You totally brought this upon yourself, making a point to try and rub it in my face when you beat one of my Hexagon scores only months after I had stopped playing it
Wow, is it really so difficult on iOS!? The Android version has settings in the "Extras" tab that include different sliders for sound effects volume and music volume.
Wow, is it really so difficult on iOS!? The Android version has settings in the "Extras" tab that include different sliders for sound effects volume and music volume.
It's not hard, it's just easy to forget that some apps don't provide options while running and register a settings page with the iOS. When that happens you need to go to the system settings and find it. It's kinda a really bad design. I mean it makes sense, you go to settings to deal with all settings, but the Android way makes more sense to me. Although I know a lot of people that don't even know almost every app on the android has a settings page when you press the menu button on the device.
When I bought the Android version on Play, there was a visible spike in purchases during the past week. I have trouble imagining that the gaming grand prix would drive more than a dozen sales, especially when only looking at one platform.
There are about 24 hours left. I've got less than 30 submissions, and a lot of those are from the same people. Most people who registered have not submitted any score. Probably the same kind of people who register for a forum, but never post in it.
(But we seriously appreciate your efforts making us not sound as dumb as we already do.)
Put on the game.
The game plays with sound effects but not music.
Use your head phone remote to press pause.
Continue playing the game with no music but sound effects.