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  • So if I wait two years and no one is playing NS2 any more am I going to be happy that I waited? Probably not. I also am wary of purely multiplayer games that are described as having a high learning curve because people tend to be assholes if you're not good and learning aka. LoL.

    Your non-review method only really works for single player games and not games that are 100% multiplayer that are a complete mistake to buy if no one is playing them or they're not good.
    NS2 is a sequel. NS1 is a free mod for Half-Life 1 that has been around for 10 years. Do you really need some game journalist to review and score NS2 to help make a decision? All I needed to know was the title of the game and who was making it. That was enough to get me to pay the maximum pre-order dollars on the first day they would accept them.
  • Valve is gonna have to try really hard to make a game that is less accessible or appealing to me than Dota 2.
    Dota 2 will have tutorial at some point. That should help with the accessibility.

  • Valve is gonna have to try really hard to make a game that is less accessible or appealing to me than Dota 2.
    Dota 2 will have tutorial at some point. That should help with the accessibility.
    With it being Valve, I'm reasonably hopeful they won't just cop out and have a bunch of videos. While videos can help, it's not quite as useful as a playable tutorial. I'd know, I've watched plenty of DOTA videos, and I still have no fuckin' clue what I'm doing.

  • Valve is gonna have to try really hard to make a game that is less accessible or appealing to me than Dota 2.
    Dota 2 will have tutorial at some point. That should help with the accessibility.

    League of Legends has a tutorial, and it's utterly useless. It shows you how to play the game, but not how the game works, and that's because you'd need a 10 hour tutorial (read: campaign) to get players to where they need to be. Instead, it teaches you everything it can in ~20 minutes and drops you into the foray with players who understand AP builds, team tactics, jungling, etc. If you don't understand those concept, you're not just going to lose, you're going to be ridiculed for being "bad."

    DoTA 2 is the exact same way, some would argue worse. You'd need a full-on single-player (or co-op) campaign in order to get into the game.

  • edited November 2012
    So if I wait two years and no one is playing NS2 any more am I going to be happy that I waited? Probably not. I also am wary of purely multiplayer games that are described as having a high learning curve because people tend to be assholes if you're not good and learning aka. LoL.

    Your non-review method only really works for single player games and not games that are 100% multiplayer that are a complete mistake to buy if no one is playing them or they're not good.
    NS2 is a sequel. NS1 is a free mod for Half-Life 1 that has been around for 10 years. Do you really need some game journalist to review and score NS2 to help make a decision? All I needed to know was the title of the game and who was making it. That was enough to get me to pay the maximum pre-order dollars on the first day they would accept them.
    So why not just play NS original?

    Also say CS:GO or NS2 came out right now, but instead of being sequels or remakes or whatever they were just the first game of theirs to come out and they were $30. You wouldn't buy them without checking it out a little bit.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • With it being Valve, I'm reasonably hopeful they won't just cop out and have a bunch of videos. While videos can help, it's not quite as useful as a playable tutorial. I'd know, I've watched plenty of DOTA videos, and I still have no fuckin' clue what I'm doing.
    They are working on a real interactive update. There are some strings meant for the tutorial already in the game files and new ones are added about every update.
  • So if I wait two years and no one is playing NS2 any more am I going to be happy that I waited? Probably not. I also am wary of purely multiplayer games that are described as having a high learning curve because people tend to be assholes if you're not good and learning aka. LoL.

    Your non-review method only really works for single player games and not games that are 100% multiplayer that are a complete mistake to buy if no one is playing them or they're not good.
    NS2 is a sequel. NS1 is a free mod for Half-Life 1 that has been around for 10 years. Do you really need some game journalist to review and score NS2 to help make a decision? All I needed to know was the title of the game and who was making it. That was enough to get me to pay the maximum pre-order dollars on the first day they would accept them.
    So why not just play NS original?

    Also say CS:GO or NS2 came out right now, but instead of being sequels or remakes or whatever they were just the first game of theirs to come out and they were $30. You wouldn't buy them without checking it out a little bit.
    But that's not the case, is it? What if the sky was yellow? But the sky isn't yellow. So I don't have to read game reviews. Back in the NES days you sometimes needed them. In the year 2012, fuck 'em.
  • edited November 2012
    So why not just play NS original?
    The few servers that have players are in Russia.
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • edited November 2012
    For the next time you eat a bagel, have fun with it! Mathematically Challenging Bagels, make a Mobius bagel.


