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What movie have you seen recently?



  • Wow I didn't expect Thor 2 to get glowing reviews, will have to check it out sometime.
  • Cannibal Holocaust was sure something to see.
  • Despicable Me 2 looked waaaay nicer than the first movie, animation-wise, but was way inferior by just about every measure.
  • I watched Sympathy for Lady Vengeance the last few weeks. I really liked it - fortunately it wasn't the fade to white version so I will have to watch it again sometime soon. I have watched 2/3 of the trilogy now (I watched Oldboy a year ago.) I am going to get the special edition box set of it before I watch Mr Vengeance.
  • Pacific Rim. It was bad, guys. I wanted to like it so much too! It might as well have been just the movie posters and the clip of Idris Elba saying "Postpone the apocalypse!"
  • Starfox is banned from giving opinions of movies.
  • edited November 2013
    Adams Family you guys. Christopher Loyd, is an amazing physical actor.

    And man... I miss Raul Julia.
    Post edited by DevilUknow on
  • Cremlian said:

    Starfox is banned from giving opinions of movies.

    Here's a question: what was any character's name?
  • Starfox said:

    Cremlian said:

    Starfox is banned from giving opinions of movies.

    Here's a question: what was any character's name?
  • edited November 2013
    Starfox said:

    Cremlian said:

    Starfox is banned from giving opinions of movies.

    Here's a question: what was any character's name?
    Chuck Hansen, Herc Hanson(their accents were awful), Stacker Pentacost, Sasha and Alexis, Raleigh Beckett, Mako Mori, Hannibal, Yancy Beckett.

    Edit - Also, Gipsy Danger, Striker Eureka, Cherno Alpha, Coyote Tango, Crimson Typhoon.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • So, I saw this two days ago, and I'm going to do my best:
    Churba said:

    Chuck Hansen, Herc Hanson(their accents were awful)

    Going with Australians on this one.
    Stacker Pentacost
    Stringer Bell?
    Sasha and Alexis
    The Russians obviously.
    Raleigh Beckett
    Main guy?
    Mako Mori
    Japanese girlfriend?
    Ahh... Black market kaiju dude? Had to think for a minute to come up with any other characters.
    Yancy Beckett
    Main brother? He got like, 4 minutes of screen time.
    Gipsy Danger, Striker Eureka, Cherno Alpha, Coyote Tango, Crimson Typhoon.
    The real stars of the movie. And we didn't get to find out anything about them. Don't get me wrong, seeing a giant robot hit an alien out of the park with a supertanker was sweet. Everything but the robots was bad.

    Another thing that irked me was how little they tell us about this scenario. I get they have limited screen time, but come on, we see the three-in-one once, dead. Russians fight once, dead. They might as well have not been in the movie. For the purposes of the film, I'll buy the nations of Earth have decided to build these giant robots, but you have to give me something more than a voiceover. "By the time we stopped the first one, a billion people died in Los Angeles. We decided to start the jaeger program."

    The scientists should have been completely cut. The world apparently doesn't care about putting together a competent X-COM, because that was bush league. The whole thing felt so much like worse Independence Day.
  • In order, Yep, Yep(gotta admit, name like that is kinda easy to remember, like Stirling Mortlock), Yep, Sort of yep they're just co-pilots but close enough, Yep Ron fucking Perlman, Yep and yeah he wasn't around much.

    Yeah, the Jagers were the real stars of the movie, without a question. But seriously, there's not even enough important non-giant robot characters to fill a soccer team.
  • I was also let down a lot by the main plot. Especially since GdT was directing. The comic relief with the scientists and Hannibal and stuff was pretty much the only redeeming non-robot part for me.
  • There were non-robot punching parts of that movie?
  • It's really more of a scrappy underdog story than a grand-scale Kaiju movie. Especially with the stereotypes of the Australians, the brother, the love interest, and how Gypsy Danger is essentially the only useful Jaeger.

