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What movie have you seen recently?



  • 48fps is the best thing ever.
  • This is 40 is definitely Apatow's most Apatow Film. Characters with huge flaws and all-too-real dialogue and arguments. On one half, I love it because it was really funny in several parts and I really got wrapped up in the development of the side characters. On the other hand, the main couple is so hypocritical with so much of the stuff they do, that it can get frustrating. At the same time, that is something that happens in serious relationships, so I can't fault it too much. There's also some really fantastic lessons you can learn from small bits of conversation in the movie too.

    Really hate Leslie Mann. However, I was stunned that the two daughters in the movie were played by Judd Apatow's real daughters. They are incredible, they have a future in acting.
  • This is 40 is definitely Apatow's most Apatow Film. Characters with huge flaws and all-too-real dialogue and arguments. On one half, I love it because it was really funny in several parts and I really got wrapped up in the development of the side characters. On the other hand, the main couple is so hypocritical with so much of the stuff they do, that it can get frustrating. At the same time, that is something that happens in serious relationships, so I can't fault it too much. There's also some really fantastic lessons you can learn from small bits of conversation in the movie too.

    Really hate Leslie Mann. However, I was stunned that the two daughters in the movie were played by Judd Apatow's real daughters. They are incredible, they have a future in acting.
    Only thing I know about that film is that a bunch of Philadelphia Flyers players show up in one scene. Ironically only one of them still plays for them (well, if there wasn't a lockout).

    No interest really in Apatow films. They have their occasional funny moments, but a lot of them also exemplify the sort of humor I absolutely despise.
  • Watched Minecraft: the Story of Mojang on Friday, and the Tintin movie last night. Minecraft was really good, I was surprised with how much stuff they covered in regards to the culture around Minecraft. I see now why it took them so long.

    The Tintin movie I actually found to be really good. It's not really structured like a movie, it's structured more like a series of episodes or comics then a movie. It also feels a bit old in it's writing sometimes, especially at the start, like it's them imitating the original style of writing of the Tintin comics rather than updating it to be a little more modern. But the performance capture/animation is really good, and so are all the action scenes.

    Also you can tell it's Spielberg's first time doing cg 'cause he's doing tons of crazy stuff with the camera that you can't do normally. Sometimes it's distracting, but often he does some really cool stuff with it, especially in the action scenes.
  • I took my little cousins to watch "The Hobbit" at 48fps. They kind of loved it, and I think now they are going to marathon the whole trilogy again.
    It was good times.
  • Anna Karenina was beautiful as heck, yo.
  • Hobbitses with the parents.
  • Minecraft documentary. The narrative drags a lot in the middle. Overall I think it was only ok. I'm not sure it would hold up for people who are outsiders to Minecraft.
  • The Hobbit was great. We saw it in 24fps 3D because that was the next showing.

    There were three scences that had to be done right for this movie to meet my expectations:

    1) Dinner party - I found the introduction of the dwarves to be done very well. This scene exceeded my expectations.

    2) The trolls - This part was good until the end. I felt the coming of dawn and the bickering was rushed.

    3) Riddles in the dark - The meeting between Bilbo and Golum exceeded my expectations .

    All in all very well done.
  • Fuck me. Someone made a MOST EXCELLENT recut of a certain scene that was comedy gold. The video only had like 12 views when I found it.

    Already taken down by the studio. And in this case, it was definitely the very legal definition of fair use.


    This means that Emily and I are the only people here who will ever see it.

  • Finally got around to watching The Cabin in the Woods. I am a huge "don't care about spoilers" person b/c they tend to not affect my enjoyment of a story, but I am really glad I saw this movie before anyone told me the plot. I knew it was more than just a run-of-the-mill horror flick, but I had no idea what to expect. Really good. You should watch it.

    Also, Netflix has Sleepwalk With Me on streaming, and I recommend it. I've been a fan of Mike Birbiglia since hearing him do a radio bit a few years back and I'm glad to see him getting his own movie, even if it was limited release and quickly onto streaming. This guy can be a household name in comedy if he gets the right push.

    Has anyone seen Extract? Saw it pop up on my recommended list yesterday. I vaguely remember hearing mixed things, but it is a Mike Judge comedy...
  • Extract was pretty good but nothing spectacular. Maybe I went into it with too high an expectation, but while I enjoyed it, I was somewhat underwhelmed. It is no Office Space.
  • After School Midnighters was filled with really great characters, except for the three main little girls. I hated them.

  • With it being the right time of year, I figured I ought to finally see Die Hard. It was Die Hard. And that is pretty good.
  • Just saw Django Unchained, and it was really good.
  • Saw Les Mis. First exposure to it at all. I liked it. 'Twas good. Everyone's complaining about Russel Crowe, but I liked him...
  • DISCLAIMER: I probably put way too much thought into this and might be talking out of my ass without realizing it.

    Rewatched both Muppet Christmas Carol and Scrooged. As odd as this sounds, I think they're equally good. Scrooged is obviously much more ambitious and non-conventional -- bringing in Carol Kane and David Johansen for the ghosts, the additional subplot with Eliot, the changes made to Tiny Tim, etc. -- but it doesn't all pay off.