    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Dear idiots,

    Stop calling Barack Obama a populist. He's not. He's a popular candidate. Populism has meant different things at different times, but the one constant is a democracy fetish. Call me when Obama bows to his audience.
  • Dear idiots,

    Stop calling Barack Obama a populist. He's not. He's a popular candidate. Populism has meant different things at different times, but the one constant is a democracy fetish. Call me when Obama bows to his audience.
    But what is his audience? Obama pretty much captured the entire liberal and most of the moderate vote, with only relatively few moderates and hard core conservatives going GOP.
  • Actually, Obama lost independent voters by a few points. He won because significantly more Democrats voted than Republicans.
  • edited November 2012
    Actually, Obama lost independent voters by a few points. He won because significantly more Democrats voted than Republicans.
    I said moderates, not independents. There is a difference. Independents are purely people who aren't affiliated with any political party. Moderates may or may not be affiliated with a party, but they have views somewhere in between liberals and conservatives.

    For example, 56% of self-identified moderates (out of 41% of the entire voting public) voted for Obama.
    Post edited by Dragonmaster Lou on
  • edited November 2012
    So if I wait two years and no one is playing NS2 any more am I going to be happy that I waited? Probably not. I also am wary of purely multiplayer games that are described as having a high learning curve because people tend to be assholes if you're not good and learning aka. LoL.

    Your non-review method only really works for single player games and not games that are 100% multiplayer that are a complete mistake to buy if no one is playing them or they're not good.
    NS2 is a sequel. NS1 is a free mod for Half-Life 1 that has been around for 10 years. Do you really need some game journalist to review and score NS2 to help make a decision? All I needed to know was the title of the game and who was making it. That was enough to get me to pay the maximum pre-order dollars on the first day they would accept them.
    So why not just play NS original?

    Also say CS:GO or NS2 came out right now, but instead of being sequels or remakes or whatever they were just the first game of theirs to come out and they were $30. You wouldn't buy them without checking it out a little bit.
    But that's not the case, is it? What if the sky was yellow? But the sky isn't yellow. So I don't have to read game reviews. Back in the NES days you sometimes needed them. In the year 2012, fuck 'em.
    Well I guess 1/4 of geeknights episodes are completely useless then, and if you've ever bought a game based on someone else's opinion you've contradicted yourself. And yellow sky is a bad analogy.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • There are very few things that make me uncomfortable when looking at it, but today, I got a knot in my stomach looking at a picture of a fish with a Cymothoa exigua inside it. Very fascinating to read about, but imagining a similar thing in my body makes me all blergh.
  • Dear idiots,

    Stop calling Barack Obama a populist. He's not. He's a popular candidate. Populism has meant different things at different times, but the one constant is a democracy fetish. Call me when Obama bows to his audience.
    But what is his audience? Obama pretty much captured the entire liberal and most of the moderate vote, with only relatively few moderates and hard core conservatives going GOP.
    I'm not being metaphorical. Call me when he literally bows to the people he gives his speech to.
  • I just worked out I have a Kevin Bacon of 3. That is, if you consider being an uncredited extra as good enough. And, that is, if you consider a TV show as being a movie. Which it isn't. But still, it's a fun game. I was in a TV show called Verliebt in Berlin with actress Alexandra Neldel.

    Oracle of Baconsays:

    Alexandra Neldel has a Bacon number of 2.

    Alexandra Neldel
    was in
    Goldene Zeiten (2006)
    Ludger Pistor
    was in
    X-Men: First Class (2011)
    Kevin Bacon

    Google's Bacon Number search gives the same actress a 3:;..0.0...1c.sS2nqKOXuTw&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&fp=667c5f4cb2369877&bpcl=38093640&biw=1680&bih=929
  • So if I wait two years and no one is playing NS2 any more am I going to be happy that I waited? Probably not. I also am wary of purely multiplayer games that are described as having a high learning curve because people tend to be assholes if you're not good and learning aka. LoL.

    Your non-review method only really works for single player games and not games that are 100% multiplayer that are a complete mistake to buy if no one is playing them or they're not good.
    NS2 is a sequel. NS1 is a free mod for Half-Life 1 that has been around for 10 years. Do you really need some game journalist to review and score NS2 to help make a decision? All I needed to know was the title of the game and who was making it. That was enough to get me to pay the maximum pre-order dollars on the first day they would accept them.
    So why not just play NS original?

