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Top 5 Games of the Last Generation



  • Wow, is the state of video games really this fucking sad? More games are being made now than ever, but we can't even come up with 5 in the past decade that are among the best ever? Is there anyone here who would put a recent game on a top 10 all time list?
    Both of the Bethesda Fallout games are on my top 10 list, and I've played a number of retro games proportionate to the number of modern games I've played. As would inFamous. I think it's just a sad state for the sorts of games you like. Open world games have been thriving.
    Fallout 3 was ok, maybe top 50ish? Definitely top 100. New Vegas is crap. Not top anything.
  • Wow, is the state of video games really this fucking sad? More games are being made now than ever, but we can't even come up with 5 in the past decade that are among the best ever? Is there anyone here who would put a recent game on a top 10 all time list?
    Dark Souls
    I played Dark Souls for the first time yesterday. It's a piece of shit. I have no fucking clue why this game is so beloved. Will elaborate more in a podcast.
    Lol you're literally objectively wrong.
    So you're the reason every game company is producing such cookie-cutter garbage.
  • Gahaha, Portal one of the best games ever made, Dark Souls a piece of shit. Hilariously wrong opinions.
  • Pretty sure Morrowind was pre 2003 as I think I remember playing it on my pre-college computer...
  • These lists say more about one's personal likes and dislikes more than anything else. Cognitive bias is a powerful foe.
  • I'd say Super Meat Boy is one of the best platformers ever.

    FTL is the best ummmmm... Whatever kind of game that is.

    Civ IV: Beyond the sword is probably the best of it's genre.

    Western RPG's hit a high mark at a certain point of this generation, (maybe not Torment, Blaldur's gate level but close)

    I could keep going.
  • Dark Souls is cookie Cutter? I haven't played it but dude that isn't a cookie cutter game.
  • edited May 2013
    Well the question is just your personal top five, not which ones had the biggest impact on the world or gaming (which might yield counter-intuitive lists of MOBAs, MMOs, and Farmville).
    Post edited by Anthony Heman on
  • edited May 2013
    Super Meat Boy is objectively the best platformer ever made, and Scott cannot possibly refute me on this because I still have more bandages than his weak ass.
    And that's pretty much it.
    Nice goalpost moving.

    And you know who's producing cookie-cutter garbage these days? Nintendo.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • Wow, is the state of video games really this fucking sad? More games are being made now than ever, but we can't even come up with 5 in the past decade that are among the best ever? Is there anyone here who would put a recent game on a top 10 all time list?
    Journey. But many on this forum won't be able to play it because they don't want to own a PS3.

    Also what Andy said.
  • edited May 2013
    Journey. But many on this forum won't be able to play it because they don't want to own a PS3.

    Also what Andy said.
    I want to own PS3, but can't afford one. Might actually get one soonish though if my friend is selling his.
    Dark Souls is cookie Cutter? I haven't played it but dude that isn't a cookie cutter game.
    Dude, you press button to swing a sword. That's in pretty much every game where you swing a sword, it was even in the first Zelda. Totally unoriginal game.

    Post edited by Apsup on
  • edited May 2013
    A QWOP for swordfighting...
    Post edited by Anthony Heman on
  • Die By The Sword 8-)
  • I bet Dark Souls is one of those "I suck at it so it sucks" Scott opinions.

    My favorite games and the best games are different lists, but I do think Chaos Theory is one of the best games ever made. Every single stage is a master class in single-player 3D level design.
  • I think this thread was flamewar bait, even if unintentionally.
  • I think this thread was flamewar bait, even if unintentionally.
    Every videogame thread is.
  • I was doing jsut fine up until someone had the gall to insult my favorite videogame. Now I'm shakeing with emotional rage while caressing my Dark Souls Official Hardcover Guide
  • I'm mostly just trying to think of some way to troll everyone.
  • Your number one is my "number two"
  • edited May 2013
    FTL is the best ummmmm... Whatever kind of game that is.
    It's a Roguelike. It's very good, but I think The Binding of Isaac is a better Roguelike though and it came out just a year before it.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • In no particular order

    Deadly Premonition - The fighting is terrible, the driving is worse but no other game comes close for bat shit crazy awesome story amd characters. Or awesome little gameplay quirks.

