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Occupy Wall Street



  • Looks like OWS has its first corporate sponsor.
  • edited October 2011
    Looks like OWS has its first corporate sponsor.
    A free pint of Schweddy Balls to OWS participants!
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Ben and Jerry's is such a cool company; it's as close to being run by hippies as you can get, and while hippies are kinda crazy I'd rather hippies have run everything than the current crop of greedy evil old white guys in suits.
  • Ben and Jerry's is such a cool company; .
    sideways icecream cone
  • edited October 2011
    Jason is probably as incensed as I am. Honestly, talk about burying the lead with that photo.
    That was some real 1984 stuff there.

    @Jack124: Are you in Louisville?
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • Oakland has called a general strike. Shit just got real.
  • Oakland has called a general strike. Shit just got real.
    Nationwide general strike. I would do it.
  • Oakland has called a general strike. Shit just got real.
    Nationwide general strike. I would do it.
    Never happened before in US history, so I'd say we're about due for it.
  • Oakland has called a general strike. Shit just got real.
    Nationwide general strike. I would do it.
    Never happened before in US history, so I'd say we're about due for it.
    I'm not sure I would do this, but if the rest of the teachers at my school did, I would.
  • image

    "If you can afford three meals a day, you are in the top 15% of the wealthiest humans on Earth." - Raam Dev
  • edited October 2011
    The existence for starving children in Africa does not make my neighbor's loss of employment any less important to his family. It doesn't make their pain any less real.
    Post edited by J.Sharp on
  • The existence for starving children in Africa does not make my neighbor's loss of employment any less important to his family. It doesn't make their pain any less real.
    No, but their pain is relative. Human emotions are relative. The same way that a papercut can make a baby scream and scream, but I could get a papercut and not even notice. An american losing their job is like a baby getting a papercut and a starving/diseased child in Africa is like a baby getting a bullet in the head and walking it off.

    It's not to say that these problems aren't real, aren't important, or that we shouldn't fix them. It's just that people need to start having a wider perspective. Losing your job sucks. It IS "the man's" fault. He needs to go down and go down hard. But if you're an unemployed US citizen, remember you are still better off than most humans that have ever lived, and fight the man without feeling so sorry for yourself.
  • edited October 2011
    These sort of images annoy me because they are overwhelmingly used for concern trolling. There IS a case to talk about the wider income disparity of the whole planet but most people who make a point of how well off OWS protesters are compared to starving Somalians are not arguing for even more drastic egalitarian policy, they are arguing for inaction and the status quo.

    This is in the same vein of Fox News when it reports poor people in America can't be that bad off, after all they have refrigerators!

    It is a form of ad hominem attack. "You are not permitted to make this argument because of who you are." rather than talking about the argument itself. This is a very common tactic. Al Gore shouldn't be listened to about global warming because he has a big house and flies on private jets. If you believe taxes should be higher you shouldn't take those deductions. You can't have this child talk about the benefits of SCHIP, his family has granite countertops!
    Post edited by Purebloodgaijin on
  • What I want to see - a 3rd world nation holding an "Occupy America" protest.
  • What I want to see - a 3rd world nation holding an "Occupy America" protest.

  • edited October 2011

    "If you can afford three meals a day, you are in the top 15% of the wealthiest humans on Earth." - Raam Dev
    Yeah! Because nothing bad happening in Africa can be attributed to corruption, centralized wealth and unaccountable power.
    What I want to see - a 3rd world nation holding an "Occupy America" protest.
    The Arab Spring could be interpreted as this; all pro-West dictators and allies of the War on Terrorism.
    Post edited by DevilUknow on
  • "If you can afford three meals a day, you are in the top 15% of the wealthiest humans on Earth." - Raam Dev
    Which just boils down to, yet again, "suck it up".

    No, still not into that.
  • "If you can afford three meals a day, you are in the top 15% of the wealthiest humans on Earth." - Raam Dev
    Which just boils down to, yet again, "suck it up".

    No, still not into that.
    Agreed. It's like saying the only person in the world allowed to protest is the one person who is in the absolute worst possible position.
  • I got the pic and quote from one of my liberal friends on facebook. She's more of a 'America uses too many natural resources' type of liberal... Or would she be considered a global hippy?
  • edited October 2011
    The existence for starving children in Africa does not make my neighbor's loss of employment any less important to his family. It doesn't make their pain any less real.
    The Peace Corps always need people.
    Post edited by highdefinition on
  • I got the pic and quote from one of my liberal friends on facebook. She's more of a 'America uses too many natural resources' type of liberal... Or would she be considered a global hippy?
    I don't and shouldn't care where you got it from. Try and make an actual point instead.
  • I got the pic and quote from one of my liberal friends on facebook. She's more of a 'America uses too many natural resources' type of liberal... Or would she be considered a global hippy?
    I don't and shouldn't care where you got it from. Try and make an actual point instead.
    The actual point is that even the the 99% have it better than the poor in Africa.
  • I got the pic and quote from one of my liberal friends on facebook. She's more of a 'America uses too many natural resources' type of liberal... Or would she be considered a global hippy?
    I don't and shouldn't care where you got it from. Try and make an actual point instead.
    The actual point is that even the the 99% have it better than the poor in Africa.
    ...and that they should shut up until their wealth and freedom is eroded away as far as the poor in Africa. THEN they can feel justified in being mad.
  • edited October 2011
    I got the pic and quote from one of my liberal friends on facebook. She's more of a 'America uses too many natural resources' type of liberal... Or would she be considered a global hippy?
    I don't and shouldn't care where you got it from. Try and make an actual point instead.
    The actual point is that even the the 99% have it better than the poor in Africa.
    ...and that they should shut up until their wealth and freedom is eroded away as far as the poor in Africa. THEN they can feel justified in being mad.
    I hate that thought so much.
    Post edited by SquadronROE on
  • I've got to say, I live in Washington, and our streets are just full of these folks ... annnd it's pretty clearly just the same hippie outcry from the late 60's, just without a real cause. I'm sure they would protest the war, but we all agree that it's no fun. These people have NO CAUSE.
  • I've got to say, I live in Washington, and our streets are just full of these folks ... annnd it's pretty clearly just the same hippie outcry from the late 60's, just without a real cause. I'm sure they would protest the war, but we all agree that it's no fun. These people have NO CAUSE.
    People wouldn't stand outside for days at a time for no reason. People know that something is wrong with the way things are even if they aren't politically savvy enough to clearly articulate it.
  • I've got to say, I live in Washington, and our streets are just full of these folks ... annnd it's pretty clearly just the same hippie outcry from the late 60's, just without a real cause. I'm sure they would protest the war, but we all agree that it's no fun. These people have NO CAUSE.
    People wouldn't stand outside for days at a time for no reason. People know that something is wrong with the way things are even if they aren't politically savvy enough to clearly articulate it.
    Since they're there, they are probably willing to learn why things are wrong too. So it would make it easier to get out there and help educate the populace.
  • The Oakland Police Dept. are kind of notorious for being dicksacks, and East Bay protesters are notorious for "retaliation three-fold in kind." I wouldn't be surprised if things came to a head there. Shit could possibly get very ugly.
  • edited November 2011
    The Oakland Police Dept. are kind of notorious for being dicksacks, and East Bay protesters are notorious for "retaliation three-fold in kind." I wouldn't be surprised if things came to a head there. Shit could possibly get very ugly.
    The mayor of Oakland has actually backed down and welcomed the protesters back to the park. That being said, I'm inclined to agree with you. I'm interested to see what goes down with the general strike.
    Post edited by WaterInThere on
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