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Republican? Just scream and lie.



  • edited March 2011
    if you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit. in fact screw brilliance, bullshit is much easier, just do that
    - old pundit proverb
    Post edited by DevilUknow on
  • Um...there's nothing restricting anyone from going to a public park and having a prayer session.
    But I think what Dippy McGrizzlymom there is trying to get at is perhaps the separation of church and state?
  • This is why Texas sucks right now.
  • This is why Texas sucks right now.
    I ninja'd that story by about 24 hours, bro. ^.-
  • This is why Texas sucks right now.
    The hypocrisy is rather commonplace, I'm afraid. Brown people, according to neighbors near where I live, are parasites until they are enslaved by rich white men. And I say enslaved, because they are treated as though they are lower than dirt. Otherwise, they get to go back to Mexico. And what's really sad is no one will listen to reason, because "only communists" think like that.

    I hate my neighbors, and I hate my state.
  • Holy Crap, I just learned that a good friend of mine who works for the Center for inquiry in Buffalo has been dating the guy who prank called the Wisconsin governor that became famous..

  • I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.
  • think I just threw up in my mouth a little.

    I really want to counter protest idiots like this.
  • Okay. First, that's the worst thing I've ever seen. Second, how do people justify that to themselves. Third, America isn't a multicultural society, It is mutiethnic but it clearly has a single culture.
  • Okay. First, that's the worst thing I've ever seen. Second, how do people justify that to themselves. Third, America isn't a multicultural society, It is mutiethnic but it clearly has a single culture.
    what is this single culture you speak of? The people in that video seemed to be living a world far removed from mine.
  • Okay. First, that's the worst thing I've ever seen. Second, how do people justify that to themselves. Third, America isn't a multicultural society, It is mutiethnic but it clearly has a single culture.
    what is this single culture you speak of? The people in that video seemed to be living a world far removed from mine.
    Bigots have their own culture. It's international.
  • Ah, there's that familiar vacant hole left where my faith in humanity used to be.
  • Ah, there's that familiar vacant hole left where my faith in humanity used to be.

    It makes you wonder if America is truly ready for democracy.
  • So, media journal-esque personality and all around dick-hole James O'Keefe decided to lie and connive his way into getting an NPR executive to leave after saying things like the Tea Party is full of racists. I know, shocking right? Tea-Partiers jumped all over this saying that NPR should loose federal funding because it's slanted to the left, and basically lost their shit.
    This reaction boggles my mind considering some right-wing tea-party bloggers thought the fake website Okeefe set up was real. And then proceeded to post epithet-laden blogs about it.
    So not only are they racist, but pretty fucking stupid to boot.
  • So, the union leaders just moved for a General Strike in WI.

    Shit just got real.
  • So, the union leaders just moved for a General Strike in WI.
    All I can think of is this:
  • edited March 2011
    This is my favorite actual strike poster:

    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Indiana lawmakers want doctors to lie to patients about abortions.Specifically, they want doctors to tell them having an abortion will cause an increase in their chances for breast cancer. Also, they want doctors to force patients to look at an ultrasound, and sign a waiver if they refuse, and also tell patients that fetuses can feel pain. Presumably, they'll also want doctors to tell them that Jesus will punch them in the neck, and that their aborted fetus will try to claw it's way back inside.
  • edited March 2011
    Shit in WI just got worse. Apparently, part of the bill the GOP just rammed through allows state workers to be fired if the governor declares a state of emergency and they do not show up to work, or are on strike.
    According to an analysis (PDF) of the Senate bill by Wisconsin's Legislative Fiscal Bureau (LFB), the legislation gives state officials the power to fire workers during a "state of emergency" declared by the governor under several conditions. If a state employee misses three working days without an approved leave of absence, that's grounds for being fired. State workers can also be dumped if, according to the LFB's analysis, they participate in a "strike, work stoppage, sit-down, stay-in, slowdown, or other concerted activities to interrupt the operations or services of state government, including mass resignations or sick calls."
    That means (from what I can tell) if the unions go on strike now, and the GOP declares a state of emergency in the state for financial reasons, the state can just fire everyone who doesn't go to work.
    Smaller government my ass. Linkage.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • I remember when Reagan fired all the air traffic controllers for striking. There was a scary, but relatively brief, period when new hires where being rapidly trained to deal with their new jobs. What would this period be like if all state workers had to be replaced? It's going to be chaotic at best.

    On a more sinister note, I guess this would mean job opportunities for unemployed residents of WI who are not unemployed because they participated in the strike.
  • Scabs would only hurt themselves in the long run. Employment without collective bargaining is effectively slavery in the areas most threatened by this legislation.
  • We could create an FRC Enclave in Canada........ but it's so damn cold.....
  • Come of Vancouver. The average temp in winter is warmer than New York's.
  • Schrodinger's cat is not dead, Mr. Markey.
  • He referred to it as both dead and alive, actually.
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