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Anti-GamerGate Appreciation Thread (Daikun Free Zone)



  • The Golden Ballpit.
  • RymRym
    edited April 2015
    Churba said:

    they see the spooky skary skeletons everywhere, in everything.


    Post edited by Rym on
  • Something actually interesting has happened: Apparently a bunch of female MRAs somehow got a booth at the Calgary Comic Expo and put up GamerGate signs, selling art of the Vivian James character, and harassing the presenters at the "Women in Comics" panel. They have now been kicked out. Well, this should be fun with GGs bitching about free speech as if the expo is required to provide them a platform.
  • chaosof99 said:

    Something actually interesting has happened: Apparently a bunch of female MRAs somehow got a booth at the Calgary Comic Expo and put up GamerGate signs, selling art of the Vivian James character, and harassing the presenters at the "Women in Comics" panel. They have now been kicked out. Well, this should be fun with GGs bitching about free speech as if the expo is required to provide them a platform.

    Good job kicking them out, but how did they get in in the first place? Shouldn't you know who you are selling your booths to?
  • Apreche said:

    Good job kicking them out, but how did they get in in the first place? Shouldn't you know who you are selling your booths to?

    Take their money, afford them the opportunity to act like human beings, and, if they don't, kick them out.

    Makes sense to me.
  • They apparently procured a booth under false pretense. This article has more details and links.
  • chaosof99 said:

    They apparently procured a booth under false pretense. This article has more details and links.

    That's a failure of the staff running the expo hall and/or the artists alley. During setup before the convention opens you have to walk around and see what everyone is selling. Even before GG nonsense you had to go looking for bootlegs and porn. Something like this shouldn't slip through.
  • It was a failure, and Calgary handled their mistake appropriately.

    I think one of the outcomes we're going to get out of GG is more and more organizations realizing that how lax they've been about rules and standards can really bite them in the ass. If Calgary allows even one more shitty group (especially GG-affiliated) next year, people will call them out massively and they'll get a ton of bad press. While these companies don't heavily care about the issues, they care that the biggest press out of their convention this weekend is this GG bullshit.

    Hopefully, as more of this happens this year, places wise up and realize their rules and organization need to be more tight than ever if they want the majority of decent people to take them seriously.
  • edited April 2015
    It's just unfortunate that they got EXACTLY what they wanted. They didn't go to spread the gospel, they know that's ineffective(though they think that's because everyone else is stupid, not because they're fucking repulsive) - they went to cause a scene, get kicked out, and thus, "Prove" the SJW Illuminati is persecuting them just for saying their piece, and the SJWs are trying to censor them because they're afraid of the truth.

    Why'd they send women? Because they're convinced that SJWs think that any criticizing women or otherwise not letting them do whatever they want is sexism and women could NEVER be misogynistic, and because they can find women to repeat their message, that MUST mean their message isn't misogynistic.

    The sick thing about it is that they know they're not convincing anyone with this. It's nothing more than masturbation, it's just preaching to the converted for the sake of hearing cheers. It's literally just for their own self-satisfaction, and petty, penny-ante "victory" that they can wave their banner over and pretend they're simultaneously the super-powerful force for reason that cannot be defeated, as well as being the persecuted underdog being oppressed by those evil SJW illuminati types.

    Aside from this - Milo, the dodgy fake journalist and Breitbart columnist, has offered 5K to a charity of Sarkeesian's choice, if she'll debate him in public, on stage at E3.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Someone on the internet pointed this out and I thought it was hilarious: Gamergate absolutely loves denouncing Sarkeesian, Wu and others as "professional victims" because they highlight the abuse they receive online and have gained a lot of exposure because of said harassment and their way to publicly shame their abusers.

    Now here we have a group that basically put together a Kickstarter in order to collect money and fund a booth at a convention for essentially the sole reason to get kicked out of that convention to start a discussion over said kicking out. Who are the professional victims really?
  • MRA's are the biggest organization of professional victims in the world. They take minor issues some men face and try to win support via Kickstarter, Patreon, and god knows what else in order to preach about these problems.

