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  • edited April 2013
    Guys, this is serious. North Korea has the fourth largest standing army in the world, and the second largest special ops. Their factories manufacture over 200,000 rifles every year, and over 500 tanks. They are perfectly prepared to fight us in World War II!
    They are not prepared for war with us, they would get curb stomped. A stock pile of AKMs will not win a modern war. Tanks are almost completely irrelevant given our complete air superiority. Their weapons are too far out of date to effectively strike back against us. Frankly I think South Korea could take them without our help. They're out numbered yes, but much better equipped than the north.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • edited April 2013
    If you read carefully, you'll notice that he said "World War II". The exclamation mark is easily confused with an "I", I guess.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • An army marches on it's stomach.
  • Yeah, I think he missed that little detail. :)
  • If you read carefully, you'll notice that he said "World War II". The exclamation mark is easily confused with an "I", I guess.
    Yeah, I didn't notice that when I was writing it. Just too late to fix it, though.
  • Guys, this is serious. North Korea has the fourth largest standing army in the world, and the second largest special ops. Their factories manufacture over 200,000 rifles every year, and over 500 tanks. They are perfectly prepared to fight us in World War II!
    I can only assume sarcasm :P

    What is at least bandied around or politics department at uni, when not twiddling thumbs or making trebuchet, is that it would take a long time for the South to see any benefit of unification. You would have an East vs West Germany situation with even more brain washing and poverty. The upside being that, you know the human rights abuse ends.

    Im going to go with it will be a load of dick waggling that goes no where. North Korea will tell everyone that they showed the capitalist pig dogs who was boss and the rest of the world shrugs it off as crazy North Korea. The interesting thing is how everyone else reacts. China and Russia's respons has been rather interesting for instance.
  • edited April 2013
    An army marches on it's stomach.
    I know precisely what you mean, but imagine if you will, the entire north Korean army dancing the worm towards Seoul.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • RymRym
    edited April 2013
    Greg, that was a masterful troll. It draws the reader in, already indignant with the arguments he's going to make against you, salivating at the thought of crushing your assertions. Near anyone's hackles strive upward when they begin to read that wonderfully constructed paragraph.

    You draw him in, build him up, and then let him off (should he read to the end) so elegantly. You exemplify the truest spirit of our good work, In making your joke at the end, where a rushed reader will miss it and subject himself to the mockery of others, you ensure no mistake to the clever reader of your intent while simultaneously ensuring at least one solid bite.

    It is with great esteem that I award you my highest honor for Excellence in Trolling.

    Post edited by Rym on
  • What, other people don't read all of Greg's posts in Daria's voice?
  • It is with great esteem that I award you my highest honor for Excellence in Trolling.
    Did I just get awarded the Medal of Madbro by the Congress of Rym? I feel accomplished, somehow.

    I didn't even mean to troll. I was writing a joke, and then everyone misread it. Whatever works, I guess.
    What, other people don't read all of Greg's posts in Daria's voice?
    I know I do.
  • I am so proud of my boy right now. I always knew he'd accomplish something big.
  • I didn't even mean to troll. I was writing a joke, and then everyone misread it. Whatever works, I guess.
    Only people who aren't conscious of punctuation missed it. I LOL'd.

  • edited April 2013
    Isn't the new leader of Korea basicly an Xbox kid? I wonder if he frequents 4chan and is reacting publicly to be ridiculed on the interweb
    Post edited by HMTKSteve on
    The scary thing is I remember seeing that meme when it popped up. But like most things on the internet, I was skeptical.

  • edited April 2013
    A fertilizer plant exploded near Waco, Texas.

    Here is a shitty vertical video of it exploding.
    Post edited by canine224 on
  • Shitty week for the country.
  • Burning nitrogen. Not good.
    Hope the kid in the video didn't get her ear drums completely destroyed. Also best wishes to all the victims and their families.
  • Shitty week for the country.
    Gun control laws passed but background checks didn't.,0,343889.story
    Though California passed it at the state level.,0,6682391.story
  • Things are just exploding all over the country this week. :(
  • image
    Just what the fuck?
  • In what order were these structures built?
  • Why is the industrial zone so close to the urbanized zone?
  • In what order were these structures built?
    Does that matter? If the plant was there first, don't put residential areas, hospitals and schools next to it. If the other buildings came first, why do you put what might as well be a munitions factory next to them.

    I really wonder and fear where else such planning is either the status quo or currently underway.
  • It matters because often zoning laws are written such as "business A must be 500 feet from establishment B" which restricts business A from being built if a B already exists but does not restrict a B being built if an A already exists. Zoning laws can be weird.

    Another example is liquor stores. In my town new liquor stores have to be one mile away from churches. The reverse is not true and new churches can be built right next to an existing liquor store.
  • According to reporting on NPR the fertilizer plant was built first. Many residents are now questioning why the town built so close to a dangerous factory.
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