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Republican? Just scream and lie.



  • It would be funny if you had a gun that would just make someone throw up.
    Spider Jerusalemhad a bowel disruptor gun. I'm sure you can imagine what that does.
    God, I love Transmet. "Someone help! The president shat himself!"

    Did GeekNights ever do a review of Transmet?
  • As I remember, either Rym or Scott didn't enjoy it. I'm surprised.
  • Probably Rym. He's not so much a comics person.
  • I read a bunch of it a long time ago. It wasn't that great, in my opinion.
  • Shep Smith (of Fox News no less) rips apart Senator John Barrasso (R-Wyo)
    Shep might get canned for that, but it's nice to see someone not being just a talking head on Fox News. This was equally fucked up: Glenn Beck fearmongers over flu shots. I'll probably tune in, since I'm getting sick and I don't have anything to do on Thursdays. Chances are it's about the presence of squalene in the new vaccine, which is causing a ruckus (despite its ties to Gulf War Syndrome being debunked), even though squalene is literally all over everything, including the oil-producing pores of your fingers. The Beckster really needs someone to link him to the Pidgin English version of Wikipedia.
  • edited October 2009
    Bump: The Vaccine edition of Beck is airing presently. I am fuming. The man doesn't understand biostatistics or anything about why health care workers are being legally required to get the vaccine. Nor does he read SBM. He's also talking having a doc fearmonger over thiomersal, the vaccine and autism link, the "dangers" of vaccines (talking about the '78 swine flu) and the non-existent link between squalene and GWS.

    I hate this man, and I hate the No Vaccination crowd.

    Edit: Oh, and one of the doctors just alluded to his belief that thiomersal causing autism, as well as an entire spectrum of neurological disorders. *facepalm*
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited October 2009
    (Rude Gesture)
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • You're looking at this wrong. This means there's more vaccine for us non-stupid folks.
  • Why is he wambulancing about this particular issue? This has nothing to do with the "liberal agenda" or anything. It's just him being crazy and anti-science.
  • This has nothing to do with the "liberal agenda" or anything. It's just him being crazy and anti-science.
    Science = liberal agenda.
  • This has nothing to do with the "liberal agenda" or anything. It's just him being crazy and anti-science.
    Science = liberal agenda.
    I'm not lying when I say that I saw him go "governmental science..." with an air of distrust.
    You're looking at this wrong. This means there's more vaccine for us non-stupid folks.
    This is a fact. I get to be EXTRA healthy at Beck's expense! However, I feel badly for people (particularly pregnant moms, etc.) who are going to get scared into not vaccinating by friends and family who are Beck-lovers. Beck claims that he "foresees a pandemic like 1918 coming," but he makes NO attempt to stop it, even though we can help prevent the conditions that would make something like that happen. Instead, he just stokes the fires of plagues like some bizarre mythological harbinger of doom.
  • I'd be OK with this if this only endangered those who aren't vaccinated. The problem is, a large unvaccinated population destroys herd immunity. Thus, Glen Beck promoting this anti-vaccine nonsense is a direct attack on the health and well-being of intelligent people everywhere.

    In other words, fuck Glen Beck. In the ass. With a chainsaw. Covered in bees.
  • That is pretty kewl. Maybe you can draw some cartoons of Glenn Beck crying about vaccinations.
  • That is pretty kewl. Maybe you can draw some cartoons of Glenn Beck crying about vaccinations.
    Oh crap. Posted in the wrong thread!
  • I wasn't sure whether this belongs somewhere else but since this is the thread about angry newscasters and people trying to punch through their own personal views by force, I thought I should post it here.

    Bill O'Reilly interviews Richard Dawkins, chooses the God-of-the-Gaps fallacy as his weapon of choice to argue that creationism should be "mentioned" in schools. Dawkins of course rejects it and O'Reilly calls him a fascist for it. Then Billo falls back on an argument from popularity.
  • Bill O'Reilly interviews Richard Dawkins, chooses the God-of-the-Gaps fallacy as his weapon of choice to argue that creationism should be "mentioned" in schools. Dawkins of course rejects it and O'Reilly calls him a fascist for it. Then Billo falls back on an argument from popularity.
    I may be somewhat religious, but I'm definitely warming up to Dawkins. The way he (appropriately) laid the smackdown when Bill suggested that God should be mentioned in science classes was awesome. I, for one, am with him entirely--unless a parent pays money for its inclusion, religion has no place in education. I also enjoy the "Will you stop shouting and let me finish!?" and the refutation of a charge of fascism (a term O'Reilly definitely doesn't know the definition of).
  • I am shocked how level and cool-headed O'Reilly was during the interview.
  • I actually really liked that interview, I think O'Reilly and Dawkins were good at remaining civil. I think that interview really illustrates the disconnect between the religious and the atheists.
  • I actually really liked that interview, I think O'Reilly and Dawkins were good at remaining civil. I think that interview really illustrates the disconnect between the religious and the atheists.
    In what way was O'Reilly civil? He called his guest a fascist!
  • He called his guest a fascist!
    That's pretty civil for O'Reilly. At least he didn't try to exorcise the guy.
  • He called his guest a fascist!
    That's pretty civil for O'Reilly. At least he didn't try to exorcise the guy.
    Okay, we now have a perspective problem. Just because O'Reilly wasn't foaming at the mouth does not make him civil. Just because an axe murderer only kills one person on a given day rather than his usual five doesn't mean he was being nice.
  • Ai-ya. I should have used green text. :3
  • Ai-ya. I should have used green text. :3
    No, I should have just not jumped on my soap-box without thinking. LOL.
  • It's ok. Soap boxes are fun!

    Actually, I don't believe I have ever bought a box of soap. Do they still make soap boxes nowadays? Hell, I can barely even find real milk crates!
  • edited November 2009
    Virginia Foxx - Epitome of a fear-mongering liar. How do people like this get elected? The amount of filth this woman is spouting is shocking. How can our lawmakers be allowed to say things that are so patently false, but also obviously intended to try and panic people over nothing? There should be some sort of repercussion for this, beyond the possibility of not being re-elected. Hell, even John Boehner wouldn't touch her comments, and he's a particularly stupid liar.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • There should be some sort of repercussion for this, beyond the possibility of not being re-elected.
    We would be fine of the Democrats had even a single metaphorical testicle to share amongst them. They should be publicly and loudly lambasting these idiots. They should be constantly calling attention to how ludicrous the right has become. They should meet fearmongering like this with outright ridicule. There is no room for civility with some people: only Buzz Aldrining remains.

    Remember, a solid Buzz Aldrining doesn't have any effect on the victim. Its purpose is to shut the victim down in the eyes of everyone else.
  • There should be some sort of repercussion for this, beyond the possibility of not being re-elected.
    We would be fine of the Democrats had even a single metaphorical testicle to share amongst them. They should be publicly and loudly lambasting these idiots. They should be constantly calling attention to how ludicrous the right has become. They should meet fearmongering like this with outright ridicule. There is no room for civility with some people: only Buzz Aldrining remains.

    Remember, a solid Buzz Aldrining doesn't have any effect on the victim. Its purpose is to shut the victim down in the eyes of everyone else.
    Perhaps that should be your new party's name, the Aldrining party.
  • The B.A.P. maybe?
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