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My Office Upholds the Dudebro Principle

edited June 2011 in Everything Else
So I work in a pretty good office. I like my co-workers pretty much and I like my job. However, we share our floor with a really REALLY bitchy fashion lady who could have totally walked right out of The Devil Wears Prada. She has called all the animators "crackheads" because we plugged in our electric kettle when the refrigerator was broken (thought it was going to start another fire), yells at us all the time about washing the dishes (I do wash my dishes, but a few times I let them soak overnight so the sauce would come off) and talks incessantly about who she hates over lunch. She posted this over the toilet today. Passive aggressive much?
Howard took a picture and sent it out, warning us to wipe up the pee. (For the record, it wasn't me.)
We were annoyed, but a "creative explosion" occurred soon after.
Stay tuned for more.


  • HAHA! YES!
  • This thread is full of so much win.
  • RymRym
    edited June 2011
    Post edited by Rym on
  • image
    Oh, Awkward Zombie, why are you pretty much the best non-Penny Arcade gaming comic?
  • Oh, Awkward Zombie, why are you pretty much the best non-Penny Arcade gaming comic?
    I'd never heard of Awkward Zombie until just now. I was more referencing the original PLIF comic, which surprisingly comes up in conversation regularly...
  • I don't get why women pee on the toilet seat so often. o_o Yay for seat liners.
  • I'd never heard of Awkward Zombie until just now. I was more referencing the original PLIF comic, which surprisingly comes up in conversation regularly...
    I thought when you posted that edit the first time that you were intentionally referencing that comic. It's a very well done comic.

  • I don't get why women pee on the toilet seat so often.
    They're afraid of touching the seat, and thus, they hover.
  • I don't think it was a girl. Our office is pretty heavily guy/girl weighted, so...
  • Ooooh... I get it now. Yucky boys ^-^
  • So much win.
  • The one week I'm not in the office...
  • edited June 2011
    These image responses only work if you tape them up near her original warning. :)
    Post edited by Johannes Uglyfred II on
  • edited June 2011
    Post up a sign that says the following:
    Okay, bitch, I pee'd on the seat. What are you going to do about it? I'll tell you what you're going to do: clean it up. Because you need to pee. Thats right; clean my pee! Muahahahaha

    The "muahahaha" is purely optional.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • I think cleaning up your own excrement from a shared surface before others have to use it is a fair expectation. If a geek had written that note, we'd all be cheering and doing some anime dance in his/her honor.
  • edited June 2011
    I think cleaning up your own excrement from a shared surface before others have to use it is a fair expectation. If a geek had written that note, we'd all be cheering and doing some anime dance in his/her honor.
    THIS (to an extent). Her note was rudely worded and she sounds like a jerk, so teasing her about her attitude and overstatement is warranted. However, I typed up a polite note requesting that the ladies at my building actually check the toilet before they leave the stall, because our automatic low-flow toilets don't seem to actually flush anything. Walking into a stall with other people's leavings in them is disgusting. Also, my office has a rule that everyone has to clean their dishes and put them in the drying rack before we leave for the day. It is just common courtesy so that people coming in the next day can access the sink without needing to avoid dirty dish water.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • If a geek had written that note, we'd all be cheering and doing some anime dance in his/her honor.
    No. Notes are possibly the most passive-aggressive silly drama-inducing thing you can do. Confront directly or not at all. Notes are impotent, end up on the Internet, and invoke nothing more than ridicule.
    I typed up a polite note requesting that the ladies at my building actually check the toilet before they leave the stall, because our automatic low-flow toilets don't seem to actually flush anything. Walking into a stall with other people's leavings in them is disgusting.
    I agree that that's gross, but I would have asked an HR department or the equivalent to send out a memo instead.
  • edited June 2011
    I agree that that's gross, but I would have asked an HR department or the equivalent to send out a memo instead.
    This. Now, if you're already gone to supervisors/HR, and they haven't done anything and/or it hasn't worked, I can see putting out a note. But the proper, non-drama-causing way to do it is to go through management. That's what they're there for.

    Also, ewwwwwww.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • edited June 2011
    I don't know why, but I feel this incident is ripe for some Odoru Daisousasen action.

    I should watch Odoru Daisousasen again.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Also, ewwwwwww.
    Seriously, why don't people flush? If they don't check, I worry that they also didn't wipe. You literally can't spare a backward glance? Just stand up, pants on, and walk straight away like it's Sodom behind you? I know you have to be at the gym in 26 minutes, but it's not that hard glance ever so slightly backward on the way out.

    Or, perhaps they feel a kinship with Ozymandias, leaving their mark for others to look upon.

    All of this is beside the fact that stool provides a decent indicator of general health. Everyone should at least cursorily glance at their work, lest they miss a sudden spat of blood, bile, or other baleful indicators.
  • Also...

    Someone should have peed on the note.
  • Also...

    Someone should have peed on the note.
    Or just put a few drops of yellow food coloring.
  • Or, perhaps they feel a kinship with Ozymandias, leaving their mark for others to look upon.
    Maybe they're having strange dreams and compulsions. Have they been abducted by aliens recently?
  • My wife was just up at Mohegan Sun last weekend and came back with a story of restroom opulence. Unlike the wax-papery seat covers that are now showing up in many bathrooms (where you have to pull one from a dispenser, punch out the center, and apply to the seat), the toilets here have a gigantic roll of the stuff hidden behind the wall. It spools out along the seat like a conveyer belt, and when you flush, the reel advances just far enough to dispense a completely clean surface. I imagine the excess goes into some vast pit of "someone's ass just touched this" material.
  • Seriously, why don't people flush?
    We have this problem in the lab. And yes, it's mostly in the ladies room.

    And this is a microbiology lab we're talking about here. Scientists. People who should know better.
  • I will point out that many public toilets have a ridiculous amount of pressure during the flush, resulting in water spraying on the seat. At times, this is the pee water. Ew. Because of this, particularly when they are the auto-flush toilets, it's pretty typical to go into a stall and see water on the seat. Nothing you can really do about it.
  • Another future use of variable hydrophilic/hydrophobic plastic.
  • I will point out that many public toilets have a ridiculous amount of pressure during the flush, resulting in water spraying on the seat. At times, this is the pee water. Ew. Because of this, particularly when they are the auto-flush toilets, it's pretty typical to go into a stall and see water on the seat. Nothing you can really do about it.
    Damn good observation. I had forgotten about this, but now I'm recalling a specific diner in north Jersey where the toilets flush so damn hard, they manage to spray water on all four walls. Not a ton, but when 10-15 droplets of pee water are coming out in every direction, you fling yourself into the corner.
  • Damn good observation. I had forgotten about this, but now I'm recalling a specific diner in north Jersey where the toilets flush so damn hard, they manage to spray water on all four walls. Not a ton, but when 10-15 droplets of pee water are coming out in every direction, you fling yourself into the corner.
    It makes me wonder WHY anyone would design a flush system that way. I mean, they have GOT to know it happens. Is it really worth spraying down the stall with toilet water just to make sure there is no streak left on the inside of the bowl?
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