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A basic income for everyone



  • Plus overtime. You know they're milking it.
    Anecdotal evidence. I see some evidence that some of the upper level people have large salaries..
  • Starting Salary31,000k starting in New York City, with a test both mental and physical... in 5 and a half years you can get up to 61k. Not bad, but definitely not great for a job in New York city.
    Compared to the cost of living, that's awful. I would happily pay more taxes to raise the salaries of sanitation workers.

    Partly this is due to the sobering reality that I make more than four times what they start out with, and I don't have to touch other people's garbage.
  • I would happily pay more taxes to raise the salaries of sanitation workers.
    I'm sure they would accept your generous donation/tip without having to raise everyone's tax rate.
  • If only it were easier to voluntarily spread a little wealth around...

    Also, I just thought of another reason for high sanitation worker wages: because it is usually funded by the state, I'm sure it's much harder to hire an illegal alien to do the job (and difficult to pay under the table).
  • Starting Salary31,000k starting in New York City, with a test both mental and physical... in 5 and a half years you can get up to 61k. Not bad, but definitely not great for a job in New York city.

    Starting Salary for teachers 45,000k for a BS.
    Those teachers are the ones milking the system! How dare they!
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