GeekNights Counterstrike Server
Our CS server is up.
For now, it's called "GeekNights" in the master list. (
Standard map rotation, and I haven't installed any admin mods yet. Go nuts, and let me know if it has any trouble. If the server is good, once I make a few tweaks, we'll probably schedule same scrims. ^_^
Next steps:
1. Manimod (and then I'll make a few of you admins)
2. Additional maps and mapvoting
3. Gungame
4. NS server
I plan to leave it open for now, but would you prefer a public password? Something like "FRC" to keep the riffraff out? Whenever we decide to scrim, I'll password it for just that event obviously. I'm asking more generally.
Katabatic and Circle of Stones are the only reliable maps coming to mind at present.
Re CSS: I think going with an open server and passwording if it gets too busy/stupid.