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GeekNights 20110317 - Bicycles

edited March 2011 in GeekNights

Tonight on GeekNights, post-PAX, we bring you a pre-PAX episode we never aired about bikes! Or possibly Bikke. Scott brings us concerns about the true nature of the TED talks, Rym laments the growing misunderstanding and mistreatment of fevers in children, and we hint at secret projects in the works.

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  • growing misunderstanding and mistreatment of fevers
    Actual quote from the comments on there:
    Well I ,m not shure over this. Long ago my parent used her judgement over riding the doc,s advice.Thus saved a sibling.The staff said if ya waited he,d be gone .I think if you worry then calling or going to the ER room is better.
    Protip: This is why good doctors are becoming more and more like House (in terms of bedside manner and not absurd medical shonen, obviously) everyday. This is why doctors don't give a good goddamn what the fuck you think about x, y, or z medication or diagnosis. They just want you to know that every time you're "not shure over" medical advice, someone may likely die. And they want you to know that if and when that happens, you can't sue, because you were an idiot and didn't trust a doctor.
  • Yeah, I'd much prefer a doctor with House's bedside manner, as long as the doctor in question actually knew his/her stuff.
  • Actual quote from the comments on there:
    Well I ,m not shure over this. Long ago my parent used her judgement over riding the doc,s advice.Thus saved a sibling.The staff said if ya waited he,d be gone .I think if you worry then calling or going to the ER room is better.
    Comments on any mass-appeal or generic site of any kind rarely pass the Turing test. I'm always amazed when someone even notices them: they just don't exist as far as I 'm concerned. They're static.
  • I thought the show tonight was supposed to include a debate about a Libyan no-fly zone. Did I miss it?
  • I thought the show tonight was supposed to include a debate about a Libyan no-fly zone. Did I miss it?
    We didn't do a show. This is an old one we threw up. Somepony was too busy and tired to record anything.
  • edited March 2011
    I thought the show tonight was supposed to include a debate about a Libyan no-fly zone. Did I miss it?
    We didn't do a show. This is an old one we threw up. Somepony was too busy and tired to record anything.
    So, all the talk about such a debate was shit-talk? Nice.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • So, all the talk about such a debate was shit-talk? Nice.
    Umm, we didn't do a show at all. As in, no shows. As in, there was no opportunity to have the debate yet. We haven't recorded a single thing since the weekend before PAX, and don't plan to until next week.

    So, it sounds like you'd rather we not have put up an old recorded filler episode.
  • So, all the talk about such a debate was shit-talk? Nice.
    Umm, we didn't do a show at all. As in, no shows. As in, there was no opportunity to have the debate yet. We haven't recorded a single thing since the weekend before PAX, and don't plan to until next week.

    So, it sounds like you'd rather we not have put up an old recorded filler episode.
    No, I rather wish you hadn't put up a filler episode. I was expecting an air strike debate.

    Now look at your little argument. You never said, "We will debate air strikes the Thursday after PAX unless we're tired and decide to do a filler show." You said, "We will debate air strikes the Thursday after PAX." Did you do such a show? No. What do we usually call that? Shit-talk.
  • You said, "We will debate air strikes the Thursday after PAX." Did you do such a show? No. What do we usually call that? Shit-talk.
    Fine, shit-talk. Now what? Internet rage? Blame Scott. He refused to do a show. ;^)
  • edited March 2011
    You said, "We will debate air strikes the Thursday after PAX." Did you do such a show? No. What do we usually call that? Shit-talk.
    Fine, shit-talk. Now what? Internet rage?
    No. Your admission will do nicely. Now I think I've really achieved something today.

    What Xbox-like achievement title/medal would you win for calling Scrym on shit-talking and then having them admit to it?
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • What Xbox-like acheivement title/medal would you win for calling Scrym on shit-talking and then having them admit to it?
    Well, he admits to shit-talking all the time.

    Now, if you could shame him into not shit-talking any more, that would be an achievement.
  • What Xbox-like achievment title/medal would you win for calling Scrym on shit-talking and then having them admit to it?
    Well, he admits to shit-talking all the time.
    Maybe he admits it to you, but I haven't heard him admit it to us very often. Besides, ease of "achievement" is a hallmark of Xbox achievements.
  • You saw a guy unicycling over a bridge in New York? That could easily be Kieth Bindlestiff, who with others is unicycling over every bridge in New York!

    There are 2,078 bridges in New York City. We have been making weekly treks to cross every one of them..... on unicycles. They've managed 197 so far.
  • You saw a guy unicycling over a bridge in New York? That could easily be Kieth Bindlestiff, who with others is unicycling over every bridge in New York!

