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Love Live! School Idol Whatever



  • I wish there was a way to play that was just about the rhythm game aspect that wouldn't take into account the character levels or powers.

    I just wanted a rhythm game that I could play on the go.
  • I just wanted a rhythm game that I could play on the go.

  • edited April 2015

    I just wanted a rhythm game that I could play on the go.

    It is actually a pretty good rhythm game.
    Post edited by SuperPichu on
  • It's a clone of another rhythm game whose name I can't recall right now. The gameplay isn't novel to Love Live.
  • muppet said:

    It's a clone of another rhythm game whose name I can't recall right now. The gameplay isn't novel to Love Live.

    I will have to look into that. I may just play that instead.
  • I wanna say that I've seen a similar mini-game in Disney's Fantasia but that's for Kinect...
  • I passed the event song on Hard! Am pride.

    Anyways, with respect to the difficulty of this vs. other rhythm games, I feel like Love Live has a much more generous timing window than the DDR games, although the Expert songs are still quite difficult. Additionally, the additional buttons, the semi-circular screen setup, and having your fingers in the way all make the patterns a bit more difficult to read than in DDR.
  • edited April 2015

    I may have to burn through hearts in order to get enough points for this event SR.

    Someone made a useful tool that'll help you figure out if you need to spend gems to get to a certain point level, and if so, how many: LLSIF Event Calculator ("Point Rank" is the current event type)

    Also, echoing what others have said about wanting to have a version with just the rhythm game. I enjoy the card collecting aspect because I'm shallow like that, but I would love to be able to just play the songs for as long as I want sometimes.
    Post edited by Eryn on
  • edited April 2015
    Eryn said:

    I may have to burn through hearts in order to get enough points for this event SR.

    Someone made a useful tool that'll help you figure out if you need to spend gems to get to a certain point level, and if so, how many: LLSIF Event Calculator ("Point Rank" is the current event type)

    Also, echoing what others have said about wanting to have a version with just the rhythm game. I enjoy the card collecting aspect because I'm shallow like that, but I would love to be able to just play the songs for as long as I want sometimes.
    I can't speak for everyone but I have no problem with the card collecting part, I have a problem with the stupid micro transaction stuff. If they made it work like Pokémon it would be a lot better.
    Post edited by SuperPichu on
  • I found my old phone again and on it was a fresh SIF account with enough gems to do a big honour scout roll! If anyone was still curious about starting this game and wants to skip a bunch of early game card collecting BS, I'm doing a giveaway for the account on my Twitter right now. Comes with the most recently released Eli SR card.

    And if you miss out on this one, I will be doing these giveaways monthly as long as I have people who are interested. Just going to create a new account every month after I give away the previous one and let it rack up new player gems until it's ready for a 50 gem draw.
  • I tried playing this a little while ago, but I eventually had to uninstall it because it has issues with rooting and its just too big for my phone, even with so much shit linked to my sd card. And even with "temp unroot" it doesn't want to work on my tablets. It was fun though, in a "I feel creepy for playing this" kind of way.
  • edited May 2015
    I'm a bit too far in now to go for that giveaway...
    I still really like the rhythm game parts of it and wish the game didn't take it away from you in order to get you to spend money. However, all the character stories seem to have an undertone of "all these girls are in love with you" and it's suuuuuuuper skeevy.

    My current bane is the song Kitto Seishun Ga Kikoeru. I've run it about fifty times now, and I just can't seem to pull off the full combo on it. It's really frustrating.

    For what it's worth on this "friending" business, my player ID is 239846691.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • edited May 2015
    Oh wow, speaking of all the characters being in love with you: apparently in Japanese the player character is often assumed to be female, but the English script either removes these references or goes out of their way to change them so they fit a male character. They also remove any indication that the girls could potentially, you know, be interested in each other as well.

    Super not cool, KLab. I will be contacting them.

    (Also: Kitto Seishun ga Kikoeru is tough, for sure. D: It was those dang ladders for me. It's harder than you'd think to move your finger that fast along a curve while hitting precise points!)

