Yeah dude. Your shirt and yourself are not the same, and move differently. After a while, your shirt moving on your chest chafes your nipples bloody. You can also get medical tape over them, for another solution. Don't use gaff, else you might pull one of them clean off.
Yeah dude. Your shirt and yourself are not the same, and move differently. After a while, your shirt moving on your chest chafes your nipples bloody. You can also get medical tape over them, for another solution. Don't use gaff, else you might pull one of them clean off.
GAH. Gaffer tape on flesh. NO. Been there. Done that.
Interestingly, my knees just keep feeling better, not worse. They feel stronger and more solid, and my left kneecap even stopped popping out.
I wonder if I just had imbalanced muscles from all the hard biking. This is the first time in a long, long time I've maintained such a constant level of running activity, and I'm keeping it at 10k or less.
I hate treadmills that when I'm on a cruise gig and use the gym, I bike not run. I find it uses waaaay different muscles than running. I don't do enough serious biking in the real world to put strain on it (not biking to work and back every day), so feels like it would be the more damaging.
Then again, I've had zero issues with my knees in my life. I'm more worried about ankles.
I had the flu a couple months ago and thought I was done getting sick for the year since I usually only get sick about once a year if I do get sick. Yet here I am with a cold. Not sure where it came from.
I love how it shows your per-mile "pace" and your current speed in mph, your distance in miles, but then marks laps as "5ks.:
10k run today:
Includes a short warmup and cooldown walk.
Also: I hate treadmills.
It was warm enough to run outside today, but the snowmelt made it impossible to do so safely.
Also is totally lame because you don't go anywhere.
I only ever use treadmills if I have no other option. =(
I wonder if I just had imbalanced muscles from all the hard biking. This is the first time in a long, long time I've maintained such a constant level of running activity, and I'm keeping it at 10k or less.
Then again, I've had zero issues with my knees in my life. I'm more worried about ankles.
Today, after all of that, I don't feel tired or achy. I feel invincible.