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Republican? Just scream and lie.



  • I don't think I can even get worked up about Republicans anymore. They've gotta realize that they're on the losing end of the spectrum, since their appeal to angry white guys is failing so spectacularly.

    What would really be spectacular is if, in 2016 or 2020, Texas went blue due to changing demographics and the inability of Republicans to realign themselves with various minority voters.
    “The demographics race we’re losing badly,” said Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (S.C.). “We’re not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term.”
    --Washington Post, August 29, 2012

    People are saying the demographics are changing so quickly that the tactics they're using now will be completely unfeasible in 2016.
  • edited September 2012
    I don't think I can even get worked up about Republicans anymore. They've gotta realize that they're on the losing end of the spectrum, since their appeal to angry white guys is failing so spectacularly.

    What would really be spectacular is if, in 2016 or 2020, Texas went blue due to changing demographics and the inability of Republicans to realign themselves with various minority voters.
    I think you may underestimate the stubborn no-evidence-needed faith of Texans
    ftfy. Conservative christianity and republicanism are going to evolve to survive, and I doubt susceptibility to woo and prejudice are going to exit the human psyche any time soon. Unless conservative christianity uncouples from the Republican Party, people who spend their lives devoted to the biggest scam ever aren't suddenly going to stop relying on truthiness to inform their votes.
    Post edited by no fun girl on
  • I think you've got some tunnel vision here, but misguided religion is certainly one aspect of the problem.
  • *Misguided* religion. Har.
  • *Misguided* religion. Har.
    Bigotry is still bigotry even when its popular, Jason. :-/
  • *Misguided* religion. Har.
    Bigotry is still bigotry even when its popular, Jason. :-/
    Absolutely. I know plenty of people who actually live by the teachings of their religions, and they are all lovely, awesome people. Very few religions actually teach hate or violence. That is usually a result of the people involved; it's the people who spout hate and violence that are the problem.

  • Other idiocy against which I am bigoted: The Earth is hollow, dinosaurs are still alive in the Brazilian rainforest, lizard men rule the Illuminati, Obama is the antichrist, the moon landing was faked, cryptids, Shadow People, fortune telling, demonic possession, Nessie, sasquatches, greys, ley lines, energy crystals, dowsing, contacting the spirit world....
  • Other idiocy against which I am bigoted: The Earth is hollow, dinosaurs are still alive in the Brazilian rainforest, lizard men rule the Illuminati, Obama is the antichrist, the moon landing was faked, cryptids, Shadow People, fortune telling, demonic possession, Nessie, sasquatches, greys, ley lines, energy crystals, dowsing, contacting the spirit world....
    Spirituality isn't the same as believing in the Enquirer, Jason. Your closed-mindedness isn't really any better than Fundamentalists' closed-mindedness.
  • Please list the material differences between religion and any of the above.
  • Please list the material differences between religion and any of the above.
    Is there any point in rehashing this when the internet exists? Go google any number of arguments and read until full. I'm not interested. :-)
  • Is there any point in rehashing this when the internet exists? Go google any number of arguments and read until full. I'm not interested. :-)
  • Please list the material differences between religion and any of the above.
    Is there any point in rehashing this when the internet exists? Go google any number of arguments and read until full. I'm not interested. :-)
    No. There is no point. You are wise to disengage; no argument that religion/spirituality may actually fill a useful niche ever goes anywhere on this forum. Haters gonna hate.

  • Andrew, I know exactly what I'm doing. I'm not arguing a subjective subject with a pack of pedants who will insist on their own narrow definitions of the relevant terminology. :-) Been there, done that, got the T-shirt.

    I know Nuri but I do enjoy arguing. Normally. :-)
  • I will be very surprised if we're able to get back onto politics within the next page. It'll probably be circle jerks about how terrible religion is for the next while. Best to hunker down and enjoy it.
  • edited September 2012
    I think you've got some tunnel vision here, but misguided religion is certainly one aspect of the problem.
    It's what happens when you grow up in the US south, in a Conservative Christian family, and are taught conspiracy theories and biblical prophecy (as truth: I'm talking "The Creature from Jekyll Island", A Beka Books, John Birch Society, and basically this stuff) as part of your homeschooling education... And when the idea that Satan put fossils in the ground to trick people is not uncommon.. I'm not saying it's the ONLY problem. I'm saying critical thought is not a high priority, compared to faith and ideology. And that's something the R party has been taking advantage of.
    Post edited by no fun girl on
  • I think you've got some tunnel vision here, but misguided religion is certainly one aspect of the problem.
    It's what happens when you grow up in the US south, in a Conservative Christian family, and are taught conspiracy theories and biblical prophecy as part of your homeschooling education. I'm not saying it's the ONLY problem. I'm saying critical thought is not a high priority, compared to faith and ideology. And that's something the R party has been taking advantage of.
    I can definitely understand that. I think there's more than just religion playing a role in all that mess, though. There's a general distrust of those smart libruls in Washington, of gubmint in general, etc. Often religion and religious rhetoric is the glue but there's a whole mess of bullshit all aggregated together.
  • I will be very surprised if we're able to get back onto politics within the next page. It'll probably be circle jerks about how terrible religion is for the next while. Best to hunker down and enjoy it.
    Ah the biweekly religion circle jerk might be extra frothy this week.

