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Republican? Just scream and lie.



  • A player for the Baltimore Ravens recently expressed his support for equal marriage rights on his twitter account. A Maryland politician sent this letter to the Ravens in order to silence him.

    However, in a weird twist, he is an old, black Democrat.
    First off: Hell yeah, Ravens and Ayanbadejo!

    Second off: Maryland is going to allow same-sex marriage come January of 2013, why the fuck is this guy from Baltimore county ruining it for us?

  • Mitt Romney shows us how to lose a vote:
  • edited September 2012
    Mahahahaha. I love when the truth bites someone in the ass. You can see the very slight expression change on Romney's face when he realizes that a slam-dunk response on marriage equality was suddenly going very wrong, and then instead of further discussing (although the vet admits the "yes or no answer" was part of his question), his handler slams on the eject button.
    That man was outstanding.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • image
    story of the year
  • FYI, the video is from December 2011.
  • edited September 2012
    Mitt Romney shows us how to lose a vote:
    In Mitt's defence, it was difficult to read what his position should be in that case so that he could take that position for the purpose of becoming the President.

    If anything, that veteran is to blame for appearing to be someone who would agree with Mitt's response.

    I mean, come on, do you get mad at Google for returning porn when you search for "huge cocks" just because you were looking for 4H club winners?

    Post edited by DevilUknow on
  • A player for the Baltimore Ravens recently expressed his support for equal marriage rights on his twitter account. A Maryland politician sent this letter to the Ravens in order to silence him.

    However, in a weird twist, he is an old, black Democrat.
    Well, is also from Mississippi, so that may contribute to that opinion.
  • A player for the Baltimore Ravens recently expressed his support for equal marriage rights on his twitter account. A Maryland politician sent this letter to the Ravens in order to silence him.

    However, in a weird twist, he is an old, black Democrat.
    Well, is also from Mississippi, so that may contribute to that opinion.
    and a Baptist Minister.

  • Stolen image from FKftG forum is relevant to multiple threads:
  • I find it fascinating that the Republicans of 40+ years ago actually have far more in common with today's Democrats than today's Republicans. I mean, Richard Nixon (of all people!) was the guy who gave us the EPA (a current GOP boogeyman) and tried to pass a limited, but meaningful, attempt at near-universal health care. Eisenhower played a significant part in expanding Social Security and said this:
    Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes that you can do these things. Among them are a few Texas oil millionaires, and an occasional politician or businessman from other areas. Their number is negligible and they are stupid.
  • See, this is why my grandfather, a Republican for many years, has voted Democrat for the past decade. He considers himself an centrist Eisenhower Republican and has no patience for the fanaticism of the current party.
  • The interesting thing is that I've met a fair number of Republicans, some of them probably around the same age as your grandfather, who still vote Republican, despite it not really being the same party as it used to be, just because of the "R" next to their names.

    Looking over some of the older Republican candidates and platforms, hell, I may consider myself a Republican (or at least Republican-leaning) if they were the same.
  • Man Romney really messed up today and yesterday, I wonder if all the Republicans who were all about not being critical of their leader in a time of war during Iraq and Afghanistan are taking note. (Not holding my breath)
  • HuffPo says that the GOP is imploding over this one. Pretty much everyone is aghast at what Mitt said. It's not inconceivable that it could cost him the election.

    GOP Foreign Policy analysts for various senators are going crazy too. They know there's no way to spin this that will make him an acceptable president in the eyes of the global Muslim community. He really bollocksed it up.
  • Cost him the election? Only if the mid-to-right disagree with him. Sadly, I don't think his comments cause waves in the pool that matters.
  • The democrats really need to amplify this. They need to have every news outlet they can rolling a story about this. Show that self-satisfied grin on that mans face. Demonize Romney till the cows come home.

    But we all know they won't. Dammit, why are they such pansies?
  • Cause they're fair and balanced
  • edited September 2012
    HuffPo says that the GOP is imploding over this one. Pretty much everyone is aghast at what Mitt said. It's not inconceivable that it could cost him the election.
    It already wasn't his to lose, to a significant extent. Still, this is going to hurt him even more.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • The democrats really need to amplify this. They need to have every news outlet they can rolling a story about this. Show that self-satisfied grin on that mans face. Demonize Romney till the cows come home.

    But we all know they won't. Dammit, why are they such pansies?
    In my opinion, it's a tough argument to spin. News of Romney's response will be drowned by developments for the next 48 hours or so. It took me a bit of sleuthing to figure out precisely what was said, and even then it seems like a tough thing to summarize. Sure, you can say "Romney is willing to politicize a national tragedy", but isn't that precisely what you're doing as well?

    Also, any super-skewed teabagger is just going to believe that the Republicans are telling the truth and Obama did sympathize with the attackers.
  • November 5th, the night before the election. The race has tightened since the conventions, and is virtually a toss-up. Like 2008, Obama has a half-hour ad to be broadcast nationwide. He covers the usual suspects: lessening dependence on foreign energy, fixing the budget, improving health care.

    He pauses. "Normally, this is where I talk about innovation, science, and technology." He pulls a pair of glasses out of his breast pocket and puts them on. "But tonight, I'd rather show you." He stands up from his desk and the camera is suddenly reversed. In first-person perspective, Obama leaves his desk and walks down a hall.

    Obama walks through the White House, unveiling the features of the new technology. His glasses show him email, movies playing on the wall, pizza order status, anything you could imagine. "America will revolutionize transportation, manufacturing, commerce, filmmaking, gaming, healthcare, every facet of our lives. Augmented reality is the type of innovation the American people are capable of, when given the proper environment to flourish in. Wearable-computing technology is just the first step."

    His speech is winding down. "Tomorrow I ask you to vote for me, as you did in 2008. After four years, I have returned to where I started. As has my walk tonight." He nears the Oval Office. "Oh, and by the way," he says, almost as an afterthought. Opening the doors and entering, he comes face to face with Gordon Freeman. "Half-Life 3 confirmed."

    The next day, Obama wins the election in a historic landslide.

  • AmpAmp
    edited September 2012
    Day after that Half-Life 3 announced as on hiatus. UN summit is called.
    Post edited by Amp on
  • Check it out. Middle income is $250k a year. Romney speaks.
  • If you're making millions a year I suppose that counts as "middle income".
  • Check it out. Middle income is $250k a year. Romney speaks.
    By what objective measure is $250K "middle income"?
  • The middle of $249K and $251K.
  • "I don't know anybody who makes less than that."
  • Just tweeted Mittens asking how he can justify this. Hoping he'll respond and maybe follow me on Tumblr.
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