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Republican? Just scream and lie.



  • I think The Face Puncher Party would get the message across better without the somewhat obscure reference.

    A:"Hi, I'm with The FPP"
    B:"Huh? You some kind of kenyan nazi commie?"
    A:"No.. bitch."
  • edited November 2009
    Virginia Foxx - Epitome of a fear-mongering liar.How do people like this get elected? The amount of filth this woman is spouting is shocking. How can our lawmakers be allowed to say things that are so patently false, but also obviously intended to try and panic people over nothing? There should be some sort of repercussion for this, beyond the possibility of not being re-elected. Hell, even John Boehner wouldn't touch her comments, and he'sa particularly stupid liar.
    Virginia Foxx is a crazy old bat? What else is new?

    I just did a Google search since I YouTube didn't open somehow and the short for her website below the link to it reads the following "Illegal ImmigrationCZAR CrazyNo Pork! Contribute to the Virginia Foxx Campaign". Pretty much sums it up. I still have a hard time to decide whether she or Michelle Bachmann is more insane.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • The one legitimate point she has is that (if in fact this is true, and if indeed it is true, if this was not a twisted out-of-context quote) a ban on private insurance would be bad.
  • Today, the GOP is going to commence reading all two thousand lawyerspeak pages of the bill out loud, during Congressional session, on the taxpayer dollar, presumably to halt progress and debate.

    Why do these people STAY in power?
  • Today, the GOP is going to commence reading all two thousand lawyerspeak pages of the bill out loud, during Congressional session, on the taxpayer dollar, presumably to halt progress and debate.

    Why do these people STAY in power?
    Because our education system fails as a country.
  • Today, the GOP is going to commence reading all two thousand lawyerspeak pages of the bill out loud, during Congressional session, on the taxpayer dollar, presumably to halt progress and debate.

    Why do these people STAY in power?
    Your joking right? This is allowed? Is there anyway to stop them from being dicks on tax payer money?
  • You could try suing them.
  • Your joking right? This is allowed? Is there anyway to stop them from being dicks on tax payer money?
    God, I wish. A public referendum that resulted in a law stating that time spent filibustering would be directly subtracted from the salaries of the congressmen and women in question? It would be a giant step toward fixing US politics.
  • Did you hear that GOP congresstypes all agreed to refuse to go to a scheduled floor debate on global warming, causing the debate to be delayed?
  • edited November 2009
    Did you hear that GOP congresstypes all agreed to refuse to go to a scheduled floor debate on global warming, causing the debate to be delayed?
    Realistically speaking, if the "second major party" is going to behave like this, they shouldn't *be* the second major party. These people are not performing their duties to represent the electorate. They are essentially getting paid to do nothing, and should be ousted because of it. If I am an accountant, and the other accountants and I just decide not to show up at a meeting, I would be fired. Congresspeople should be held to the same standards. I have no issue with the fact that a state elects a GOP rep or senator; that's democracy. My issue is where said reps and senators stop debating (as is the job we all, democrat and republican alike, pay them for), and instead just halt all progress by refusing to do any work. They should all face impeachment hearings, and new GOP members who are open to debate and discussion should be brought in to replace them (assuming they exist anymore).

    This is like Michelle Bachmann's call for a protest on the mall of the healthcare bill today. However, that hardly merits mention; the woman is functionally impaired by some critical failure of the part of the mind that governs intelligent social interaction.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Your joking right? This is allowed? Is there anyway to stop them from being dicks on tax payer money?
    God, I wish. A public referendum that resulted in a law stating that time spent filibustering would be directly subtracted from the salaries of the congressmen and women in question? It would be a giant step toward fixing US politics.
    HOMG, vote on the merits of the bill itself based on the benefits and detriments to your constituents and not use threats and leverage to get what you want? How could you support such a way of political life? It cannot be!

    Everybody knows that political maneuvering and personal gain is more important in Congress than legislative progress. If you can't get what you want, at least you can keep anybody else from getting what they want!
  • Your joking right? This is allowed? Is there anyway to stop them from being dicks on tax payer money?
    God, I wish. A public referendum that resulted in a law stating that time spent filibustering would be directly subtracted from the salaries of the congressmen and women in question? It would be a giant step toward fixing US politics.
    HOMG, vote on the merits of the bill itself based on the benefits and detriments to your constituents and not use threats and leverage to get what you want? How could you support such a way of political life? It cannot be!

    Everybody knows that political maneuvering and personal gain is more important in Congress than legislative progress. If you can't get what you want, at least you can keep anybody else from getting what they want!
    What's worse about that is that it really is "I can't get what I want that will benefit me and my idealogies, therefore I will fuck everyone else as hard as I can for as long as I can until I get what I want!" which is far away from "I want to do what will be beneficial for my constituents, therefore I need to hold this law up in order to negotiate".

    Particularly with the boycott of the global warming thing. They boycotted because they said they want to do a study, when there already IS a study. Barbara Boxar even had an expert from the EPA available at a later meeting to answer GOP questions, but that's not good enough for them apparently. They need a GOP expert doing a GOP backed study to tell everyone that global warming is a myth so they can fake righteous indignation and continue to be obstructionist for no reason.
  • This wouldn't be an issue if the Democrats would publicly take the GOP to task on their idiocy. As with all governmental problems in the US today, all we need is a Democratic party willing to dish out a solid Buzz Aldrining.

