Hmm. He might be trying to change every post he's made to the above. He might even have written a script to do it, though that would be nontrivial to do.
I don't mean to add to this, but I was hoping for more than "fuck you all." I liked the Bohemian Rhapsody when I was quoted. Also, Nine, that was kinda poetic what you said about my post. I didn't google, was it from something?
Poor Nine. You fool. Ah well, he made his choice. You know, he always said that he was an ass for a purpose. But these last few days? He had none. It's so disappointing.
Kiddo, you are a goofball and full of piss and vinegar. As one of the mods, I am going to suggest against banning you, and let you tire yourself out.
Seeing as we've been keeping it classy of late.
Will this suffice as a toast?
Cheers to Nine (it's tea; there is no good alcohol in this house.).