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Tonight on GeekNights, we consider what happens when Internet services die (like we assume Flickr and Google Voice will). In the news, there are rumors that Twitter will drop @user and #hashtag characters, e-cigarettes are as terrible for you as one should assume, and people are poisoning themselves with e-cigarette liquids in unsurprising numbers. Also, if you have Verizon FIOS, you have to buy your own damn battery. If you didn't notice it beeping for the last several months, you should get your ears checked out.
We'll be at Zenkaikon and PAX East! The GeekNights Book Club book is Wool!
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Abstract is here, but you need to buy the article to get the full text if you don't already have BMJ access. Considering that single day access is twenty pounds, though, I can't blame you if you don't.
At the moment, the best you can do is buy from a reputable place that uses food-grade ingredients and is transparent about what they put into their fluids - but even that's no guarantee, because food grade does not nessissarily mean sucking-into-your-lungs grade.
On the other side, we have shady people trying to keep it unregulated so they can sell unregulated poison at a high markup without consequences.
The company has always survived via word of mouth, but deleting your electronic presence is pretty much just as good as having people stop talking about you.
Mobile phones are different than wired lines. Wireline only works if it is wired back to a central office just as a mobile phone will only provide 911 If there is a cell tower nearby.