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Republican? Just scream and lie.



  • Can I have some context for that photoshop? It's clearly modified, but I have no idea why or what for.
  • Can I have some context for that photoshop? It's clearly modified, but I have no idea why or what for.
    Probably to show that someone on the Romney side is doctoring the photos to look like he has more support than he does.
  • remember that girl that cut her face to make it look like she was beat up in 2008 by Obama supporters, that guy kinda looks that way :-p
  • edited October 2012
    Can I have some context for that photoshop? It's clearly modified, but I have no idea why or what for.
    click through. it links to the official romney campaign tumblr.
    edit: or doesn't. odd. here
    Post edited by no fun girl on
  • That is the worst photoshop I have ever seen. How did that guy even get that job?
  • It just looks like a poorly stitched panorama to me.
  • I agree with Luke here. If someone were trying to doctor the photos, they would have actually tried to make it look right.
  • What the fuck is up with this: International observers being threatened with prosecution if they observe the elections in Texas. The threat, from the Texas AG, may just be an attempt to pander to the xenophobes in the state, by lashing out at an easy target, but it just looks really bad to an outsider like me.

    America, I'm beginning to worry about you.
  • What the fuck is up with this: International observers being threatened with prosecution if they observe the elections in Texas. The threat, from the Texas AG, may just be an attempt to pander to the xenophobes in the state, by lashing out at an easy target, but it just looks really bad to an outsider like me.

    America, I'm beginning to worry about you.
    Yeah, that's not sketchy in the slightest.
  • We don't NEED the UN monitoring our elections
  • We don't NEED the UN monitoring our elections
    Yeah, but we don't need them being threatened either.

  • We don't NEED the UN monitoring our elections
    That is seriously debatable, and there's really no reason to object to it unless you are worried about what you're doing. It's a public process and there's no reason impartial UN observers shouldn't watch.
  • edited October 2012
    We don't NEED the UN monitoring our elections
    I beg to differ. Given how both sides (Republicans with accusations of "Black Panther thugs" and Democrats with the accusations around various voter ID laws and phone calls telling people that voting day was moved to Wednesday) are accusing the other of voter suppression and intimidation, it's obvious that we do need the UN monitoring our elections.

    Post edited by Dragonmaster Lou on
  • We don't NEED the UN monitoring our elections
    Yes we do, for the reasons Lou mentioned.

  • We don't NEED the UN monitoring our elections
    We have one of the highest error/lost ballot rates of all modern industrialized nations. Our election system sucks, and most of our states have failed to implement even reasonable or basic reform.
  • Regardless, I notice Chicago is suspiciously absent from the list of cities to be monitored. Obviously the president's hometown would NEVER do anything like be their usual lying cheating selves and embarrass the president. :/
  • Regardless, I notice Chicago is suspiciously absent from the list of cities to be monitored. Obviously the president's hometown would NEVER do anything like be their usual lying cheating selves and embarrass the president. :/
    You're pathetic.
  • edited October 2012
    Maybe I don't appreciate foreign meddling with my country's affairs.

    Edit: And I know what's coming. Yeah i think we should stop meddling in other countries' affairs as well.
    Post edited by Jack Draigo on
  • edited October 2012
    Regardless, I notice Chicago is suspiciously absent from the list of cities to be monitored. Obviously the president's hometown would NEVER do anything like be their usual lying cheating selves and embarrass the president. :/'re kidding, right? Please tell me you're being facetious.
    Maybe I don't appreciate foreign meddling with my country's affairs.
    Never mind the ludicrous generalization you're going with here, you do realize you're voting for the guy who asserted during the final debate that going into Iraq was justified because we "gave them freedom," right?

    Post edited by ProfPangloss on
  • edited October 2012
    Maybe I don't appreciate foreign meddling with my country's affairs.
    Meddling? They're just observing. All they can do is watch and then issue a report. They have no other power. It's not like they're invading us, assassinating our political leaders, and replacing them with figureheads that will bow to their every desire.
    Post edited by Dragonmaster Lou on
  • Yes I realize that.
  • Jack, your position is pure ignorant xenophobia. Seriously, there's nothing here but parroting what you've heard from wackos. This isn't about patriotism.
  • We don't NEED the UN monitoring our elections
    If that was trolling, well done sir. I applaud your daring and willingness to absorb rhetorical beatdowns.

    If that was serious, shame on you.

  • Yes I realize that.
    Then why does it bother you?

    1. We claim to be a democratic republic, yet our voting system is highly error-prone and inefficiently run by state interests rather than uniformly at a federal level.

    2. The 2000 and 2004 elections were statistical ties (the margin of error was greater than the difference between the candidates). This was almost entirely due to our poor system, noted above.

    3. There is no possible harm that could come. Either they find no problems, and our elections are lent further legitimacy, or they find problems, giving us more information to use in addressing said problems.

    Opposing this is ridiculous, ill-informed xenophobia.
  • Is Jack being genuine, or is he actually just trolling us all? I'm honestly not sure anymore.
  • I'm going to be optimistic and suggest that he's finally pulled a reasonably successful troll.
  • Opposing this is ridiculous, ill-informed xenophobia.
    Pretty much this. I really doubt there's any good reason to oppose letting other people watch our elections, unless you really have something to hide. I'm all ears if you have a good answer though, Jack. So far you're just afraid of "foreigners" for no adequately explained reason.
  • Well, FEMA is both an incompetent, expensive, useless organization of make-work and government waste, or a super-competent, shadow-funded, evil organization prepared to round us up into death camps and let a European New World Order cake control of the US.

    So... There's that. (Seriously, I'm sick of right-wing bullshit).
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