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I'm saddened.... (Board games)



  • I (finally) found the other games that I played at UnPub, thankfully I took notes on them and here are a few:

    For Greed or Glory - A simple game where you need to accomplish 3 objectives (2 shared 1 hidden) in an easy medium and hard difficulty level. To do this you need to adjust your Spin control to move forward or backward on a monopoly like board.

    You also gain access to private armies who can go and take over areas of the map by force. You can bolster them up by using political capitol and although I had my ass handed to me I see the appeal and would go another round after a little tweaking.

    Goblin Brigade: You need to complete missions in order to win the game, to do this a bunch of dice get rolled out on the board and everyone in turn uses their goblins to either amass an army to get an objective, or spend rubies to upgrade their existing actions.

    At first it is things like, 2 even numbers, but you can make it more powerful by having All 3s, or a run of four numbers, to take multiple dice within the same action. You need to mix between large and small numbers since you need to have EXACT NUMBERS in order to get anything. It has just enough randomness to be fair and get a registry.

    Lesser Evil: Another dice game with more randomness and less tactics. I thought I would win with 5 points but the former head of unpub beat me by getting the lowest score in the history of the game with 3 points.

    Also I am getting into the Scott territory when it comes to game playing and getting more annoyed people don't transfer information from one game to another. My people to play game with pool is thinning out too much.
  • I joined the boardgames club at University.
    I looked at their library and I despaired.

    It's basically a Magic, 40k and DND (all the editions). Plus a bunch of random games that are terrible.

    I will try and push Burning Wheel and hopefully get them to watch "Beyond Dungeons and Dragons".
  • So the Age of Empires 3 board game was very enjoyable. A little longer then I had hoped but the units are also your worker action is a nice touch. I say it is more of a convention game rather than a stand by for board game nights.

    Speaking of I am now at the point of separating "convention games" from game night games and only bringing the former on request.
  • Yeah, I dig it. I actually enjoyed all the new games I played last week - Android, Age of Empires III, and The New Science. I'll bring Age of Empires to Games Keep a few times to see if anyone there likes it - it plays the same number as Power Grid in the same amount of time.

    Android is the one I'm incredibly surprised I actually enjoyed as a game, since it's a big mess of Fantasy Flight cards and subsystems... I can't do this comparison justice, but I kept thinking 'Die Macher' while I was playing. The only thing they have in common is that doing well in one aspect of the game allows you to control the endgame scoring, but it felt like my first play of Die Macher.
  • pence said:

    Yeah, I dig it. I actually enjoyed all the new games I played last week - Android, Age of Empires III, and The New Science.

    The New Science is a solid game that plays in the exact amount of time it should with interesting heuristics on who is actually winning.
  • Played Colonia and Spyrium on Saturday. Both solid worker placement games. I'd buy them if I had anyone to play worker placement games with outside of that group.
  • Went to an X-Wing tournament over the weekend. 7th Dimension Games out in PA. Got bounced out of the top-4 finals bracket on a tiebreaker, so sent home packing early. Pretty happy with my squad, and my flying of it, though. I had zero practice with it beforehand, so I will rebuild it... stronger... and hope to clean up at one of the tournaments in March (there are 3 I'm eying up at the moments between NYC and NJ).
  • edited February 2014
    Matt said:

    Went to an X-Wing tournament over the weekend. 7th Dimension Games out in PA. Got bounced out of the top-4 finals bracket on a tiebreaker, so sent home packing early. Pretty happy with my squad, and my flying of it, though. I had zero practice with it beforehand, so I will rebuild it... stronger... and hope to clean up at one of the tournaments in March (there are 3 I'm eying up at the moments between NYC and NJ).

    Why did you not tell me, I could have hung out with you and took you to PA board game night.

    Wait...were you the guy with the Google Glass trying to go to the bathroom when I was leaving there in the afternoon?
    Post edited by Coldguy on
  • Were you the bearded guy with the Video Game Years t-shirt?
  • edited February 2014
    Matt said:

    Were you the bearded guy with the Video Game Years t-shirt?

    That was me. Nice to have inadvertently meet you.
    Post edited by Coldguy on
  • Well now I don't have to fill out a "missed connections" thread on Craigslist.

    I know you, Pence, Scott Johnson (and others?) are out in PA but that is practically "here be dragons" territory for how often I get out that direction. Had no idea where in PA you guys gamed! Would have been nice to be able to chat some, but unfortunately I wouldn't have been able to stick around for board game night. Where in PA is your game night? I'm a bit closer now that I've moved from North Jersey. Took me 75 min to get to 7th Dimension, but I've driven further for good gaming.

    I wasn't intending to go to this tournament, and only made the call to definitely go the night before (I did tweet about it though!). I was supposed to be playing in a NYC tournament the weekend prior, but my car got totaled and my wife couldn't be expected to watch the kid while still post-concussion woozy. This was my make-up session, but I wouldn't hesitate to go to 7th Dimension for an event in the future, so I'll let you know next time.

    The store had plenty of space, a clean bathroom (!), and the people were all nice. The only complication was the limited parking, and me getting blocked in, causing a big hassle when it was time to leave. I was calling out the wrong type of car so it took quite a while to find the owner (mixed up Subaru Outback and Forrester. It was an Outback, but I was just at the dealership looking at Forrester, so I had a mental slip), and the owner gave me some hefty 'tude. Oh well, fuck that guy, mistakes happen.
  • Matt said:

    The store had plenty of space, a clean bathroom (!), and the people were all nice. The only complication was the limited parking, and me getting blocked in, causing a big hassle when it was time to leave.