    There are 2,078 bridges in New York City. We have been making weekly treks to cross every one of them..... on unicycles. They've managed 197 so far.
    Whoa. I wish I'd known about that before. Unicycles were so common at RIT that I don't think much of seeing them around.
  • How exactly does a bike quote "fill up with water and explode"? I laughed my ass off when you said that.
  • edited March 2011
    It gets water in the frame, which then freezes and cracks the frame when it expands
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Oh, I thought (for some unknown stupid reason) that they meant it literally exploded, as in pieces everywhere.
  • edited March 2011
    Depends on the acidity of the water and magnesium content of the frame.

    Much of the stuff about breaking and pedalling hadn't occurred to me, I kinda just got used to them without thinking.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Much of the stuff about breaking and pedalling hadn't occurred to me, I kinda just got used to them without thinking.
    Watch most people bike. They have no idea how to do it.
  • It gets water in the frame. which then freezes and cracks the frame when it expands
    Yeah, this happened to my first bike. Not cool.
  • IMHO...

    Full-sus are for lamers. Hard tail all the way! (unless you are doing proper downhill... which to be honest, the majority of us will never do. please refer to this video for what i mean )
  • I live in an incredibly rural area so pretty much everyone bikes until they get a car. To be honest, I haven't seen the lack of knowledge on how to ride a bike personally to the extent you guys are talking about.
  • edited March 2011

    Full-sus are for lamers. Hard tail all the way! (unless you are doing proper downhill... which to be honest, the majority of us will never do. please refer to this video for what i mean )
    Full-suspension is a waste of money without the terrain to ride it on. At most, one needs a front suspension fork.

    Although, though they're standard on most downhill bikes (my childhood home is big on downhill biking), I prefer disc brakes to calipers and cantilevers. They stop way faster and don't have trouble stopping you in the rain.

    EDIT: Before people chew me out over disc brakes, my hometown is QUITE hilly, as is the other place I bike (rural Wisconsin). The Wisconsin location has the added obstacle of many hilly, muddy Kettle Morraine trails that I like to take in addition to the smooth asphalt connecting the trails.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Never learned to ride a bike, as a kid I usually stayed indoors and the other kids always came to my house. I wasn't a fat kid.
    Oh, I thought (for some unknown stupid reason) that they meant it literally exploded, as in pieces everywhere.
    The way they laughed also gave me the impression something more dramatic happened to it.
  • edited March 2011
    Watch most people bike. They have no idea how to do it.
    I was a perfect example (only marginally better now...). After years of riding, it was not until a few years ago that one of my riding enthusiast mates explained to me the benefits of a good cadence, and very patiently explained to me that, although I may 'feel' that I get more power with the bike waggling left to right with each standing peddle... it really isn't.

    When I rode his Carbon Bianchi for the first time, the ease of ride astounded me. I was further astonished at the variety of amazingly well engineered (albeit super expensive) bicycles on the market these days, and by comparison felt that it may well be time to upgrade from my trusty ol' hardtail.
    >Full-suspension is a waste of money without the terrain to ride it on. At most, one needs a front suspension fork.

    Although, though they're standard on most downhill bikes (my childhood home is big on downhill biking), I prefer disc brakes to calipers and cantilevers. They stop way faster and don't have trouble stopping you in the rain.
    I have not had much experience with Dualies so will withhold judgement, but I mirror your attitude regarding disc breaks.
    Post edited by Casa Vino on
  • How do you determine the optimal gear to be in? Is a lower gear and faster peddling more efficient than a higher one at the same speed?
  • How do you determine the optimal gear to be in? Is a lower gear and faster peddling more efficient than a higher one at the same speed?
    Ideally, you should not change your peddling speed at all. You would shift gears so that, within reason, you would be pedeling with the same force and speed for your entire trip.
  • edited March 2011
    Does anyone else ride while listening to music/podcasts/audiobooks?

    I use one earpiece when I ride, even in busy traffic. I probably should take it out for around town.. Dunno, I can still HEAR OK, but it does take a little of your attention away.
    Post edited by InvaderREN on
  • Does anyone else ride while listening to music/podcasts/audiobooks?
    Nooooo way. I like the ambient noise--And the fact that it can save your life.
  • In New York I didn't listen to anything while riding. In Berlin, where there are cycle paths, you can get away with listening to spoken word audio and not dying. I never listen to music though, as that drowns out all ambient noise.
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