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  • Eh, I'm not offended or bothered, I've seen worse in manga, but it's also not something I'd post here. Doesn't suit the tone, I guess? Something like that.
  • edited February 2015
    Post edited by Daikun on
  • It's not due to offense. I come to this thread for random images, and it's just filling up with weird out of context black and white backwards-manga. It's black and white ass-manga, black and white girls in dresses manga, and now black and white ass-rape-murder manga. I just don't need to spend my brain energy on this thread, just like I don't read any other manga or anime thread.
  • Atmospheric Immolation: Me gusta.
    Assrape of weird all-black humanoid: WTF.
    Not upset, just wat.
  • It's not due to offense. I come to this thread for random images, and it's just filling up with weird out of context black and white backwards-manga. It's black and white ass-manga, black and white girls in dresses manga, and now black and white ass-rape-murder manga. I just don't need to spend my brain energy on this thread, just like I don't read any other manga or anime thread.

    Well, shit, that's kinda my fault. I started that.

    Alright, Banta and I will take it to a different thread. There's got to be another thread for it, and if there isn't, one will be made.
  • Could it be categorized under the "Anime Screenshots" thread?
  • edited February 2015
    Eh, I'd rather keep this separate since they aren't from anime. The Manga thread is what I use when I actually want to recommend something good. If Churba doesn't make one, I'll through up a Random Manga Image thread, or something.
    muppet said:

    Oh c'mon, that's way too farcical to even be offended by. It goes all the way past offensive, blows by absurd, and ends up funny.

    That's kind of where I was when I posted it.
    Post edited by Banta on
  • God damn...
  • The scale of some of the things we've built as a species is very impressive.
  • I would love to interview the captain of that thing to find out what their life was like, and how they ended up with that job.
  • The scale of some of the things we've built as a species is very impressive.

    It's a shame that some have not survived the ravages of time.
  • edited February 2015

    The scale of some of the things we've built as a species is very impressive.

    I have often thought the same thing when driving on the Autobahn, particularly over large bridges on the way down to Slovenia or up to Vienna.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • Heavy-lifting ships are my favorite fucking thing ever. They're so stupendously enormous that it doesn't even make sense.

    Here's the Vanguard, the largest one ever built. It's bigger than the Blue Marlin and has ~50% more carrying capacity - 110,000 tonnes. The Blue Marlin only weighs 56,000 tonnes.

    This thing could transport that thing.


    What the fucking fuck humanity.
  • Yet vaccines cause autism and homeopathy can cure cancer.
  • I believe I covered that already.
    What the fucking fuck humanity.
  • This thing could transport that thing.

    It could transport that while it's transporting the USS Cole. And the Cole is pretty big relative to most things I know.
    Rym said:

    Yet vaccines cause autism and homeopathy can cure cancer.

  • This is the new biggest fucking what the fuck:

  • This is why we shouldn't muck about in the Middle East.
  • This is why we shouldn't muck about in the Middle East.

    This is so sad. America creating problems for itself to perpetuate since 1979.
  • edited February 2015
    Post edited by Jack Draigo on
  • Great PA strip today

  • Too real...
  • One of these things is not like the others.
  • edited February 2015
    Rym said:

    God damn...

    Rym. THE BARGE.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • image

    The reference was just too perfect.
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