbaugh Is A Big Fat Idiot and then also in Lies, but I'm not positive.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Santorum on science:
    Santorum told the audience that “what’s taught in our school system as a result of liberal academia, is evolution is an incontrovertible fact. There is no suspicion of it. It is decided science that cannot be questioned. There cannot be any doubts about it. If you have any questions or doubts, it’s trying to inject religion into the science classroom. So it is above reproach.”
  • edited February 2012
    So, I was following a discussion on reddit that led me to Sean Hannity's forum. Then I read this:
    Also, FORCING the Taxpayer to pay people for having babies outside of marriage is a violation of the 13th Amendment's prohibition on Involuntary Servitude.
    What the ungodly fuck.
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • So, I was following a discussion on reddit that led me to Sean Hannity's forum. Then I read this:
    Also, FORCING the Taxpayer to pay people for having babies outside of marriage is a violation of the 13th Amendment's prohibition on Involuntary Servitude.
    What the ungodly fuck.
    Holy hell. The worst part is that someone actually thought about that for a few moments and decided "Yeah, this makes sense."

  • So, I was following a discussion on reddit that led me to Sean Hannity's forum.
    At what point did this seem like a good idea?

  • I wanted to know if the mainstream right-wingers actually supported Santorum, or if it was all just media hype. SPOILERS: they do.
  • So, I was following a discussion on reddit that led me to Sean Hannity's forum. Then I read this:
    Also, FORCING the Taxpayer to pay people for having babies outside of marriage is a violation of the 13th Amendment's prohibition on Involuntary Servitude.
    What the ungodly fuck.
    Of course, if we take that to the ultimate conclusion, forcing the taxpayer to pay any taxes at all is a violation of the prohibition on Involuntary Servitude...

  • I wish they would make non-parody music. Their stuff is really catchy.
  • So, I was following a discussion on reddit that led me to Sean Hannity's forum. Then I read this:
    Also, FORCING the Taxpayer to pay people for having babies outside of marriage is a violation of the 13th Amendment's prohibition on Involuntary Servitude.
    What the ungodly fuck.
    Of course, if we take that to the ultimate conclusion, forcing the taxpayer to pay any taxes at all is a violation of the prohibition on Involuntary Servitude...

    I have seen people make that very argument un-ironically
  • I wish they would make non-parody music. Their stuff is really catchy.
    They do
  • Karen Santorum needs a heaping helping of bitchslap.
    "The 'want' is a mission to make the culture a better culture, more pleasing to God," Mrs. Santorum said. "For us it's all about making the world a better place."
    FUCK YOU you unholy cunt rag. Our job is not to please your imaginary sky fairy.
  • Hey, hey now, what do you have against sanitary napkins?
  • Does this man have any sort of education? Or is he just that special.
  • edited February 2012
    Chris Christie vetoes gay marriage bill as he said he would. This comes after he basically said he wanted to utilize the tyranny of the majority to oppress homosexuals in New Jersey. However, he still vetoed the bill despite it passing both the state House and Senate.

    This may mean that Chris Christie has essentially voted himself out of office with a single act.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Doubtiful Windupbird. Other things will take him out, highly doubtiful it will be because of gay marriage.
  • Doubtiful Windupbird. Other things will take him out, highly doubtiful it will be because of gay marriage.
    I thought there was massive uproar in NJ over his gay marriage stance? I know it won't be the sole motivating issue, but it sure won't help matters.

  • I thought there was massive uproar in NJ over his gay marriage stance? I know it won't be the sole motivating issue, but it sure won't help matters.
    There was but I think what Cremlian was saying was that Christie was likely already going to be out without this. All this does is add straw to the already broken camel's back.
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