A comic book review named Linkara now has 130 episodes of reviewing bad comics. Thankfully if you want to catch up with the story line he made a 4 minute summery of it here.
Found a phone walking in the park with the dog. Called the last couple of numbers in the call log and had it returned within the hour. Feeling good and £10 up!
Found a phone walking in the park with the dog. Called the last couple of numbers in the call log and had it returned within the hour. Feeling good and £10 up!
Found a phone walking in the park with the dog. Called the last couple of numbers in the call log and had it returned within the hour. Feeling good and £10 up!
I would have been freaking out that a phone was walking with a dog!!! Couldn't you have checked the adress on the dog's tags and returned it that way?
I've been watching this constantly since it came out 10 days ago. I just can't get over it.
Also, almost pissed myself laughing (at work no less) when I read todays XKCD.
And now, a Penguin being tickled.
Evil Eddie from Butterfingers has a new song out.