    To get back to politics. Who do you guys think will follow after Obama? Is someone being groomed in the wings or are things just going to go to shitter city after hes gone.

  • Kucinich if there's any hope left in the universe.

    Let's all pray.
  • To get back to politics. Who do you guys think will follow after Obama? Is someone being groomed in the wings or are things just going to go to shitter city after hes gone.
    I thought it was obvious, that it seems to be Hillary Clinton. There was speculation about Obama taking Biden off as VP and putting Hilary as his running mate. Or at least I recall hearing about it in an episode of NPR It's All Politics.
  • edited September 2012
    Often religion and religious rhetoric is the glue but there's a whole mess of bullshit all aggregated together.
    This is what I'm trying to say. Until you do something about that glue, Texas isn't going blue.
    To get back to politics. Who do you guys think will follow after Obama? Is someone being groomed in the wings or are things just going to go to shitter city after hes gone.
    I thought it was obvious, that it seems to be Hillary Clinton. There was speculation about Obama taking Biden off as VP and putting Hilary as his running mate. Or at least I recall hearing about it in an episode of NPR It's All Politics.
    I thought she didn't want to.
    Post edited by no fun girl on
  • To get back to politics. Who do you guys think will follow after Obama? Is someone being groomed in the wings or are things just going to go to shitter city after hes gone.
    I thought it was obvious, that it seems to be Hillary Clinton. There was speculation about Obama taking Biden off as VP and putting Hilary as his running mate. Or at least I recall hearing about it in an episode of NPR It's All Politics.
    As useless as Biden is, I think it would be a mistake for Obama to change running mates at this point. There are too many pudding headed "moderates" and reluctant Democrats that will spin it as some sort of bizarre sign of weakness.
  • edited September 2012
    Oh. I didn't know. I thought it was still in the making. If not her, I got nothing.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • AmpAmp
    edited September 2012
    Interesting, it would certainly mix things up if Hilary was up next with OB on her staff. I couldn't see him changing running mates but I was wondering if there were some young up and comers that where waiting in the wings to be called up. In a similar vain what direction could the Republicans go in if they lose? Will they go back to more central votes after their wild card ultra right move failed or will they go even more right and see a party split?

    Edit; Also got us back on topic before the end of last page. Boom!
    Post edited by Amp on
  • Often religion and religious rhetoric is the glue but there's a whole mess of bullshit all aggregated together.
    This is what I'm trying to say. Until you do something about that glue, Texas isn't going blue.
    To get back to politics. Who do you guys think will follow after Obama? Is someone being groomed in the wings or are things just going to go to shitter city after hes gone.
    I thought it was obvious, that it seems to be Hillary Clinton. There was speculation about Obama taking Biden off as VP and putting Hilary as his running mate. Or at least I recall hearing about it in an episode of NPR It's All Politics.
    I thought she didn't want to.
    Bill said "Maybe". I'd think someone we haven't heard much from, although I hope Elizabeth Warren.
  • Oh mans, I forgot about here. Derp. I would love to see that ticket.
  • Kucinich if there's any hope left in the universe.

    Let's all pray.
    Oh god, no. Kucinich is the Democratic equivalent of wacko conspiracy theory nutjob.

  • Kucinich if there's any hope left in the universe.

    Let's all pray.
    Oh god, no. Kucinich is the Democratic equivalent of wacko conspiracy theory nutjob.

    How so?
  • Re: Texas turning blue.
    Not impossible but not this election cycle. The problem isn't even the "blueness" of many areas. Most of the cities are purple (Dallas, San Antonio) if not blue (Houston, Austin), but the real metropolitan areas account for maybe a bit more than half the population. Texas is extraordinarily rural in comparison many other states, and it would really take losing that demographic to make a real sea change.

    In general the demographics of Texas are shifting more urban, and less white, but that's a slow process.
  • Re: Texas turning blue.
    Not impossible but not this election cycle. The problem isn't even the "blueness" of many areas. Most of the cities are purple (Dallas, San Antonio) if not blue (Houston, Austin), but the real metropolitan areas account for maybe a bit more than half the population. Texas is extraordinarily rural in comparison many other states, and it would really take losing that demographic to make a real sea change.

    In general the demographics of Texas are shifting more urban, and less white, but that's a slow process.
    Right, which is why I'm thinking 2016/2020. Unless more draconian immigration tactics are favored.

  • Right, which is why I'm thinking 2016/2020. Unless more draconian immigration tactics are favored.
    Maybe if the GOP doesn't re-base itself after this election. Given how much of the state is rural or oil industry that support doesn't seem too likely to waver. In 8 years, yeah I could see demographics changes have a notable effect.

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