No one has Illusion of Gaia on their SNES list? What the hell, people! Surely someone else has played it and loved it.
By the way, I am aware that Chrono Trigger should be on this list, but I never played it until it was released for the DS. While I acknowledge it as a fantastic game, I think I definitely missed the boat in terms of playing it at an impressionable time in life. While I greatly enjoyed it, I lack the starry-eyed obsession it tends to evoke in everyone who encountered it as a child. That said, here are my own SNES favorites:
- Final Fantasy IV - Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - Illusion of Gaia - Secret of Mana - Fire Emblem IV: Genealogy of the Holy War - Street Fighter II: Turbo - TMNT Tournament Fighters - Donkey Kong Country I, II, & III - Super Mario World
Somewhere in this list is the secret to my forum icon.
My personal favorites from owning/emulating, in no particular order: Fire Pro Wrestling X Premium Super Mario World Chrono Trigger NBA Jam TE NBA Live '96 Bulls vs Blazers and the NBA Playoffs NBA Give 'N Go(can you tell I was a huge basketball fan in the mid 90s?) Super Street Fighter 2 Star Fox Stunt Race FX(the FX microchip games do not hold up now, but my God did I love these games pre Nintendo 64) Earthworn Jim mind you, I'm not saying these are the BEST Super NES games, just the ones I enjoyed the most. I didn't get into RPGs until I began emulating, and a lot of this era's RPGs don't hold up as well. I remember trying a lot of games and getting lost on the 2D maps, or not being patient enough grinding. There may also be others I'm forgetting, too.
By the way, I am aware that Chrono Trigger should be on this list, but I never played it until it was released for the DS. While I acknowledge it as a fantastic game, I think I definitely missed the boat in terms of playing it at an impressionable time in life. While I greatly enjoyed it, I lack the starry-eyed obsession it tends to evoke in everyone who encountered it as a child. That said, here are my own SNES favorites:
- Final Fantasy IV
- Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
- Illusion of Gaia
- Secret of Mana
- Fire Emblem IV: Genealogy of the Holy War
- Street Fighter II: Turbo
- TMNT Tournament Fighters
- Donkey Kong Country I, II, & III
- Super Mario World
Somewhere in this list is the secret to my forum icon.
Fire Pro Wrestling X Premium
Super Mario World
Chrono Trigger
NBA Live '96
Bulls vs Blazers and the NBA Playoffs
NBA Give 'N Go(can you tell I was a huge basketball fan in the mid 90s?)
Super Street Fighter 2
Star Fox
Stunt Race FX(the FX microchip games do not hold up now, but my God did I love these games pre Nintendo 64)
Earthworn Jim
mind you, I'm not saying these are the BEST Super NES games, just the ones I enjoyed the most. I didn't get into RPGs until I began emulating, and a lot of this era's RPGs don't hold up as well. I remember trying a lot of games and getting lost on the 2D maps, or not being patient enough grinding. There may also be others I'm forgetting, too.
Soul Blazer
Great games.