    I think they made a grave mistake with the plot. Rather than focus completely on the threat of a giant monster invasion, they have the set up for a giant wall that ends up going nowhere...only to add more emphasis on the importance on the giant robots. (Seriously, how is a giant wall more cost effective, safer, and efficient than giant robots that can fight?)
  • Churba said:

    In order, Yep, Yep(gotta admit, name like that is kinda easy to remember, like Stirling Mortlock), Yep, Sort of yep they're just co-pilots but close enough, Yep Ron fucking Perlman, Yep and yeah he wasn't around much.

    And that, kids, is how you rock multiple-choice tests.
  • I watched Curse of the Golden Flower.

    Dat flower. It's cursed, yo.
  • I just watched Antichrist and I liked it a lot. The whole thing is on youtube if you're feeling like watching a fairly fucked up horror thriller movie.

    I also finally watched Spring Breakers and it was also incredible IMO. I wish Alien was just straight up played by Riff Raff but Franco was good anyway.
  • johndis said:

    I also finally watched Spring Breakers and it was also incredible IMO.

    YES. Have you seen The Bling Ring? When I watched Spring Breakers in theaters, the trailer for it was actually attached to the movie and played after all the other trailers and such. It's like Sofia Coppola's companion piece with Spring Breakers, and it's also excellent.
  • I heard about it but never even saw a trailer or anything for it. I kind of assumed it would be like a more easily digestible Spring Breakers, that accurate??
  • I watched Spring Breakers back-to-back with Pain and Gain. Thought it would work for a neat double feature about terrible people.

    Spring Breakers is worth it for the experience, but doesn't have any substance. Colorful, good music, and some really unique designs, but it has a really bizarre pace and characters you don't care for. It got really repetitive too...and I'm not sure what was with the editing, because they would go from scene to scene but at completely random intervals.

    Still love the hell out of Pain & Gain. It's like if Michael Bay made a Coen Brothers movie and it is glorious.
  • johndis said:

    I heard about it but never even saw a trailer or anything for it. I kind of assumed it would be like a more easily digestible Spring Breakers, that accurate??

    Yeah, it's plot is much more straight-forward and less like a weird trip. I loved both quite a bit, but I think The Bling Ring is the better of the two.
  • edited November 2013
    Had a mini-marathon day for myself yesterday. Watched four films - one for class, three that I'd just been meaning to see recently. Here are my very short thoughts on all four:



    Suspiria: Guess that was a load-bearing boss


    So yeah, really enjoyed all four. It was a good day of movie'ing.
    Post edited by Eryn on
  • Gravity was gorgeous, beautifully made, and not much more than that.

    I guess disaster-porn movies aren't my thing, it all just felt so woefully gratuitous.
  • I didn't see it as disaster porn at all. The message of "keep trying to live no matter how dire your circumstances" was there especially in the end when she struggled to stand up.

    It was the best movie I've seen at the theaters this year, but not my favorite.
  • The only problem I have with Gravity is George Clooney being George Clooney. You need someone there to calm Sandra Bullock down, but it does get to a point where you are amazed at his calmness.

    The best film of 2013, and I'm calling it now, is 12 Years a Slave. It's our generation's Schindler's List, but with better craftsmanship and it's more intense. It deserves to win several Oscars and I hope everyone involved in that movie becomes a more popular figure.
  • Nukerjsr said:

    The best film of 2013, and I'm calling it now, is 12 Years a Slave. It's our generation's Schindler's List, but with better craftsmanship and it's more intense. It deserves to win several Oscars and I hope everyone involved in that movie becomes a more popular figure.

    I agree with everything you have said. See this. Now.

  • Just saw it today as well. Really solid movie, and I don't see anything else coming out in the next month that could beat it.
  • Nukerjsr said:

    The only problem I have with Gravity is George Clooney being George Clooney. You need someone there to calm Sandra Bullock down, but it does get to a point where you are amazed at his calmness.

    Aren't astronauts trained to be calm no matter what the situation? Clooney was a veteran astronaut while Bullock was trained for 6 months, if I recall. She was only up there because she was behind the technology upgrade. It made sense that Clooney was clam, to me at least.

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