How much would you pay for this forum?
So. If you haven't noticed, this forum has some issues. I had to put it into invite only mode because the registration approval system was getting spammed, and the plugins that solve that ceased to function. The search doesn't work either. There are many updates to Vanilla that we simply do not have.
The only real solution to this is to pay for Vanilla to host this forum. The problem is that it is very expensive. The Linode that hosts the forum now is $20 a month. Vanilla will charge us $150 a month because of the very high volume of page views.
For me to continue paying $20 a month, we would need 130 people to commit to paying $1 a month. Do we have that many people who will setup recurring Paypal to me for $1 a month? Even if we do have that many people, will people cancel it? If too many people cancel or drop out as time goes on, it could get bad.
I could easily do something special for the people who pay the $1. Maybe some small and tasteful flair? I could also create a members only thread category, but I like to keep our content on the open web for all the lurkers, as they are actually the largest audience. Thoughts?
Also in before "You should Kickstart this."
All that moving to vannilla hosting does is give you a false sense of security because you will not know when you are being hacked.
Can you run ads if you host through vanilla? Do you lose a certain level of control?
Why is it so expensive? This forum is practically text only. Most images are hosted elsewhere.
$20 per month
Unlimited users. Unlimited traffic.
People suggesting ads... come on. Most of us use some form of Adblock. The income from ads would be trivial at best.
1) Cheap
2) Not suck
3) Modern
4) Mobile
5) Not ugly as sin
6) Minimal
7) No spam
8) Good search
9) Can migrate current data to it
10) Keep all current URLs alive
11) No loss of data or features
Not many choices out there.