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Republican? Just scream and lie.



  • @Andrew: I kind of want to kiss you for that video.
  • @Andrew: I kind of want to kiss you for that video.
    I'll play proxy and do it for you :-P
  • This is 2012 right?

    Two people removed from RNC. They threw nuts at an African-American CNN camera operator and said, “This is how we feed animals.”

  • Wonder what the flip side of this will be at the DNC. "2 attendees nearly disagree with the political opinions of cameraman, but relinquish when he threatens to raise his voice."

    Still willing to bet money that there won't be any reports of racial harassment.
  • edited August 2012
    Romney Campaign not run by fact-checkers

    Probably due to the liberal bias of reality.
    Post edited by DevilUknow on
  • edited August 2012
    The short version was already posted, but here's the full six minute clip.

    (Edit - and the section preceding it.)
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I really need to watch this show.
  • Hey, the Republicans are actually telling the truth for once:
  • edited August 2012
    Things are getting weird.

    Everyone, even Fox New is calling the Repubs on their bullshit... and it doesn't matter. A man who has literally held every political stance you can and a serial liar who wants to loot every public entitlement in the name of a mentally ill dead woman is the presidential ticket for 48% of decided voters.

    And it will be that close. Bammer will win by a single digit percentile and it'll be another 4 years of sandbagging, corruption and bullshit. It's like watching a drowning man flip a coin to see if he wants a life preserver or a cannon ball thrown to him.
    Post edited by DevilUknow on
  • Who's the mentally ill dead woman? Is there something about Mormonism I don't know?
  • I still think the Republican National Convention should be called RepubliCON.
  • edited August 2012
    Karl Rove is trying to scare money out of billionaires like this (well, not EXACTLY that that since she is Australian, but you know what I mean) saying that the stakes of the coming election is the country "they inherited". Paging Dr. Freud.
    Post edited by DevilUknow on
  • Slightly biased and I only saw parts of the speeches (and the Kennedy memorial video) but if the D's can keep up the energy and passion of tonight they should have no trouble the rest of the week.
  • Holy shit, Bubba
  • I would vote for Clinton in a second if I could.
  • I would vote for Clinton in a second if I could.
    I would vote for Obama over Clinton, but Clinton over most every other statesman I can think of who's currently alive.
  • edited September 2012
    I would vote for Clinton in a second if I could.
    I would vote for Obama over Clinton, but Clinton over most every other statesman I can think of who's currently alive.
    ...why Obama over Clinton? Social issues? You have to consider temporal/cultural context.
    Post edited by muppet on
  • edited September 2012
    I was too young in the 90s to really get it. But I get it now.

    If I could give a speech like Clinton, I wouldn't be able to keep people off my dick either.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • I would vote for Clinton in a second if I could.
    I would vote for Obama over Clinton, but Clinton over most every other statesman I can think of who's currently alive.
    ...why Obama over Clinton? Social issues? You have to consider temporal/cultural context.
    I get the impression that they'd be equally capable presidents on most issues of governance. Clinton has more experience wrangling, and Obama has more anti-status-quo leanings. Equal but different in my eyes, but I personally lean toward the latter.

    Obama now would be a symbolic victory. He's become the direct straw man of every religious/regressive/ultraconservative nutjob out there. He's the focus of all the ire of the far right. I can't help but feel that a good deal of the extra vitriol came out of little more than him being popular, relatively liberal, and black, the last one being the most critical to said vitriol.

    The right increasingly pin all of their collective hopes on the idea that this one man is the problem, the aberration, and that the majority of USians truly want a tiny, religious government that is entirely hands off on all issues except abortion.

    Obama winning a second term would be the last straw. They see him as a fluke. They rationalize that he couldn't/shouldn't have won, and that there's no way he could win again, that a large number of people could possibly actually believe in social safety nets or universal healthcare.

    If Obama wins this election, the right has two choices.

    1. Accept that progressive center politics is the norm and moderate their positions as appropriate in order to reach reasonable compromise.

    2. Double down on crazy.

    Now, I'm not a betting man...
  • The right increasingly pin all of their collective hopes on the idea that this one man is the problem, the aberration, and that the majority of USians truly want a tiny, religious government that is entirely hands off on all issues except abortion.
    So basically the converse of what happened with Bush and the Left from 2000-2008...
  • Nah, we hated Dick Cheney too.
  • Biden isn't present enough to have an opinion about. :-)
  • The other part is that we hated Bush because he was incompetent and aggressive. We willingly give ground to the dude about the good stuff he did, like AIDS initiatives and such. The right hates Obama because he is Hitler in the alternate universe fanfiction they inhabit. They don't actually hate him for what he has done, because they already hate him too much to bother keeping track.
  • Sure, there are key differences, but hyperfocusing on Bush as the single source of partisan evil from 9/11 onward wasn't quite right, either. He was a cog, a fairly powerless cog, in a a terrible and evil machine that is still running strong today called the modern GOP.
  • Sure, there are key differences, but hyperfocusing on Bush as the single source of partisan evil from 9/11 onward wasn't quite right, either. He was a cog, a fairly powerless cog, in a a terrible and evil machine that is still running strong today called Congress.

  • edited September 2012
    A player for the Baltimore Ravens recently expressed his support for equal marriage rights on his twitter account. A Maryland politician sent this letter to the Ravens in order to silence him.

    However, in a weird twist, he is an old, black Democrat.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
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