    In terms of ghosts, Scrooged obviously takes the cake. Not only are Kane and Johansen a million times better (the Muppet Ghost of Christmas Past is just annoying), but Christmas Future is really creepy. The TV-head, screaming rib-cage, and the claustrophobic angular set design and cinematography only enhances that. They also actually help Scrooge live a happy life (Johansen driving the cab to rush Claire to the studio), showing that they actually want him to get better rather than just scare him.

    Murray's Scrooge is afraid of death itself, which shouldn't change him, because everyone's going to die eventually. Scrooge is supposed to be afraid of how he is remembered, which is quite well comparative to other versions of the story. James and his wife cry for him. Even if that did happen, the Ghost wouldn't show it to underline Scrooge's isolation.

    Anyway, I had more to say, but this draft has been sitting here unposted for three or four days now, so I figure I might as well post it.
  • Saw Silver Linings Playlist this evening. Amazing movie with great performances by both Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence and has some frighteningly accurate depticrions of mental illness I have seen.

    Also, Jennifer Lawrence in tight dance clothes = <3
  • Just saw Django Unchained, and it was really good.
    Same here. No grand thought on the flick. Was just a really good action movie. I liked Inglorious Basterds more, but still really glad I caught Django in the theater.

  • Just saw Django Unchained, and it was really good.
    Same here. No grand thought on the flick. Was just a really good action movie. I liked Inglorious Basterds more, but still really glad I caught Django in the theater.

    It'd be fine with me if Tarantino only made ethnic revenge movies from now on. Maybe Native Americans vs. white people could be next? Or Pacific Islanders vs. white people? Or maybe he could take it to a new level and do the entire population of China vs. the Mongol hordes?

    Any of those would be good by me ;-) .
  • Just saw Django Unchained, and it was really good.
    Same here. No grand thought on the flick. Was just a really good action movie. I liked Inglorious Basterds more, but still really glad I caught Django in the theater.

    It'd be fine with me if Tarantino only made ethnic revenge movies from now on. Maybe Native Americans vs. white people could be next? Or Pacific Islanders vs. white people? Or maybe he could take it to a new level and do the entire population of China vs. the Mongol hordes?

    Any of those would be good by me ;-) .
    If his next film isn't Montezuma's Revenge and it isn't about Aztecs unchaining inglorious revenge on Spaniards, I'll be disappoint.

  • Just saw Django Unchained, and it was really good.
    Same here. No grand thought on the flick. Was just a really good action movie. I liked Inglorious Basterds more, but still really glad I caught Django in the theater.

    It'd be fine with me if Tarantino only made ethnic revenge movies from now on. Maybe Native Americans vs. white people could be next? Or Pacific Islanders vs. white people? Or maybe he could take it to a new level and do the entire population of China vs. the Mongol hordes?

    Any of those would be good by me ;-) .
    If his next film isn't Montezuma's Revenge and it isn't about Aztecs unchaining inglorious revenge on Spaniards, I'll be disappoint.

    Close but not quite: . Not that I'm recommending anyone actually watch this ... it's a terrible movie and Mel Gibson is involved.
  • Just saw Django Unchained, and it was really good.
    Same here. No grand thought on the flick. Was just a really good action movie. I liked Inglorious Basterds more, but still really glad I caught Django in the theater.

    It'd be fine with me if Tarantino only made ethnic revenge movies from now on. Maybe Native Americans vs. white people could be next? Or Pacific Islanders vs. white people? Or maybe he could take it to a new level and do the entire population of China vs. the Mongol hordes?

    Any of those would be good by me ;-) .
    If his next film isn't Montezuma's Revenge and it isn't about Aztecs unchaining inglorious revenge on Spaniards, I'll be disappoint.

    Close but not quite: . Not that I'm recommending anyone actually watch this ... it's a terrible movie and Mel Gibson is involved.
    I've seen was meh.
  • I saw Rise of the Guardians. It was a fun little movie.
  • I watched "Le Miserables" yesterday. The movie was beautiful and I should have watched it in an IMAX theater. The whole movie is sang by the actors, which makes the movie really awesome when someone that can to sing is on the screen (Anne Hathaway). However, it also makes the movie really bad when someone that can't sing appears (Russell Crowe). The movie was really epic and it was also very long.
    If anything the movie made me want to read more about France after the French revolution.
  • Spoilers: Les Mis isn't set during the French Revolution.
  • It's set during the whole aftermath.
  • Spoilers: Les Mis isn't set during the French Revolution.
    That is why I wrote that I want to know more about what happened to France after the French revolution ;P

  • Django is great.
  • GeoGeo
    edited December 2012
    Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within has to be one of the worst properties to ever bear the name of Final Fantasy. While the film's computer animation still holds up quite well even after 11 years, it isn't enough to save this absolute train-wreck of a film. What makes it so bad is not only due to the fact that it has virtually nothing to do with Final Fantasy in any capacity, the story itself is incredibly uninteresting and derivative of other, better science fiction novels and movies. Alien ghosts? Eight bafmodad spirits needed to save the world? Oh come on!

    If that wasn't enough, no character displays anything that resembles an actual human emotion at any point. This is basically an extended 104 minute CG cutscene with CG models doing motions that have no bearing on anything. If an apple is rotten to the core, then by extension it is rotten to the surface no matter how pretty it might look.

    Don't anyone ever see this movie. It isn't worth any amount of time at all. This would only be impressive if you knew virtually nothing about Final Fantasy or never consumed any science-fiction in your life.
    Post edited by Geo on
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