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Building A Computer



  • Thanks for the information.

    In regards to the price points it seems as if the 770 is about $400, 780 is about $600 and the 780ti is about $800.

    I think I'm going to to go with the $400 price point, I have spent towards the $1000 mark in older builds but I had a lot more disposable income back then.
  • My old monitor died last night, so I bought this one, which is the highest reviewed monitor on Newegg (plus I got some great praise from some friends). It does not disappoint.
  • Andrew said:

    My old monitor died last night, so I bought this one, which is the highest reviewed monitor on Newegg (plus I got some great praise from some friends). It does not disappoint.

    It's 1080p and it's TN instead of IPS. Fail right off the bat.

    Positives are incredible high frame rate, that can support 3D and such, also cheap price.
  • I'm waiting to get a nice IPS/4k monitor when the name brands release the cheap ones in a couple years. This was the best price/perf for now.
  • Andrew said:

    I'm waiting to get a nice IPS/4k monitor when the name brands release the cheap ones in a couple years. This was the best price/perf for now.

    If Apple comes out with retina monitors before everyone else, what choice will I have?
  • You could always just get some of the Korean off-brand monitors that are flooding the market right now.
  • Andrew said:

    You could always just get some of the Korean off-brand monitors that are flooding the market right now.

    What's the resolution, size, price, etc?

    Also, even if a display is really good, it's hard to switch away from Ultrasharp that has a zillion inputs, picture in picture, USB hub, SD card slot, etc.
  • Warning.

    Per Conrad, current UIs for Adobe products don't scale to very dense resolutions and become unusable.
  • Andrew said:
    I currently have 2x 24" Ultrasharpts that are 1920x1200. I'm not going to replace them unless it's a huge improvement.

    You definitely can't sell me a 27" that's 2560x1444! A 13" Macbook Pro Retina is 2560x1600! Sell me a 27" that's 5120x3200 and you can get my moneys.
  • I am looking for some 800mhz DDR2 RAM. The PC in question has two 1GB sticks in it now.

    I have a 4GB stick of KVR13N9S8 that I picked up on the cheap when I wasn't sure what I needed, Swap, trade or sell? Anyone have need for this older RAM?
  • edited October 2014
    I, too, need that RAM (800MHz DDR2). It's the best my poor old motherboard can support.
    Post edited by Dromaro on
  • Any mice recommendations? Mine is failing to register clicks on the left button more and more frequently. It is 6 years old though.
  • edited October 2014

    Post edited by Coldguy on
  • Nevermind just decided to go with the new Deathadder. My mouse right now is the PAX 08 Deathadder and I've had a good time with this mouse so I'm just going to keep going with the brand.
  • I love my Logitech G600.
  • I always think about getting one of those mice that has a shitload of buttons but I dunno if I would really enjoy it.
  • MATATAT said:

    I always think about getting one of those mice that has a shitload of buttons but I dunno if I would really enjoy it.

    That's only for MMOs and shit.
  • MATATAT said:

    Nevermind just decided to go with the new Deathadder. My mouse right now is the PAX 08 Deathadder and I've had a good time with this mouse so I'm just going to keep going with the brand.

    I tend to use Razer mice, but for some reason I always seem to have a problem with the scroll wheels not working right after a while - they scroll fine, but the middle click always goes funny, either not working, or clicking two or three times for a single press.
  • Apreche said:

    MATATAT said:

    I always think about getting one of those mice that has a shitload of buttons but I dunno if I would really enjoy it.

    That's only for MMOs and shit.
    I generally use the extra buttons for things like voice chat, screenshots and video capture. Also, I use my keyboard hotkeys for NS2 commanding but I could just as easily use the mouse buttons.

  • Looks like I'm in the market for a new computer. I will restrict myself to buying a motherboard, RAM, processor, and a new SSD hard drive. My graphics card should still make due.

    I'll probably not buy anything before mid-November at the earliest, but I'll be shopping around. Any recommendations?
  • Corsair ram, Samsung SSD, Intel processor, Asus or MSI mobo.
  • edited October 2014

    Corsair ram, Samsung SSD, Intel processor, Asus or MSI mobo.

    I was going with the same manufacturers anyway, except for the SSD where I was undecided.

    Anyway, what socket should I use for the processor? Also, should I go for DDR4 or is DDR3 DIMM still good enough?
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • edited October 2014
    LGA150 will give you support for the new z97 and H97 chipsets. Which one of those you choose will depend, primarily, on what you need graphics support-wise (Here's a page with good comparisons). Between DDR4 and DDR3, always go for the fastest ram your motherboard can support but the important factor is how much RAM you get. 8gb is the new 4gb, so get at least that much and get them in as few sticks as you can (2, minimum) so you can add more later. You can always upgrade your RAM later on as they get cheaper.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Right now is a weird time to buy RAM as Haswell-E motherboards are the only ones to my knowledge which take them and DDR4, is more expensive because mostly the enthusiast market is looking for it.

    I agree with Victor's minimum of 8gb on 2 sticks though.

    H97 is what you can get away with, Z97 has all the new bells and whistles.

    For the Samsung SSD, there is an amazing sweet spot with the Samsung 840 EVO.

    It would be one of the first times that you could consider buying a 1 terabyte SSD or if you want to go with an even more affordable price, go with the 500gb version.

    Although it may look like the Samsung 850 is the best to get, while it may be one of the fastest drives in the world it's double the prices of any 840 EVO.
  • edited October 2014
    I didn't really plan to go any large size with the SSD. I store pretty much all my important data and anything I download on external drives and the SSD was going to be the place for the OS and probably the Steam directory, but not much more than that.

    Anyway, I got my old PC back up and running which will hopefully delay my purchases a bit (I recently had to buy a set of snow tires and I plan a couple of trips in the winter for Magic tournaments, so money was going to be a bit tight anyway). Christmas bonuses are around the corner though so if I can buy at least a month that would be great. Are there any new hardware releases on the horizon which may drop the prices on older models which I should consider?
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • I can't think of anything off the top of my head.

    Actually disregard what I said about DDR4 RAM and just go DDR 3. DDR4 doesn't look like its going to be relevant till Intel releases Skylake.

    The 840 EVO is 'the' sweet spot for size and price of SSD's

    The motherboard is an issue as the 2011 chipset looks like it's going to be staying around for quite a while.
  • A diode in my 7 year old IPS panel monitor died this morning while watching Friday Night Party Line.

    Should I go for a 27" IPS monitor, 2 x 24" IPS panels or wait to see how G-Sync TN panels work out next year (I'm on a back up 23.8" backup at the moment)?

    The machine is mainly used for gaming, coding, watching TV, movies and general Internet stuff.
    As such I'm not interested in the 3k, 4k and 5k monitors floating around at the moment (unless someone can convince me).
  • Scott will say 5k retina, but unless you've got a graphics card that won't sound like a Supra turbo trying to run it, I'd dodge it. Go with the 2 24"s.
  • If you need an emergency monitor right now, I would actually get the bargain TN junk that these other forumites love so much. Why? Because then you can save your money and get. 5K IPS display in a year or two.
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