    We should let them filibuster. And while they're filibustering, we should have constant ads and public speeches condemning their lack of patriotism, obstructionism, and pig-headedness. We should loudly call them out for refusing debate, and claim that they are in fact refusing to debate (and instead filibustering) only because they cannot actually win a debate.

    The Democrats need only a single testicle, and things will work themselves out.
  • The Democrats need only a single testicle, and things will work themselves out.
    It all comes down to testicles in the end.
  • edited November 2009
    Orin Hatch seems to be so apoplectic about the health care bill that his fear-mongering backfired. He tried to spook people into thinking that we'll become a one-party nation if the health care reforms go through, but instead made it sound like health care for the masses and an end to insurance companies would cause so much public approval that the GOP would not be able to win elections...and that's why they should oppose any reforms.


    Oh, and Michelle Bachman continues to spin wildly into some Twilight Zone of ultra-conservative bizarreness. But we all already know she was bat-shit loco anyhow.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • Oh, andMichelle Bachmancontinues to spin wildly into some Twilight Zone of ultra-conservative bizarreness. But we all already know she was bat-shit loco anyhow.
    ...That's it. I'm leaving this party. FUCK...THIS...SHIT!!!
  • You can come join the Pragmatic Rationalists Party when Rym forms it.
  • You can come join the Pragmatic Rationalists Party when Rym forms it.
    If he forms it you mean.
  • Ifhe forms it you mean.
    It's close. It's almost a national party for rills. ^_~
  • The problem with our two party system is that BOTH parties engage in these antics. The public doesn't have a viable alternative.
  • edited November 2009
    Democrats have antics, perhaps, but they are have been pulling far fewer shenanigans lately than the Republican Party. I can't help it if I see the Dems as a sort of "lesser of two evils" solution?
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • The Democrats need only a single testicle, and things will work themselves out.
    It all comes down to testicles in the end.
    As my friend pointed out to me the other day, though, Obama's been accomplishing a lot under the table, and the perception of the "castrato president", while it may be true of the Democratic Party as a whole, is not necessarily true of Obama. Examples of his accomplishments so far include credit card reform, fuel efficiency standard increases (40% higher efficiency and cleanliness by 2016), the defense budget (which expands PTSD and traumatic brain injury coverage and treatment, among other things), an executive order instructing government agencies to comply with FoIA requests, a stop to prosecuting medical marijuana cases and raiding medical marijuana producers/distributors, and a plan to end the war in Iraq by August 2010, among many others.

    I suspect that Obama is using the fact that the media and Congress like to focus on a single hot-button issue to get shit done without people noticing (and therefore causing conflict, delaying action). This means that the hot-button issues will move more slowly, but I think people aren't giving the president enough credit here.

    The Democratic Party, on the other hand, is a different matter entirely...
  • The problem with our two party system is that BOTH parties engage in these antics. The public doesn't have a viable alternative.
    Point to one example of a Democrat pulling the unholy bullshit that Foxx, Bachman, Hatch, Boehner or any of their ilk are trying to foist on the public. Find me one Democrat who has lied so directly and patently, who has appealed to fear and ignorance with the current health-care debate. There's politics, and there's the level of bullshit so astronomical coming from the conservatives that there isn't a word strong enough for it.
  • "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" :-p You mean a case where a Democrats super lied about something other then an affair ;-p
  • "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" :-p You mean a case where a Democrats super lied about something other then an affair ;-p
    . . . or maybe a case where democrats super lied about something that was actually important, like health care, global warming, or the like.
  • I suspect that Obama is using the fact that the media and Congress like to focus on a single hot-button issue to get shit done without people noticing (and therefore causing conflict, delaying action). This means that the hot-button issues will move more slowly, but I think people aren't giving the president enough credit here.
    That's actually a really good plan, even though it doesn't get any gekiga points. Rym, when you form that party, I can help form the Rochester office. I'm slowly getting in with the local politicians, and I think I'll eventually do some city rebuilding things within the next five years.
  • "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" :-p You mean a case where a Democrats super lied about something other then an affair ;-p
    Clinton's impeachment was not about an affair it was about lying under oath. You can try and trivialize it by referring to what he lied about but that in no way defends the fact that he lied under oath.
    I suspect that Obama is using the fact that the media and Congress like to focus on a single hot-button issue to get shit done without people noticing (and therefore causing conflict, delaying action). This means that the hot-button issues will move more slowly, but I think people aren't giving the president enough credit here.
    You have just validated Glenn Beck!
  • Would LBJ and the gulf Of Tonkin 'incident' qualify?
  • Democrats have antics, perhaps, but they are have been pulling far fewer shenanigans lately than the Republican Party. I can't help it if I see the Dems as a sort of "lesser of two evils" solution?
    Do you think they are pulling less shenanigans because they are pulling them less or because they are successfully pulling them off behind the scenes and not getting caught? What about the wonderful ACTA treaty?

    BoingBoing on the same
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