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What book are you reading now/have finished?



  • You know those coffee tables that the top raises up to be used as a dinner table or to just be higher?
    My family has one of them in our basement. It's just as awesome as anyone could hope and wish for.

  • This would help me so much with storage, but I already have a coffee table.
    If anything, we should get those Geek Chic Table guys to design and make one.
    The main reason I have not gotten in line for a Geek Chic table already is because they do not match my existing furniture.
    Does your current furniture match your belt, shoes, and purse? :P

  • This would help me so much with storage, but I already have a coffee table.
    If anything, we should get those Geek Chic Table guys to design and make one.
    The main reason I have not gotten in line for a Geek Chic table already is because they do not match my existing furniture.
    I honestly think their stuff is overpriced for what it is.

  • Anyhoo back to topic, I was actually going through this entire thread last night trying to find a new book to read.

    I laugh at some of the conversations in this thread and how easily it gets derailed, but I'm looking for something different to read from what I have been reading.

    So far the books that have caught my eye or have been recommended to me:

    American Gods
    Reality Is Broken: Why Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World
    Guardian of the Dead
    Quantum Thief
    Stephen King's 11/22/63

    I was going to add Dresden Files to that list, but I'm just going to stick to audiobooks because James Marsters as narrator is great.

    I think I'm learning more towards American Gods right now. I read the description and it sounds pretty awesome.
  • This would help me so much with storage, but I already have a coffee table.
    If anything, we should get those Geek Chic Table guys to design and make one.
    The main reason I have not gotten in line for a Geek Chic table already is because they do not match my existing furniture.
    I honestly think their stuff is overpriced for what it is.

    Well, if you just look at the furniture and the price, it is overpriced. But the reason the price is so high is because it includes personalized customization, and they also hand-deliver it to you.
  • @Ro: Read American Gods. I don't want to give anything away, so I'll just say that invariably, you'll love it.
  • Just finished Twilight. Not a horrible book but probably not something I would recommend or ever read again. I am not really that surprised that what I dislike about it is completely different than most of the haters arguments against the franchise.
  • @Ro American Gods is a good story, but the black hole vagina thing they tend to do can turn you away. Reality is broken is a good read as well, I don't agree 100% of the things they talk about it is an interesting angle on changing people's mindsets to be more active and positive about life.
  • @Ro American Gods is a good story, but the black hole vagina thing they tend to do can turn you away.
    I am slowly reading this book. I just finished the first chapter and now understand what you meant by 'black hole vagina'. What the fuck did I just read?
  • @Ro American Gods is a good story, but the black hole vagina thing they tend to do can turn you away.
    I am slowly reading this book. I just finished the first chapter and now understand what you meant by 'black hole vagina'. What the fuck did I just read?
    Sadly...there are more scenes like this, I won't spoil them but can comicly add this song now.

  • @Ro American Gods is a good story, but the black hole vagina thing they tend to do can turn you away.
    I am slowly reading this book. I just finished the first chapter and now understand what you meant by 'black hole vagina'. What the fuck did I just read?
    Sadly...there are more scenes like this, I won't spoil them but can comicly add this song now.
    I remember there being only one "black hole vagina" scene in that book. But my memory is not to be trusted and it's years since I read that book.

  • I remember mostly the end of American Gods, not the beginning or middle. I definitely don't remember any black hole vaginas.
  • @Ro American Gods is a good story, but the black hole vagina thing they tend to do can turn you away.
    I am slowly reading this book. I just finished the first chapter and now understand what you meant by 'black hole vagina'. What the fuck did I just read?
    Sadly...there are more scenes like this, I won't spoil them but can comicly add this song now.
    I remember there being only one "black hole vagina" scene in that book. But my memory is not to be trusted and it's years since I read that book.

    To clarify there is only one Black Hole Vagina, but other scenes are in the same vein as that, which I won't spoil.
  • edited February 2012
    I remember mostly the end of American Gods, not the beginning or middle. I definitely don't remember any black hole vaginas.
    You remember when the book would cut away to a memory that wasn't related to the plot, like the djinn and stuff? There was a scene with a scary sex goddess.

    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Just finished The Astonishing Adventures of Fanboy and Goth Girl, a book I picked up at MOMA's comic show. It's okay, but only okay. I think that the characters are a at the same time taken from reality, but also very cliched. I can't decide of the author does an excellent job of writing as a teenager, or if it's poor writing. There frequently is not enough detail, and characters besides the main character act in very inconsistent ways. The plot is very predictable, and reading is like being jerked forward and then stopped short. I'm not sure I liked it, and I'm not sure why either.
  • The Daily Adventures of Mixerman is a hilarious, bizarre tale of bone fractures, vibe control, smoking fatties, and making debut records for major label bidding-war bands. Highly, highly recommended for anyone with even a passing interest in the music industry.
  • Can someone give me their opinion of the best English translation for The Little Prince?
  • Can someone give me their opinion of the best English translation for The Little Prince?
    This is the best one you can get easily, and the one I read for the book club.

    The Little Prince

    This is the edition I had as a child, which you have to find used.

  • I am thinking about starting reading the novels of Discworld but I am curious if it is really worth it to get into a franchise with that many books. Can someone advise on whether it is really as interesting as it seems?
  • It is absolutely worth it. They're all fairly quick reads, and there is a bit of an order to them (the City Watch books are the best because Vimes). I've read all of them but the science ones and I despair at Pratchett's Alzheimers because that means very few (if any) new books are coming
  • Okay, maybe I will give it a go then. I heard about the Alzheimer's and that does worry me if there is supposed to be an end to the franchise but I do not know if it looks like there should be one.
  • Reading the Ender series. Currently started "Children of the Mind."
  • edited March 2012
    Series? There's only Ender's Game. It's a shame he didn't write any more.
    Post edited by okeefe on
  • Series? There's only Ender's Game. It's a shame he didn't write any more.
    Are the sequels that bad? I heard a couple of them were rather good.
  • edited March 2012
    Series? There's only Ender's Game. It's a shame he didn't write any more.
    Are the sequels that bad? I heard a couple of them were rather good.
    The Shadow ones are tolerable. Children of the Mind is also not that bad, but the later Speaker novels get crazy fast.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • Series? There's only Ender's Game. It's a shame he didn't write any more.
    Are the sequels that bad? I heard a couple of them were rather good.
    The Shadow ones are tolerable. Children of the Mind is also not that bad, but the later Speaker novels get crazy fast.
    You act as if the first one wasn't crazy to begin with.

  • Ender's Game and Speaker for the Dead are classics. The next two are worth reading for science fiction enthusiasts, but no where near the same standard. I didn't manage to get past the first of the Shadow series. It felt like a studied exercise in heartless selling out.
  • Series? There's only Ender's Game. It's a shame he didn't write any more.
    Are the sequels that bad? I heard a couple of them were rather good.
    The Shadow ones are tolerable. Children of the Mind is also not that bad, but the later Speaker novels get crazy fast.
    You act as if the first one wasn't crazy to begin with.
    Wait, why did I say Children of the Mind? That one's crazy. I was thinking of Speaker, which is generally slightly less crazy.
  • Disc world books are great. If you want a couple of recomendations, try either Reaper man or Small Gods. They are stand alone stories and will give you a good idea of what Pratchett is about.

    Then just start from the beginning.
  • Discworld books are great.
    Discworld books are amazing. I cannot overstate how much I love them. Reaper Man is the best, I also recommend Going Postal and Making Money.
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