    The fact is, people like them can only call out the problems they see in themselves but can't comprehend.
  • And what gets me is that they don't try to fix actual issues that face men, like how many male domestic violence or rape victims don't get taken seriously. They just complain about women getting offended when they say something offensive.
  • They're all secretly into femdom.
  • MATATAT said:

    They're all secretly into femdom.

    That would explain a lot.

  • edited April 2015
    What fucking pisses me off is that they claim they want:
    As men’s issues advocates and defenders of creator’s rights to create unmolested, that’s what we have to say to the nerds and geeks and gamers. You are fantastic as you are, carry on.
    You can already create whatever the fuck you want, you moronic fuckwits.
    That doesn't mean it is above criticism.
    People are allowed not to like your tittybounce game.
    People are allowed to have an opinion that is negative about any game, no matter how popular.
    Just because someone CORRECTLY points out that some games can objectify women or fall into negative tropes does NOT mean you can't make the fucking game, play it, or even enjoy it.
    God forbid any of these sea-lioning neckbearded jackasses put two seconds of thought into any of it.

    EDIT: If the SPLC labels you as a hate group, you're as bad as it gets.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • Assholes who want to be assholes without suffering asshole repercussions.

    I say we repercuss some assholes.
  • This morning I came to a realization: The face of "professional victimhood" is the Westboro Baptist Church. They are literally a group that funds itself by borderline invasion of the space of other individuals, groups and events, provoking people and government organizations into curtailing their organizations, then dragging them into court.

    It is actually kind of eerie how this ordeal (and Gamergate in general with its obsession with free speech) is mirroring this behavior.
  • I wouldn't be surprised if they stood up for the WBC if and when the comparison was made. They've stood up for pedophiles already, WBC isn't that far off.
  • Assholes who want to be assholes without suffering asshole repercussions.

    I say we repercuss some assholes.

    Is it bad that I really, secretly, hope that some of these fuckos try to start shit somewhere I have power? ;^)

  • edited April 2015
    Probably? I understand the desire, though. But it's better to hope they crawl into a hole and shut up.
    Post edited by Axel on
  • So, um, yeah, they started selling T-Shirts. You seriously can't make this shit up.
  • Someone should start spreading rumors that the honey badger delinquents were actually planning to get kicked out so they could sell merch to their angry nerd manbaby followers.
  • Someone should start spreading rumors that the honey badger delinquents were actually planning to get kicked out so they could sell merch to their angry nerd manbaby followers.

    To what end? They'll just claim you're trying to smear their good name and use it to sell more of their merch to their angry nerd manbaby followers.
  • Someone should start spreading rumors that the honey badger delinquents were actually planning to get kicked out so they could sell merch to their angry nerd manbaby followers.

    What proof do you have that that wasn't their plan?
  • edited April 2015
    So, some GGer made a survey trying to pass themselves off as the University of Calgary. Not many if any on the anti-GG side were taken in by it(because it was primarily shared in GG circles, and it's an incredibly obvious fake besides) - but not so much the gators.

    They've taken the bait easy as breathing, and are now not only trying to brigade it, some are warning the survey maker about people contacting UofC to inform them of the impersonation(or rather, in their view, they're warning the UofC that someone is contacting the UofC to tell them that they're the UofC - I'm not sure how they think this will help) and decrying all attempts to contact UofC about it as "harrassment". Others are already claiming that the whole debacle is actually an feminist false flag, or an attempt to sabotage them. Others are outright trying to sabotage the survey, meaning they're sabotaging their own sabotage attempt.

    The whole thing is just a hilarious clusterfuck of GG eating itself.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Wow that's pretty meta.
  • I think this about sums up the status of the gomergate debacle.

  • Looks like the twitter is finally doing something about harassment. Interesting to see they are effectively implementing their own version of gg-autoblock. I can't wait to see how salty the goobers get about this.
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