    The secret is if you do not get there early enough to park behind the store there is a white parking garage across the street down a block. depending on which way you are coming up it is past outback and on the weekend is used as an overflow parking.

    As for gaming we tend to do it on Scott's every other Tuesday (barring major stuff), West Chester on Friday at Games Keep LLC in West Chester, and in a close area on Saturday nights. Inform us next time and we can give you the 411.
  • At the moment, I go to Games Keep on Fridays (farther from you) and generally get anywhere from 3-8 people together at my parents' house on Saturdays (closer to you) for games. Also ScoJo's, once he finishes his basement. :P
  • I tested out my game again this weekend, playing with 3 players and the statues, along with the new event deck. The events seem to work pretty well, and had some interaction that I did not anticipate. I also found that the board should be larger with the statues present. The point of the statues was to help speed the game up, and make things a bit more crowded, which they do, but 3 players on a 7x7 board with 2 statues and 4 pawns each was a bit too crowded.

    I will have to make an adjustment to the expansion rules to allow for it. Also, I am looking forward to getting the tiles, as I have an event card that removes a row or column at random, which just had to be blocked off with using the board. I may just add the event deck later on to the game, as a stretch goal possibly.
  • Yeah, West Chester is a hair under 2 hours, so I can't see myself making that trip for boardgaming at a store. I wouldn't be opposed for a slightly shorter drive if it's a solid group at someone's house (obviously not on a Tuesday night, though).
  • Tokaido collector's edition hits Kickstarter tomorrow.

    I am burnt out on Kickstarting games, but this is a great use. Give me a better version of something I know I already like. Collector's editions are the epitome of niche products, so a pre-order service can help make more of them a reality.
  • Matt said:

    Tokaido collector's edition hits Kickstarter tomorrow.

    I am burnt out on Kickstarting games, but this is a great use. Give me a better version of something I know I already like. Collector's editions are the epitome of niche products, so a pre-order service can help make more of them a reality.

    Is this the one we played at PAX Prime where you race to the right? The one where I put together all those landscape paintings, but still lost to Jeremy?
  • edited February 2014
    Yes the pretty one. Dammit. No more Kickstarter shinies! We just got the expansion.

    Also look in your game log book thingy.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Sooo. Will have to find someone to sell our original Tokaido set with crossroads xpac. Damn those shiny levels

  • Yup. Going Full Samurai.
  • I've only played Tokaido once, but I really enjoyed it. A more complex game than I thought it'd be.
  • I've only played Tokaido once, but I really enjoyed it. A more complex game than I thought it'd be.

    I also only played it once, but it was not complex at all. A pretty basic victory point race. I did really really like collecting those landscapes, though. The theme/physicality was great.

    I didn't win, though, so clearly there was something I missed.
  • I didn't say it was complex - just more complex than I though it'd be.
  • I haven't played it yet, but, dat Antoine Bauza. Damn he's on fire. Put in on the early bird level (wooo $2 saved) since worst case I can either cancel the pledge if I get to play and don't like, or easily flip the game a year down the road if it's a limited edition thing.
  • Samurai is way too nice and worth it and with the new updates we get double figurines!
  • Just had the most frustrating time trying to play board games at the University board game group.

    Dudes haven't heard of Burning Wheel as such they discount it immediately.
    Have heard of Mouseguard and one guy states that the mechanics are bad compared to Dungeons and Dragons, refused the point that DND is not a role playing game.

    Group of people playing "Resistance" (a bluffing game) where 90% of the game was discussing the meta, while shouting over each other while 10% of the game was actual playing. New players ignore fundamental instructions and do the exact opposite of what is required making the game end in 5 minutes or go longer than 45 minutes. It was coop so it was terrible.

    Brought in Hanabi and blew peoples minds but gameplay was hampered by the dude that has been told virtually exactly what to do and sits for 2-5 minutes deciding whether he should put a 1 down when he knows the colour.
  • Sounds like a "that guy".
  • Was discussing the meta during Resistance bullshit like "but Pete is always the spy!" or where they actually talking game strategy? Resistance can go 15-20 minutes but that's not a bad thing. And please tell me they were using the plot cards. The information they provide (as well as your observations of who handles them and in what manner) make the entire game. I have known "that guys" to play w/o plot cards because it's more like Mafia/Werewolf that way. Why bother.
  • Matt said:

    I have known "that guys" to play w/o plot cards because it's more like Mafia/Werewolf that way. Why bother.

    My roommate is that.
  • Matt said:

    Was discussing the meta during Resistance bullshit like "but Pete is always the spy!" or where they actually talking game strategy? Resistance can go 15-20 minutes but that's not a bad thing. And please tell me they were using the plot cards. The information they provide (as well as your observations of who handles them and in what manner) make the entire game. I have known "that guys" to play w/o plot cards because it's more like Mafia/Werewolf that way. Why bother.

    2/3 games played were without plot cards but the best game was with the plot cards.
    However one of the "new to strategic thinking (let alone board games)" guys mad blatantly suspicious moves on his first 2 turns and tricked us into thinking he was spy rather than resistance however he was outplayed by the spy sitting next to him to be fair.

    In regards to X is always the spy, that was about 30% of the conversation rather than trying to logically look at who was more likely to be the spy based on known information.
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