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Is using a strategy guide / FAQ cheating?



  • Its actually not that hard, the only difference is the dungeons and those are only slightly harder since the majority of the major puzzles remain intact from the first game.
    I didn't stop due to hardness. I just stopped.
  • Now let me add another element. Let's say Contra HD comes out, and in order to use the Konami Code you had to pay $1.99 for an unlimited use of it, fair or foul?
  • Now let me add another element. Let's say Contra HD comes out, and in order to use the Konami Code you had to pay $1.99 for an unlimited use of it, fair or foul?
    Same/similar question: We play Magic: The Gathering. The tournament allows Black Lotus' to be used. I can afford one and you can't.
  • Paying for cheat codes is essentially blasphemy.
  • Paying for cheat codes is essentially blasphemy.
    It's basically just DLC. Paying to be able to level up more in Fallout is just as stupid.
  • I wouldn't say using a strategy guide is cheating, but it's like buying a Ferrari and then only driving it at 55. Yeah, you're driving a Ferrari, but what's the point if you could buy a Fit and do the exact same thing?

    You're not breaking the game's internal consistency in order to get ahead (which, to my mind, is what cheating really entails), but you're denying yourself of a tremendous amount of pleasure.
  • Paying for cheat codes is essentially blasphemy.
    Paying to be able to level up more in Fallout is just as stupid.
    The market is only now starting to figure out how much video game content is actually worth. Back in the day, the island of Manhattan could be bought for a handful of glass beads; looking back we consider the Indians the ones who were being ripped off.
    Same/similar question: We play Magic: The Gathering. The tournament allows Black Lotus' to be used. I can afford one and you can't.
    These tournaments exist and the winning decks are typically worth thousands of dollars. No one is forced to play in them but the player base of M:TG is big enough to support them.

    If you want to win the Super Bowl you need to spend millions of dollars; no amateur team would have a chance even if they were allow to play. That isn't considered cheating though. The questions isn't "is paying to win cheating?", it's "is winning worth paying?"
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