    Also say CS:GO or NS2 came out right now, but instead of being sequels or remakes or whatever they were just the first game of theirs to come out and they were $30. You wouldn't buy them without checking it out a little bit.
    But that's not the case, is it? What if the sky was yellow? But the sky isn't yellow. So I don't have to read game reviews. Back in the NES days you sometimes needed them. In the year 2012, fuck 'em.
    Well I guess 1/4 of geeknights episodes are completely useless then, and if you've ever bought a game based on someone else's opinion you've contradicted yourself. And yellow sky is a bad analogy.
    We don't do reviews. We do entertainment.
  • edited November 2012
    I believe I remember your co-host disagreeing with you on that point.

    Also that quote should be GeekNight's slogan.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • I have a Kevin Bacon number of 2. My ex-wife's shrink is Kevin Bacon's mother-in-law.
  • You have to have been in a movie together for it to count, unfortunately.
  • I am Kevin Bacon.
  • It seems like Oracle of Bacon includes TV shows, which might explain why Google gives me a higher number.

    "Every couple of weeks the Oracle downloads several database files from one of the Internet Movie Database's FTP sites containing around 1.5 million actors and actresses, around 1.2 million movies and TV shows, and around 200,000 nicknames. The Oracle builds a big map of actors and movies and stores it in a 252 MB database file."
  • I've decided I will be okay with the American Akira if Tetsuo is played by Kayne West.
  • I've decided I will be okay with the American Akira if Tetsuo is played by Kayne West.
    Pull an Eddie Murphy and have him play every character.
  • My gamertag on xbox live is Jesus For Sale if anyone wants to be friends.
  • Minimum wage is intended for unskilled and inexperienced laborers. Teens are supposed to take minimum wage jobs. Adults are only supposed to take them as interim jobs. There's no reason that minimum wage should be a living wage. Being able to enjoy a 2 bedroom apartment, the ability to afford to raise children, cable, a car, etc, were never part of that deal.

    If you want those things and your employer isn't paying you enough, you go to his competitors who do, or you improve your skillset and get a higher paying job. Minimum wage isn't supposed to be comfortable, it's supposed to be low compensation for low skill, low effort work.

    Now, in a shit, stagnant economy, this whole thing breaks down. We have a shit, stagnant economy right now. Labor isn't valued. Employers get away with some onerous shit in that environment.

    At least part of the fix is to stop giving tax breaks to millionaires and distributing all the wealth upward until nobody has any buying power. When the lower and middle classes have buying power, the economy flourishes and competition for labor behaves as it should.

    Raising the minimum wage is a simple, slogan-like answer that a lot of people can understand and get behind, but it doesn't address any of the systemic problems that lead people to call for it.
  • edited November 2012
    I was annoyed by that statement for a moment, before I realised that you've got an ass backwards system in place there, that assumes that minimum wage should be a single thing.

    See, we got around that quite simply. We figured out that there should be different minimum wages for different things. For example, a teen working at Hungry Jacks is going to make minimum wage for a 16 year old flipping burgers. An adult just starting a shitty cleaning job is going to make minimum wage for an Adult cleaner - which, naturally, is going to be enough to live on, whereas the teen's wage is not. Every five years, these amounts are re-assessed to ensure they're still appropriate.

    The system of a minimum wage we use works perfectly well. A teen working for minimum wage and an adult working for minimum wage are no less acceptable than one another, because they're not working for the same wage.

    And, just in case you're not covered by an award, there is also the federal minimum wage, which varies by age - I'd get more at my age, than a teen would get at 16, because it's understood that an adult has greater financial burden for survival than a teen would have.

    So, really, the problem isn't minimum wage itself, and what you think is the case about minimum wage is fucking ludicrous. The problem is that your system for what the minimum wage should be is clearly broken and weird, even if it limps along enough to be slightly functional.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited November 2012
    I'm all for that. Industry specific minimum wages would be a great step forward.

    because it's understood that an adult has greater financial burden for survival than a teen would have.
    This is the part that doesn't fly in 'Murrica. Your financial burden isn't your employer's problem or society's, according to American capitalist culture.
    Post edited by muppet on
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