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What movie have you seen recently?



  • GeoGeo
    edited January 2013
    By the way, if you own Wall-e, you probably own the Pixar Story. It's a bonus feature on most if not all versions of the film.
    I am deeply, deeply ashamed to admit this but I am far too overdue on seeing WALL-E. I rented The Pixar Story on YouTube (shun me please) and watched it straight through.

    Post edited by Geo on
  • Wall-e is in the god-tier of Pixar films, not seeing it is doing yourself a great disservice.
  • Wall-e is in the god-tier of Pixar films, not seeing it is doing yourself a great disservice.
    I know. Believe me, I am well-aware. Everything I hear about it just sounds amazing. One of my biggest movie-going regrets is not seeing WALL-E in theaters.

  • I finally got round to watching Prometheus. I'd only heard bad things about it before, so my expectations were pretty low. But how bad could it really be? Really?

    Oh my good god, it was far worse than I ever imagined it could be. I wanted to turn it off, but Juliane wanted to finish it. It's one of the worst movies I've seen in a looooong time, and I watched Green Lantern the other week!

    Up against all other movies set in this same world, which now comes to 10, I guess, this is by far the least enjoyable to watch. It's actually left me feeling more dumb than the second alien vs predator movie.

    I guess I'd rank them like this (in terms of subjective enjoyment):

    Alien 3
    Alien 4
    Predator 2
    Alien vs Predator 2
    Alien vs Predator 1

    The middle movies could be shuffled about a bit. But Prometheus is waaaaay off the bottom.

  • I'm not going to say Prometheus is great, but it is way better than Alien 3, Alien 4, Predator 2, etc.
  • It was much better than the Predator movie set in Pacific Northwest.
  • Prometheus angers me primarily because it could have been great. It basically focused on the wrong things with the wrong pacing, and relied on the premise that the characters are all morons by design.

    It basically hammered the "relationship between creator and created" idea together with the "oh shit aliens" and "rediscovering precursor technology" ones in a pretty ham-fisted manner. The themes all get in eachothers' way, leaving a tangled mess that doesn't really go anywhere.

    It then ends as an "odd couple buddy space explorer" sequel.
  • I very specifically said: "I guess I'd rank them like this (in terms of subjective enjoyment)" so all arguments about "good" or "better" are irrelevant. External factors can influence my enjoyment of a movie, including who I watched it with, when I watched it, etc, etc, etc.

    While watching Prometheus I wasn't surprised once, I didn't jump at all, I didn't find anything scary, nor gross, nor horrific. I wasn't scared for any of the characters. I didn't care when any of them died, nor was I rooting for any of them to live to the end. I didn't laugh at any of the lines or any of the situations the characters were in. I didn't find the themes interesting or even intriguing.

    With Alien 3 and 4, Predator 2 and all the others, they at least gave me something. When the Predator as beating up the other monster at the end of AVP:2, I found it fun, even if the movie up until that point had been stupid. At the end of Prometheus I was just bored, confused, frustrated, and wasn't having any fun at all.
  • I just remembered that someone on the forum wrote that The Phantom Menace was a better prequel, and I couldn't take them seriously. But after watching Prometheus, I actually long for the innocent days of Jar Jar Binks. I laughed at Jar Jar once during my first viewing of The Phantom Menace, which is one more laugh, or even smile, than Prometheus got from me. While flawed in many of the same ways, when Obi-Wan killed Darth Maul at the end, it made me feel *something*. Who was meant to be the bad guy in Prometheus? I don't know, but I didn't feel anything when any character died, or was killed, goodie or baddie.
  • Django Unchained was absolutely fantastic and the fact that Leonardo DiCaprio wasn't nominated for best supporting actor is an absolute travesty. You know that scene in Candyland where he slams his hand on the table and smashes a glass under his hand? Yeah, that wasn't scripted.

    He actually smashed that glass with his hand on accident. That was his actual blood. He actually cut his hand open and you know what he did? HE KEPT FUCKING ACTING. Didn't even miss a beat.

    I also saw Gangster Squad, it was fun. Not a great movie, but a good one. Some of the writing was a little hamfisted at times, but it was an entertaining film.
  • Prometheus was so bad we needed a science fiction body horror action movie to cleanse our pallets. District 9 did the job very nicely. It's not a perfect movie by any means, but it is a lot of fun, and a lot of not-fun at the same time, but even the not-fun is not-fun in the right way.
  • Watched Brave. Here's the entire movie condensed into 3 videos:

    There, now you don't have to watch it.
  • Just recently rewatched The FP. I think it gets better each time.
  • edited January 2013
    What is the FP?

    EDIT: Oh, I presumed you were abbreviating a movie title, and couldn't work out what it was. Now (I'm not on my phone) I googled and found a movie simply called The FP.
    Post edited by Luke Burrage on
  • Watched I Love You Philip Morris last night (Netflix streaming). Wow, talk about a strange movie. It's like a sequel to Catch Me If You Can with about 100x more gay sex. It's based on a true story of a con artist (Jim Carrey) who keeps getting sent to and subsequently breaking out of prison, as he tries to juggle his relationship with his gay lover (Ewan MacGregor) who he met there. It's a rather good dark comedy.
  • Watched I Love You, Man last night. It was as good as I'd heard.
  • Zero Dark Thirty was quite a thrill.
  • @Luke, watch The FP!! It is so awesome!!!
  • Just saw Zero Dark Thirty, and it was good. Really good.
  • @Luke, watch The FP!! It is so awesome!!!
    I am curious about this film. If you don't mind, sell it to me, please?

  • Just rewatched Xanadu. ELO. Gene Kelly. Kenny Ortega. Don Bluth. If that doesn't make you want to watch it, I don't know what will.

    Watching Disco Godfather now. This movie does not know what PCP does.
  • Disco Godfather is the best, and by that I mean it is somehow more unwatchable than Dolemite 2: The Human Tornado. Truly a colossal feat.
  • Put your weight on it! Put your weight on it!
  • Just saw Seven Psychopaths. Pretty fun movie, especially in how they break the fourth wall. Reminds me of Adaptation, but with more serial killers.
  • Disco Godfather is the best, and by that I mean it is somehow more unwatchable than Dolemite 2: The Human Tornado. Truly a colossal feat.
    Unwatchable is right. This is some sort of insane endurance test.
  • Hosting movie night with friends. It's my pick this month. Tonight's theme is, "Get To The Top".

    Movies: Dredd (which just released for sale), followed by The Raid: Redemption.

    I already saw The Raid previously, but not Dredd. I really wish I saw Dredd in 3D in theaters. That movie was gruesomely beautiful.
  • Zero Dark Thirty was pretty intense and good. I just wish they had been more accurate concerning the beginning scenes and water boarding.
  • Indeed. The distinct lake of boards made of water was deeply upsetting.
  • Indeed. The distinct lake of boards made of water was deeply upsetting.
    No. In the movie, the interrogators get a key piece of information from someone who is being tortured, thereby validating "extreme interrogation" methods.

    Apparently in reality, this never occurred making it much more questionable whether water boarding was an effective method of interrogation.

  • There's actually a significant Congressional investigation/lawsuit over whether the CIA gave false information to the director in order to retroactively justify torture.
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