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GeekNights Counterstrike Server



  • Just want to let anyone who doesn't have cs:s to know that it's on sale at steam for $4.99 today.
    I bought it. I'm a CS virgin.

    There is no way in hell I'm letting my sister watch that.
  • Hope everyone has been practicing. Last time I was on I went 28-3
  • I bought CS:S. I take it Geeknights doesn't have a server on Source?
  • It is a source server.
  • edited December 2010
    Commandeering this thread for general GeekServ talk.

    While it seems the Quake 2 server is the next to go up, getting a decent quality Tribes 2 server is still important for Tribes 2 as a whole.
    Tribes 2 has a lot of the stuff you'd usually mod in (Administration, voting and such.) built-in, so getting the basics configured shouldn't take long to figure out; Setting server rules and map rotation mostly.
    I'd like to get Classic running on it as well. I didn't realise, but Classic is built by people trying to replicate Tribes 1, not the launch rules of Tribes 2 as I'd previously thought. It does, however, make playing standard rules feels somewhat sluggish by comparison.

    If Rym's not got time to figure it out, I can probably put together a server, get it set up and post the instructions (I should probably get re-aquanted with Linux servers anyway.). Might even be able to set it up via SSH (If that's possible, I'm not that up on my server admining.).
    Post edited by Omnutia on

    @Rym: What's the status on setting up a Tribes 2 server?
  • My CS server is down while I automate some of the updates and install better maps (and physically re-arrange the room).

    As for Tribes 2, it's not on my plate really. Quake 2 comes first, and I'll probably stop there.
  • Oh well, time to make friends with women in sweden.
  • Oh well, time to make friends with women in sweden.
    You weren't doing that already?
  • Is this coming back soon? I feel like the kid who found out about POGs the day after everyone stopped caring about them.
  • Is this coming back soon?
    This weekend. I'm re-arranging the studio anyway, and I have a replacement PSU.

    Once it's back up, I'll let everyone know, and we can play a game.
  • Sweet ass. I can't wait to get my ass kicked by people who have actually played this game before.
  • I can't recall the IP/Name here, but I should post the server I usually play on. It's full of good people and good culture. It's alltalk as well for maximum fun, but they'll switch it up for scrims on occasion.
  • I have played CS exactly once, and have not touched it since. It feels too slippery and imprecise. Also, actual play seems to be more about blitzing than cautious strategizing and staging.
  • I have played CS exactly once, and have not touched it since. It feels too slippery and imprecise. Also, actual play seems to be more about blitzing than cautious strategizing and staging.
    You're right and you're wrong. What makes Counter-Strike so great is that it is fast, although not Quake fast, it's much faster than similar FPSes. Yet, it still retains a ton of strategy, tactics, and teamwork. It's just that none of that is cautious. It ups the difficulty because it doesn't give you time to strategize carefully, except when you are dead. You have to strategize incredibly quickly, and execute even more quickly. That's why the game has such a high skill cap and continues to be played by so many people to this day.

    Also, you just don't like Counter-Strike because you probably just got owned repeatedly, got frustrated, and went crying home to play baby games like TF2. Neener neener you suck! Get some skills nub!
  • Also, you just don't like Counter-Strike because you probably just got owned repeatedly, got frustrated, and went crying home to play baby games like TF2. Neener neener you suck! Get some skills nub!
    The difficulty of your trivia questions just went up one notch.
  • Also, you just don't like Counter-Strike because you probably just got owned repeatedly, got frustrated, and went crying home to play baby games like TF2. Neener neener you suck! Get some skills nub!
    The difficulty of your trivia questions just went up one notch.
    Trivia is a test of knowledge not a test of skill.
  • The difficulty of your trivia questions just went up one notch.
    It feels too slippery and imprecise.
    Slippery howso? Aiming is dead-on precise, and bullet scatter is well defined relative to the average map size and AoE.

    Footing about is slow, and debris/obstacles will slow you down realistically. Scatter increases when moving, and you're constantly having to choose between forging ahead to engage (unfavorably) or establishing position before engagement.
  • Also, you just don't like Counter-Strike because you probably just got owned repeatedly, got frustrated, and went crying home to play baby games like TF2. Neener neener you suck! Get some skills nub!
    The difficulty of your trivia questions just went up one notch.
    Trivia is a test of knowledge not a test of skill.
    Two notches.
    Slippery howso? Aiming is dead-on precise, and bullet scatter is well defined relative to the average map size and AoE.
    Maybe it's faulty memory. It's been a month or so since I got it (during the last Steam sale). But movement was somehow off, like it was loose. I'll have to load it up tonight and experiment some more.
  • Maybe it's faulty memory. It's been a month or so since I got it (during the last Steam sale). But movement was somehowoff, like it was loose. I'll have to load it up tonight and experiment some more.
    You mean it actually required skill with a mouse to shot someone? What a novel idea...
  • First, CS 1.6 and CS:Source both have slightly different feels to them. Secondly, adjust your mouse sensitivity. Third, how good is your mouse?
  • Is the Geeknights server still up for CS:S? I bought the bullet and am finally getting back into CS after years.. I think the last time I played was back in the pre-1.0 beta days.
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