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Things of your day



  • Xzbit needs to see this.
  • 12 Cadbury Creme Eggs just arrived on my doorstep. From LONDON, where Cadbury is Cadbury and not Hershey's. Awww yeah!
  • Bible Contradictions on a poster.
    I left a long-ass comment, but I can't even figure out how to view comments after the first 100.
  • Harper has the creepiest smiles. I noticed this one while watching the debate and had to get a screencap.
  • edited April 2011
    Don't care if this has been posted already. I don't read this thread. I just want to hurt everybody's brains.
    I raise.

    @Nuri: If you need light stuff like that I can sort you out with a box or two of them. Especially with Easter coming up.
    Also, I can get you chocolate digestive biscuits and Marks and Spencer Jaffa cakes.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • For those who missed the PAX East Secret concerts, MAGfest 9 concerts, or the concert at Kutztown last week I have found a youtube channel with that archived. You're Welcome
  • What do you do when you find an area where waves break for 50 Kilometers?
    Surf the shit out of it, naturally.
  • @Nuri: If you need light stuff like that I can sort you out with a box or two of them. Especially with Easter coming up.
    Also, I can get you chocolate digestive biscuits and Marks and Spencer Jaffa cakes.
    Okay, I don't know what any of those things are. Generally, I can't eat things with "biscuit" or "cake" in their name (gluten intolerance), but I don't like to make assumptions. However, I will always accept anything with good chocolate instead of the shitty Hershey's stuff. If I can't eat it, Pete and my roommate will happily do the honors.

    Especially since I just realized I have to share these eggs with Pete. I wonder if I could eat them all before the next time I see him...
  • Click here and prepare to never get any more work done for the rest of the day (or week.) Cute Roulette!
  • Gluten comes from things with grain in them, right? I think my sister went without gluten for a while so I'll ask her.
  • Gluten comes from things with grain in them, right? I think my sister went without gluten for a while so I'll ask her.
    It's a protein present in wheat, barley, rye... has more info.
  • I know Hershey's makes Cadbury chocolate here in the US, but I noticed a pronounced taste difference between the two. Isn't it entirely possible that Hershey's uses their own equipment but Cadbury's recipe and process when making the stuff? Hypothetically, it could be the same stuff.

    Everyone swears up and down that Guinness stout in Ireland is way better than Guinness in the US. No, we get the exact same thing that they have. They might be drinking the Guinness Extra Stout, but that's a different beer altogether, and we can still get that here.
  • I know Hershey's makes Cadbury chocolate here in the US, but I noticed a pronounced taste difference between the two. Isn't it entirely possible that Hershey's uses their own equipment but Cadbury's recipe and process when making the stuff? Hypothetically, it could be the same stuff.

    Everyone swears up and down that Guinness stout in Ireland is way better than Guinness in the US. No, we get the exact same thing that they have. They might be drinking the Guinness Extra Stout, but that's a different beer altogether, and we can still get that here.
    I am willing to test this beer theory next week.
  • I am willing to test this beer theory next week.
    I demand lots of data.

    Look for the exact name of what you're drinking. Guinness draught, Guinness original/extra stout, or Guinness foreign extra. Those are three different beers.
  • I am willing to test this beer theory next week.
    I demand lots of data.

    Look for the exact name of what you're drinking. Guinness draught, Guinness original/extra stout, or Guinness foreign extra. Those are three different beers.
    Sir, yes sir.
    Unrelated to beer, but still awesome:
    Anthony Weiner's Twitter proves he's smart and an ass. Like some kind of...smartass.
  • I know Hershey's makes Cadbury chocolate here in the US, but I noticed a pronounced taste difference between the two.
    I think you meant you haven't noticed a pronounced difference.

    Maybe that's because your tongue is not well-attuned to the sweet end of the spectrum. There is definitely a difference between them. You know how much I like chocolate, but I don't eat Hershey's chocolate bars. They taste like melts, not real chocolate.
  • I think you meant you haven't noticed a pronounced difference.
    No, I definitely notice a difference between Hershey's chocolate and Cadbury's chocolate.
  • I think you meant you haven't noticed a pronounced difference.
    No, I definitely notice a difference between Hershey's chocolate and Cadbury's chocolate.
    Then why are you positing that the recipes are the same? Your post doesn't make sense to me. :( Course I haven't have my coffee yet because I just woke up...
  • Course I haven't have my coffee yet because I just woke up...
    Are you hung over from all those Cadbury eggs you ate?
  • Then why are you positing that the recipes are the same?
    I'm positing that the recipe for the US Cadbury's, manufactured by Hershey's, could be the same as the UK Cadbury's.

    US Cadbury chocolate tastes different than Hershey's chocolate, even though Hershey makes both. Thus, I suspect that Hershey uses the Cadbury recipe but manufactures it on their own equipment.

    Does that make sense?
  • Oh. Then you are wrong. US Cadbury eggs taste like they are made from crappy plastic chocolate now.
  • I never could stand Cadbury eggs (US kind is only kind I've ever had), although it was more about the creme being too sweet I think. I agree that Hershey's chocolate is very different from normal chocolate. Sometimes I crave a Hershey's bar - not chocolate, but specifically Hershey's - because it has a certain quality to it. Also normal chocolate doesn't taste right on Smore's. Mmm...
  • Oh. Then you are wrong. US Cadbury eggs taste like they are made from crappy plastic chocolate now.
    Hershey's chocolate is pretty bad. It's sour and nasty - most American chocolate isn't that much better, because so many manufacturers try and imitate the hershey process by adding some Butyric acid, which just buggers the whole thing up.

    Thanks, Milton Hershey! Ya Prick.
  • The best American chocolate, and IMHO one of the best chocolate companies anywhere.

    I'm a big fan of the Oaxaca, Woolloomooloo, and Bacon Bars. Also, they had a truffle collection based on characters from the Great Gatsby a few years back that was mindblowing.
  • image
    I almost bought one of those the other day, but I didn't have the courage.
  • I almost bought one of those the other day, but I decided I wanted to live and not be cruel to my bowels. didn't have the courage.
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