    EDIT: Sent you a friend request!
    Post edited by Eryn on
  • Yeah, I keep messing up the ladders and either skipping a note or hitting one twice. I seem to do fine with other songs, but that one's just fast enough to mess up.
  • Made a guide on all the ways you can get gems in the game without paying. Some are easy, some are hard; some are worth it, some are not:

  • Okay, I'm playing again. Bathroom breaks are now taking much longer.
  • NGL: the bathrooom is where I get a ton of my most quality gameplay time in for this thing (apart from the harder songs, which I prefer to sit at my desk for).
  • I am seriously considering using this game as an excuse to play around with computer vision. An arduino mega, nine servos, and some $1 styluses from the dollar store is all the hardware I'd need to build a Love Live playing robot. The trick would be the software, signaling delays, and the physical speed of the servos.
  • edited June 2015
    New video guide! This one to coincide with the current event. Gotta have mah Rainbow-Pants!Eli~

    Post edited by Eryn on
  • edited June 2015
    I'm still playing this - a few pet peeves:
    1) The amount of playtime you get gets really small - once you're playing Expert songs, every five hours you can have about five minutes of playtime
    2) It's really frustrating during the Score Match events when you clearly outperform people but still lose because they've been playing longer/gotten luckier draws than you.

    Also, Hanayo has made me understand why so many people like the moe.

    But, two weeks ago I started full comboing songs on Expert, so fun times.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • edited September 2015
    Have continued to make SIF videos but kept forgetting to post them here! A couple of my favourite recent ones:

    Score Match Guide - What it says on the tin! 'Tis a guide for Score Match events. Includes general tips on how to rank well, plus a few more advanced mechanics and tricks.

    10+1 Tips to Avoid Solo Yolo'ing - A lot of players have a big problem with not being able to save their gems because the "Scout Once" button is too tempting for them. Made a fun little list of ways people can help curb their temptation. BONUS: Steven Universe thing at the end!

    How Most People Play Beat in Angel EX - Most song videos of the game on YouTube are of people Full Combo'ing, especially the game's hardest songs like Soldier Game EX and Beat in Angel EX. This is my most recent vid showcasing the other kind of SIF player, which I suspect represents a much greater percentage of the playerbase overall.


    Also, to keep this post from just being another plug for my stuff, just curious: anyone see The School Idol Movie yet? If so, thoughts? It's not playing in Canada, which majorly disappoints me. :(

    Also also: the Love Live Sunshine girls' debut single and OVA will be coming out soon. Yay or nay? I'm curious, though moreso in the prospect of an eventual full series than a short OVA. Cute designs, albeit a bit genero.

    Favourite tweets about Sunshine tho

    Post edited by Eryn on
  • edited October 2015
    Still playing, hit some milestones.
    First, All Hail Ricelord:

    And I had a good day today:

    Still haven't drawn any URs yet though.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • edited October 2015
    Oh geez, and I was happy today that I finally Full Combo'd that song on Hard. o_o I think I've hit a wall where I physically cannot follow notes past a certain speed and frequency. My hands will literally start to seize up a bit while playing those flame border songs -- like I can follow the pattern I see and want to follow it, but my thumbs or fingers literally will not move. I have super tiny hands, so maybe that's part of it?

    Also yes: all hail Ricelord~ :3 That event happened on about my one-year anniversary of playing the game in earnest, so I celebrated by ranking higher than I ever have before (finished at rank 112, and was briefly in the top 5 on the first day of the event).
    Post edited by Eryn on
  • It's the first Super Hard song that I've full combo'd, so I'm really happy about it.

    I have the same problem on the really hard songs, where my thumbs just seize up and can't hit notes (particularly consecutive ones) fast enough to keep up. I think it's a combination of hand tension and a sort of neural satiation where it gets harder for the signal to get through when you've repeated a motion a bunch of times in a row.
  • That gives me hope that I can someday achieve the fabled Super Hard Full Combo as well, but for now I still seem to be a ways off. Le sigh. At least I'm definitely way better than I was a year ago when I could barely clear Hard!

    I did some Photoshoppin' by the by. Posted these paired Akira & Hitomi URs to to the subreddit the other day. Since starting, I've really wished the N girls would get some real-deal promo SRs or URs, so I finally went and made a couple of my own featuring some my favourite girls.
  • Was scrolling through the art. Some of it is neat, but god, some of the 'idolized' versions make no sense.

  • God yeah, idolizing a couple of my SRs has been like pulling teeth because I want the stat boosts and the love gems for max bonding, but the designs are butt ugly. I mean, I have two ugly-ass cowboy SRs at this point. TWO! :/ Thankfully most of the other idolizations I've gotten so far have been pretty good.

    Also: Alpaca is best girl, always :B <3
  • I continue to make SIF videos, which is not noteworthy enough to post here every time I do it, but I did make a very special one this week featuring a fellow forumite: Victor! May also be of interest to all the Steven Universe fans around here.

  • edited December 2015
    I had a good laugh at this

    Post edited by Coldguy on
  • I have now drawn two URs. Both of them are smile-attribute Elis.
    Probability is weird.
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