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Republican? Just scream and lie.



  • Capital gains are income. They are taxed as part of income tax. They just have a different tax rate than paycheck income if they are long term (sale of property held for more than a year.)
  • I think we're all getting side tracked by all this tax talk when a much greater danger to our health and safety is being ignored.
  • edited September 2012
    I think we're all getting side tracked by all this tax talk when a much greater danger to our health and safety is being ignored.
    Clearly the man either has to admit that he was wrong about something, or assume that every stupid problem that pops into his head is very real and needs to be fixed immediately.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • Mitt Romney: the man without impulse control.
  • I'm rethinking the assumption that Mitt Romney is an intelligent person. People assumed he must be, because of his business success. I'm starting to think he's simply a persistent person with a healthy dose of good luck.
  • Herman Caine is also a successful business man.
  • Herman Cain is also a successful business man.
    Herman Cain also has fantastic stage presence, and, if you watch any of the Daily Shows where they've had him on, pretty damned quick. Of course, that doesn't mean he'd be a good head of state.

    Romney, on the other hand, has the stage presence and self-awareness of a damp sponge.
  • What, business savvy is not diplomacy? (NOPE.)

    I'm tired of people thinking you can run a nation like a corporation. Constituents are not employees. They are not capital to be liquidated, downsized, or traded. States are not branch offices. Civil rights are not mere workplace guidelines. And most of all, the system does not exist to funnel money to the top.
  • Herman Cain is also a successful business man.
    Herman Cain also has fantastic stage presence, and, if you watch any of the Daily Shows where they've had him on, pretty damned quick. Of course, that doesn't mean he'd be a good head of state.

    Romney, on the other hand, has the stage presence and self-awareness of a damp sponge.
    I don't know. I think Spongebob could take him in an election.

  • Spongebob would beat Romney in a landslide unlike any we've seen since 1984.
  • edited September 2012
    I think we're all getting side tracked by all this tax talk when a much greater danger to our health and safety is being ignored.
    Why do they not open? Because even if you could swing them open, good fucking luck opening them against the pressure differential. You're going to need a minimum of a ton of force to wrench that fucker open, probably more, but I can't be arsed to do the math.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • Okay, now I want to do the math on that. What would you say the average window area is?
  • edited September 2012
    Okay, now I want to do the math on that. What would you say the average window area is?
    Total area of the window - the acrylic section that you look through, rather than the surround - is roughly a ten inch square or so, I'd call 100 square inches a good ballpark figure.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • Well, Wolfram Alpha is wonderful once again, and if you search by altitude it actually gives you barometric pressure. For a jet cruising at 30,000 feet, the pressure outside is about 30 kPa, or 30% of sea-level air pressure. Sea-level air pressure is about 15 pounds per square inch, according to Wikipedia, so we're looking at about 5 psi on one side of the window and 15 on the other. Over 100 square inches of window, we're looking at a differential of 1000 pounds - so, half a ton.
  • Of course, it would only be impossible to open the window if it opened inward - if you opened it outward, it might just pop right off the plane.
  • edited September 2012
    You're about 5,000-to-15,000 too low, but it's not a huge difference(24 to 15 kPa depending on if you're going lower or higher average cruise, since it depends on the airframe) - however, my previous statement was still inaccurate. I assume you mean Real tons, too, rather than long tons.

    And yeah, pretty much everything that opens into a pressurized area on an aircraft is a plug-style hatch, for that reason - Even the outward-opening doors you see leading out of the passenger compartment come into the plane, before pushing outward against the frame.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I'm rethinking the assumption that Mitt Romney is an intelligent person. People assumed he must be, because of his business success. I'm starting to think he's simply a persistent person with a healthy dose of good luck.
    You know he severely fucked Bain Capital when he was brought on to the point where they had to take bail-out money, right? He's a pretty awful businessman who made his money off of government subsidies.
  • I'm rethinking the assumption that Mitt Romney is an intelligent person. People assumed he must be, because of his business success. I'm starting to think he's simply a persistent person with a healthy dose of good luck.
    You know he severely fucked Bain Capital when he was brought on to the point where they had to take bail-out money, right? He's a pretty awful businessman who made his money off of government subsidies.
    Don't forget his father's own millions. Although, George Romney was much more of an Eisenhower Republican than Mitt is. He looks almost like a modern day Democrat by comparison.
  • On my commute this morning saw an old truck with a huge gaudy American Flag sticking out of the back. On the windows were old faded stickers saying "Hunters for Bush". Then I saw on the back bed door of the truck written in white chalk was, "NUKE LIBYA. KILL 'EM ALL" and on the bumper, "NOBAMA".

    Stay classy.
  • You know, maybe Romney should become president. Then, the American people would truly be represented amongst world leaders, in regards to religious ferver and ignorance.
  • You know, maybe Romney should become president. Then, the American people would truly be represented amongst world leaders, in regards to religious ferver and ignorance.
    Not at all. He would, maybe, represent one of the loudest sections of the American people. But (I really, really hope) not the majority.

    If by some obscene miracle Romney succeeds... well, there's always the whole rest of the world. I hear Canada's pretty nice.
  • Romney actually should be a good candidate for German PMship. His background is in buying failing companies, fixing them up, and selling them to bigger companies. If he replaced Merkel, he would buy up Greece, repair it, and sell it off to the Turks.

    I know it's not practical or applicable, but I like to say so anyway.
  • If by some obscene miracle Romney succeeds... well, there's always the whole rest of the world. I hear Canada's pretty nice.
    Steven "Dubya Jr." Harper is doing his best to ruin it.
  • As long as Romney keeps talking, Obama will win.
  • I'm honestly more interested in the Bill O'Reilly vs. Jon Stewart debate than the actual Presidential ones. We know that one will be at least more entertaining.
  • Unions aren't people! They get no speech!!!
  • Romney: My political enemies should be marginalized because they are my political enemies
    Seems pretty par for the course for the GOP.

    Also see, black people, latinos, poor people, etc.

  • Teachers unions are contributing campaign money? I thought unions weren't allowed to do that.
  • I'm honestly more interested in the Bill O'Reilly vs. Jon Stewart debate than the actual Presidential ones. We know that one will be at least more entertaining.
    I stand by my opinion that a Stewart/Colbert ticket would be the best thing for the USA.

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