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New Health Care Bill



  • How come you didn't answer your friend on the issue of the fucked up way they are trying to pass this bill?
    You mean using a procedural tactic that's been used countless times before by both parties?
    With a bill of this magnitude?
  • With a bill of this magnitude?
    They would have our gratitude.
  • With a bill of this magnitude?
    They would have our gratitude.
    So the ends justifies the means?
  • So the ends justifies the means?
    They're the people who make the laws, and the means are perfectly within the agreed-upon rules. Every single person in Congress knows these rules and agreed to them. If the Republicans are serious in their opposition, then they should instead raise a separate issue of removing reconciliation. They could force a debate on that before the health care bill passed: they just choose not to.

    Of course, if the Republicans prevented reconciliation, then the Democrats could win anyway simply by mustering their combined fortitude to grow a single testicle, however small, and simply force the Republicans to actually, for serious, filibuster as they've been threatening. There's no way those old men could maintain it.
  • So the ends justifies the means?
    In this instance? Yes.
  • It's not about reconciliation it is about deeming a bill passed without actually voting on it.
  • edited March 2010
    With a bill of this magnitude?
    They would have our gratitude.
    So the ends justifies the means?
    They are writing a bill of Extraordinary Magnitude. They wish to reform healthcare in the spirit of our Ancestors.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • March 18 (Bloomberg) -- House Speaker Nancy Pelosi may be creating new grounds for a court challenge to the proposed U.S. health-care overhaul as she considers using a mechanism that would avoid a vote on the full legislation.

    Pelosi said this week she might use a parliamentary technique that would “deem” House members to have passed the Senate’s health-care plan by voting for a more politically palatable package of changes.

    Some legal scholars question whether that approach can be squared with the Constitution and the Supreme Court’s 1998 declaration that the two houses of Congress must approve “precisely the same text” before a bill can become a law.
    Pelosi Tactic for Health-Care Vote Would Raise Legal Questions
  • edited March 2010
    It's not about reconciliation it is about deeming a bill passed without actually voting on it.
    Which is a tactic that has been used for countless bills in the past. What aren't you getting about that? This is part of the political process. The fact that the Democrats want to use it on something so major is a sign that they're growing some backbone. If they amend it and send it back to the Senate, it'll die. Period. The Republicans have established themselves firmly as the opposition party. This is the best way to get the most good done for the largest percentage of Americans. That's why it's justified.

    Pelosi Tactic for Health-Care Vote Would Raise Legal Questions
    Once again, it's been used before, repeatedly, by both parties, and has not been challenged as being unconstitutional. "Some" legal scholars are idiots. "Some" doctors tell pregnant women to drink raw milk, too. That doesn't mean their opinion is actually valid or worthwhile.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • Pelosi Tactic for Health-Care Vote Would Raise Legal Questions
    From that very article, they would likely be fruitless.
    The greatest obstacle to any challenge may be getting a court to consider the issue. In 2007, a federal appeals court in Washington rejected a similar attack on a Republican-backed package of tax and spending cuts
  • "Some" doctors tell pregnant women to drink raw milk, too. That doesn't mean their opinion is actually valid or worthwhile.
    Pete, why are you such a hater? Other people's opinions can matter too, you know. Instead of ridiculing them, you should teach the controversy!
  • "Some" doctors tell pregnant women to drink raw milk, too. That doesn't mean their opinion is actually valid or worthwhile.
    Pete, why are you such a hater? Other people's opinions can matter too, you know. Instead of ridiculing them, you should teach the controversy!
    They should have a Teach the Controversy shirt for drinking raw milk.
  • Instead of ridiculing them, you should teach the controversy!
  • They should have a Teach the Controversy shirt for drinking raw milk.
    All I can picture is someone sucking directly on one of the teats on an udder. I'm a little nauseous just thinking about it.
    Pete, why are you such a hater? Other people's opinions can matter too, you know. Instead of ridiculing them, you should teach the controversy!
    You're right. I'll tell everyone to drink raw milk, and hopefully the ones that actually believe it will eventually weed themselves out of the gene pool.
  • With a bill of this magnitude?
    Our filibusters can't repel a bill of this magnitude!
  • edited March 2010
    OMG, This is going to cost $940 Billion...

    over the next 10 years.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • OMG, This is going to cost $940 Billion...

    over the next 10 years.
    How are we supposed to pay for that, since the Republicans want to give everyone a 300% tax cut after they cheat to steal the next election?
  • OMG, This is going to cost $940 Billion...

    over the next 10 years.
    How are we supposed to pay for that, since the Republicans want to give everyone a 300% tax cut after they cheat to steal the next election?
    We will not need to because according to Obama businesses will save 3000% on their health care costs!

    How can this reconciliation bill thing even work? Why even have a Senate if after the Senate votes on a bill the House can just change everything, deem it passed, and pass it on to the Pres to sign?
  • It would be faster to just have a popular vote on the damn thing.
  • Isn't there a country somewhere, ANYWHERE, that has all the benefits of living in America without all this bullshit? I mean, isn't there a single country that's got it's shit together?
  • Isn't there a country somewhere, ANYWHERE, that has all the benefits of living in America without all this bullshit? I mean, isn't there a single country that's got it's shit together?
    Norway seems pretty good.
  • Isn't there a country somewhere, ANYWHERE, that has all the benefits of living in America without all this bullshit? I mean, isn't there a single country that's got it's shit together?
    Norway seems pretty good.
    You would say Norway.
  • Isn't there a country somewhere, ANYWHERE, that has all the benefits of living in America without all this bullshit? I mean, isn't there a single country that's got it's shit together?
    Norway seems pretty good.
    Youwouldsay Norway.
    Norway is pretty awesome. I mean, it has just the right kind of terrain to practice rally driving...
  • edited March 2010
    Spain is awesome, guys. Civil rights out the ass, social healthcare and all that good stuff. Also, Mediterranean Sea and delicious foods of all types.

    However, when you go to the EU, you're not so much buying into one country as buying into the entire Union. I can get health care and employment in Madrid the same way I can in Oslo, Paris, or Munich. And, of course, get all the awesome driving benefits from each.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Norway is pretty awesome. I mean, it has just the right kind of terrain to practice rally driving...
    I was thinking more along the lines of...

  • Norway is pretty awesome. I mean, it has just the right kind of terrain to practice rally driving...
    I was thinking more along the lines of...

    Different strokes for different folks, I guess.
  • I was thinking more along the lines of...
    Well, I was thinking world's highest human development index, universal health care, and an appreciation for the sciences - particularly food safety.

    But yeah, black metal too.
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