While the spheres are cool, they're also somewhat... limiting.
You can punch through them and build outward. However, the limited resources (due to the limited depth of each sphere) will likely make Replicator blocks to give you basic resources a necessity.
Well, I've explored some and laid claim to a nice little chain of spheres. I'll probably abandon one or two, or at the least, make it into something cool for everyone, instead of just my own little dwelling.
I don't think the resources are all that bad. There's all this dirt and stone, and you can grow your own wood. And I found some iron, it was awesome. This map is great. =D
Can we get a map generated. This isn't like some giant rectangle of land this time. We should have a map so we can more clearly lay out which sphere belongs to who.
Can we get a map generated. This isn't like some giant rectangle of land this time. We should have a map so we can more clearly lay out which sphere belongs to who.
Well, I've got a small chain of joined Spheres down one end, a decent distance from the spawn - I intend to make the first into a public garden sort of thing, and the rest I'm still planning. There's a sign in front of the first one, and unless you've bridged from another sphere instead of using the already constructed bridge. As for laying out what's what, just throw up some signage - It's easy for me, I have one sign, and the connected spheres behind it are lumped under that - but I'll throw up more signs later, to be super clear.
I found a sphere of my own. It's got a cool waterfall in it, but is mostly empty. I already have plans for how I'm going to design the insides of my sphere, so I ask that people do not enter my sphere or make bridges to it. I'm usually a laid back guy but, for this build, I want everything just so. Signs are up at the two bridges.
I found a sphere of my own. It's got a cool waterfall in it, but is mostly empty. I already have plans for how I'm going to design the insides of my sphere, so I ask that people do not enter my sphere or make bridges to it. I'm usually a laid back guy but, for this build, I want everything just so. Signs are up at the two bridges.
The one with the pool of water in the middle? I sethome there earlier last night, sorry =/
You know, in the yukon (or at least in The Yukon Trail), they had a map where people would stake their claim. We kinda need that.
My banners!
Dammit, now I have to think of things to do with balls.
Also, should we maybe make it mandatory to put a sign at each of your sphere's entrances? Several of us have been doing this already.
>punch what you thought was unbreakable by hand
>break it