    Trials HD/Evolution - Just one more go - seven hours later and I nail that insane course.

    Mass Effect 1-3 - Counting them as one, last 5 mins aside, I loved them.

    Portal - Puzzles are fun

    Batman Arkham City - Batman is fun, well in this game it is fun playing as him. They nailed the feel of it.

    Also like any type of top 5 list, this list is most likely going to change from day to day depending on my mood. Well apart from Deadly Premonition, that game is a masterpiece.

    Also mention to Football Manager 2012 - doesn't really count since the format hasn't changed for decades but any game I have played for more than 175 hours must have something going for it.

  • People apply the term Roguelike way too broadly IMHO. I see very few similarities between Rogue and FTL.
  • Huuuh, coming up with a Top 5 for this previous generation... man, that's hard for me, but I'll try. These are not in any particular order, as most people have done.

    1.) Portal 2
    I loved the original, but the sequel just expanded it in all the right ways.

    2.) Pokémon White
    Fantastic plot, interesting characters, and a great collection of 'mons.

    3.) Moero! Nekketsu Rhythm Damashii: Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan 2
    It took everything that the original Ouendan and EBA was and perfected the formula.

    4.) Super Smash Bros. Brawl
    Though I did enjoy Melee more in many aspects, I won't deny that Brawl was a fantastic game that I sunk a lot of time in.

    5.) The World Ends With You
    Creative, non-traditional, quite fun, and deserves a sequel.
  • Die By The Sword 8-)
    God that game was fucking terrible.

    Terrible, terrible fun.

  • People apply the term Roguelike way too broadly IMHO. I see very few similarities between Rogue and FTL.
    I agree and disagree. My stance is more that Roguelike as a label for randomized, high risk, progression games works, but as a word it doesn't mean much since many Roguelikes are not very rogue like.

    As for a top five:
    Antichamber, maybe?

    I've got a bunch of games I think are pretty good here but are flawed enough, or don't quite fit the limitations for me to not want to say top 5. For example:
    Mirrors Edge
    The Batman games
    SupCom 2
    AoE 2 HD
    Europa Universalis 3
    The various Indie roguelikes
  • I think this thread was flamewar bait, even if unintentionally.
    It wasn't really flamewar bait intentionally. I expected there to be debate, but my real intent was to see if we would be able to find any consensus on great games, and also to allow others to see a bunch of great games and say, "hey, maybe I should try that sometime."
  • edited May 2013
    They seem like two totally different types of Roguelikes, though. I don't think that comparison is fair.

    EDIT: fuck, second page.
    Post edited by Greg on
  • edited May 2013
    The games I chose were favorites. If I had to pick the best games of the era, it would probably look like:

    Sim City 4
    Possibly SupCom, NS2, Mass Effect 2 (I wasn't enthralled, but it was objectively a great game), and Super Smash Bros / Brawl (not sure when the Gamecube version came out). Also possibly TF2, for what it was (though I don't personally enjoy playing it) and Spec Ops: The Line.

    DoTA is interesting because the high-level play is really complex but the mechanics are incredibly unintuitive and the community is awful. I really only played it at LANs with friends, so mid-to-high-level play and lack of asshats was my personal experience with the mod.
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • 1) Halo 1 - Great controls, classic gameplay. Fond memories of this one.

    2) League of Legends - Scratches my eSport itch. Community isn't as bad as they say.

    3) Fallout: New Vegas - Great story, first game I played that I'd call art.

    4) Tetris: Duh and/or hello

    5) Steel Battalion - Absolutely revolutionary controls indirectly led us toward stuff like the WiiU & 3DS.
  • inb4 flamewar over Halo.
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