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Endless Space: The game: The thread.



  • edited May 2012
    Also, as far as ships went, one trick I used repeatedly was to send a max-size fleet of destroyers or cruisers that were only intended to launch a rediculous volley of missiles at the enemy fleet and get destroyed. Then I'd send in my big expensive fleet to mop up the survivors. And the ai ship templates seem very one-sided (they really commit to the paper rock scissors part I mean). Having a high cash economy, I could just instantly build a counter-fleet as soon as I saw their makeup... which seemed to work well, but also feels awkward.

    Of course, this is still on easy, and only my third game, so I could be talking out of my ass.
    Post edited by Anthony Heman on
  • Also, as far as ships went, one trick I used repeatedly was to send a max-size fleet of destroyers or cruisers that were only intended to launch a rediculous volley of missiles at the enemy fleet and get destroyed. Then I'd send in my big expensive fleet to mop up the survivors. And the ai ship templates seem very one-sided (they really commit to the paper rock scissors part I mean). Having a high cash economy, I could just instantly build a counter-fleet as soon as I saw their makeup... which seemed to work well, but also feels awkward.

    Of course, this is still on easy, and only my third game, so I could be talking out of my ass.
    That's an issue - if they defeat you, they don't tend to adapt as fast as they would otherwise. On the other hand, I simply go with overwhelming force - I just wreck fleets in ten seconds or less because I have large fleets of ridiculously powerful, cheap, disposable ships. 15,000+ MP per fleet, the best competing fleet I've seen maxes out at about 7000.

    I'm not sure what you mean by a high cash economy, though - You don't generally use dust to make ships, that's determined by your industry. Dust is used for other things, like certain upkeep and the like.
  • I mean I was generating 3k+/turn which meant by the time I needed a fleet (anything came into orbit), I would just build everything on site with money and shoot them down with that. The techs that reduce the buyout price make that rather effective.
  • Ah, of course. That would work really well.
  • More news - Sale ends on monday, game comes out of Alpha on same day, into Beta.

    Important points -
    -8 playable factions >> you’ll finally be able to discover the Amoeba, the Sowers and the new and last faction we’ll announce tomorrow

    - Multiplayer enabled >> You’ll be able to plays against 7 other players online.
  • Man... does not seem ready for online testing... but whatever. You guys want to throw down for a group game? It'll probably be INCREDIBLY SLOW AND TEDIOUS... but we can make it work...
  • We'll see how we go, I guess. Depends mostly on how the timezones line up. The Breakfast club will probably have a game or two first, we know each other's rough schedules and the like, makes it easier to get enough people in the same place.
  • Man... does not seem ready for online testing... but whatever. You guys want to throw down for a group game? It'll probably be INCREDIBLY SLOW AND TEDIOUS... but we can make it work...
    Also, just had a thought - the beta update will be a big one, lots of bugs fixed, lots of issues resolved, lots of balance changes, new art, new races, etc etc. So we don't have an accurate picture right now as to what the beta will be like exactly.

  • Oh no's multiplayer I'm totally in, I better try and learn this game!

  • edited June 2012
    Oh no's multiplayer I'm totally in, I better try and learn this game!
    So should I. I dominate the AI through sheer force, mostly - I've covered my habit of building massively powerful fleets and just fucking everything up, because the AI never thinks to do these things - but seriously, I have no idea what I'm doing.

    I mean, while the breakfast club are pretty much the premier players of ES on this forum, I'm definitely the worst the breakfast club has to offer at ES.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Picked this game up. Would be interested in mooltiplayer.
  • Grey and I just made a guy quit in under 100 turns - we both had a decent portion of the galaxy in a 4 faction game. The sowers were there, they were doing okay, keeping tight and to themselves. The other bloke was out ahead - until Grey, the sowers and I formed a 3 way alliance, and grey gave me all of his planets but one(giving me over half the galaxy, and the largest empire) and we declared war on the top guy. Three turns and a fair amount of ship production later later, top guy/host goes "Yeah I'm bored now" and quits. Yeah, bored, sure guy - he won by only a handful of points.
  • edited June 2012
    The Breakfast Club play a pro game of ES. Totally focused champions.


    LOL jk we're still childish jackasses.
    Post edited by Churba on
    One of his words was named Netherlands, you should know. Most of his other worlds were named things like "BudsNbabes", Weedland, Weedworld. etc etc.
  • Methinks you should play on a smaller galaxy to reach an end in a fair amount of time. :P
  • edited June 2012
    Methinks you should play on a smaller galaxy to reach an end in a fair amount of time. :P
    It's true, but we foolishly started very late in the evening - WUB had to go to bed first, followed by Joe, then it was me and grey till the final turns, then he dropped three turns before I took it with a wonder victory - he slipped me all his gear, but it was a moot point - that simply took the victory from twelve turns to three. If he'd have stayed, he'd have lost. Maybe 3-4 hours all up, and we still didn't colonize the whole galaxy.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Huge galaxy is best galaxy. More space to occupy around Joe.
  • I did set everything but the size and galaxy type randomly. It was amusing.
  • Glorious Huge Twin Elliptical Disc Master Race. Fast gameplay, abundant resources. We take no prisoners, bros.
  • Glorious Huge Twin Elliptical Disc Master Race. Fast gameplay, abundant resources. We take no prisoners, bros.
    Except for when I took over all your worlds after you left.

  • Fucks given? NONE. I'm figuring out Sophon and Craver gameplay now. Fucking Slowers, ruining my first game.
  • Must find time to learn this game! :-p
  • Fucks given? NONE. I'm figuring out Sophon and Craver gameplay now. Fucking Slowers, ruining my first game.
    I'm yet to roll Sowers, Craver or Amoeba yet, I've only ever run sophons, Horatio, Pilgrims, and Empire.
    Must find time to learn this game! :-p
    You'll wanna talk to grey on that score, dude has more time in Turn-based strategy than any of the breakfast club, and he knows his ES, dude can give you some helpful tips, that's for sure.

  • You'll wanna talk to grey on that score, dude has more time in Turn-based strategy than any of the breakfast club...
    Fact: Grey's EU3 log time makes him an honorary Holy Roman Emperor.

    Bow down before your sovereign, mortals.
  • You'll wanna talk to grey on that score, dude has more time in Turn-based strategy than any of the breakfast club...
    Fact: Grey's EU3 log time makes him an honorary Holy Roman Emperor.

    Bow down before your sovereign, mortals.
    Fact: The logged time is but a fraction of his actual time spent with just EU3. Now he also has Crusader Kings 2. His brains, of which he has three, are probably turn-based by now.
  • edited June 2012
    One of his three brains used to belong to Charlemagne.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited June 2012
    You'll wanna talk to grey on that score, dude has more time in Turn-based strategy than any of the breakfast club...
    Fact: Grey's EU3 log time makes him an honorary Holy Roman Emperor.

    Bow down before your sovereign, mortals.
    I'm pretty sure grey has been playing various flavors of Roman emperor longer than Gaius Julius Caesar actually WAS the roman emperor.

    I'm not actually joking, I'm pretty sure he really has. Dude is a fuckin' master of this business.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • You'll wanna talk to grey on that score, dude has more time in Turn-based strategy than any of the breakfast club...
    Fact: Grey's EU3 log time makes him an honorary Holy Roman Emperor.

    Bow down before your sovereign, mortals.
    Fact: The logged time is but a fraction of his actual time spent with just EU3. Now he also has Crusader Kings 2. His brains, of which he has three, are probably turn-based by now.
    Fun fact: EU3 is not turn based.

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