Movie suggestions for the last couple of days of class.
I'm trying to come up with a few more movies to show for my last couple of days of class. Preferably something I can relate to an artist. Examples:
The Dark Crystal: Jim Henson, Frank oz, and more importantly for me, Brain Froud.
Spirited Away: Hiyao Miyazaki (or anything by Ghibli really.)
If I can get ideas for non-animated movies, that'd be eve better.
Fail me not, geeks!
I don't have a copy of Kells, but that may have been a good one.
Rym, slap yourself for that suggestion.
Amazon link
More Amazon links (get the library editions)
As for Lovecraft, it's not my priority. If I were to read another book-book, I really need to read The Warrior Prophet. >.>
I won't watch Big Fish again, let alone in front of a group of students. While a great movie, I don't want to be blubbering incoherently in front of my students, and I don't think most of them would 'get it'
-Besson's "Wasabi" or "Leon" (if it's not too violent for them)
I'd say "Reservoir Dogs", "Angel-A" or "Delicatessen". But I understand that even though they would like it, their parents probably wouldn't. Sucks to be a kid in the US I guess.
Also, Delicatessen was a terrible movie. Paprika is one I haven't seen myself, so I couldn't judge.
Fantasia might be a good one.
-Plan 9 from Outer Space
-Reefer Madness (The MST3K guy are a Rifftracx Live! showing of this on Aug 19th at 8PM.)