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Geeknights Coding Club: Project D.O.R.F.



  • I too am interested in writing some sort of emergent game platform. I have the base for a roguelike now, but perhaps we can come up with a novel game that isn't exactly a DF clone.
  • a novel game that isn't exactly a DF clone.
    I quite enjoy Doom RL. Why not pick another game/genre and Rouge-ify it? An RTS would work quite well. How about a Tetris RL? That will definitely become popular all over the Internet if you make it in an awesome way.
  • edited June 2011
    One different approach I would take is trying to give the option for macromanagement or micromanagement or both.

    The player could do the macromanagement as in DF Fortress mode or Majesty by denoting projects and priorities. Perhaps the player could take control of any of the actors for the micromanagement. By "take control", this might be like the Sims where the player indicates to some actor "go do this instead of whatever you were going to do", or it might be like possessing the actor as in DF adventure/arena mode or Minecraft.

    Having these options would break away from typical Roguelike games (although DF has largely done this already, it is only Roguelike in graphics/keyboard interface at this point but not in gameplay). I'm not sure if your preference is for Roguelike, although that seems to be the general trend in this thread.

    I personally don't mind ditching high fantasy. Someone had mentioned space earlier in the thread. Could also go with a cyberpunk style and h4x0ring the gibs0n as part of the game mechanic, however that game mechanic might be decided to work.

    As long as the game is setup to be able to tell funny stories from gameplay, I'm interested. That is one reason I like DF, ever see the comics people make about their dwarves' fates?
    Post edited by Byron on
  • I too am interested in writing some sort of emergent game platform. I have the base for a roguelike now, but perhaps we can come up with a novel game that isn't exactly a DF clone.
    Do you still have your idea of a multi-player roguelike? Because I'd still like to test such a game.
  • I too am interested in writing some sort of emergent game platform. I have the base for a roguelike now, but perhaps we can come up with a novel game that isn't exactly a DF clone.
    Do you still have your idea of a multi-player roguelike? Because I'd still like to test such a game.
    Yeah, that's a possibility. I just have neither the time nor energy to do the networking by myself.
  • edited June 2011
    I majored in Computer Systems Science. It was my school's way of giving a CS degree but modifying the curriculum to include Networking (including network coding) and Administration. I've done my share of low level C network coding on unix platforms (not that I'd like to repeat those experiences). I have yet to play much with Twisted, but honestly any middleware solution (such as ICE) would alleviate the need to do much network programming at all outside a protocol/network API.

    Conclusion being: I can handle networking.
    Post edited by Byron on
  • So Scott mentioned a Star Wars roguelike and I've thought about a similar thing, There is a game being developed called Infiniverse, but I'm pretty sure it's dead now. Maybe we can do a sci-fi game multiplayerish? Maybe massively?
  • Maybe we can do a sci-fi game multiplayerish?

    There are plenty of sci-fi concepts to steal from in television alone: space travel (Star Trek, Star Wars, Star Ship Troopers, Starman, The Last Starfighter, Rainbow Bright), body snatchers (BSG, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, The Blob), aliens (Aliens, Predator, Aliens v Predator, Alien Nation, Alf), robots (old BSG, Lost in Space, all anime with mechs), AI That is Better Than You (BSG), everything related to Dune (THE SPICE MUST FLOW!)...

    The general question I have about any space travel related games is: are you a person, are you a ship, or can you be both? do we want to try going DF/Sims/Majesty in the future and/or space, where you aren't even necessarily one actor?

    Would 4X be more fun, space trader, RTS, retrofit Roguelike gameplay (what with all the character levels and tricksy keyboard moves) onto a space theme, or something else entirely? Are we trying to go for a DF-like game still or moving away?

    When someone says sci-fi MMO, I think of Star Wars and Star Trek MMOs, what they did wrong, and what they might have been able to done right. EVE also comes to mind. Other multiplayer options include joining someone else's game such as in Fable, some kind of peer to peer craziness, massively singleplayer online game such as Spore, and I'd argue that client/server protocol is the same as MMO (it is just a question of scale with no clear threshold).

    I kinda like the Roguelike graphics you posted regardless of what gameplay style we choose, unless it's supposed to be a dog fighter or FPS (meh to both).

    My personal preferences to each question: Dune influenced, not necessarily one actor controlled by player, DF/4X, multiplayer via disjoint client/server.
  • IMO you should make a space truckers game.
  • IMO you should make a space truckers game.
    Sci-fi Oregon Trail roguelike.
  • Sci-fi Oregon Trail roguelike.
    POOP died of Space Dysentery. RIP.
  • You should remake Space Station 13!
  • You should remake Space Station 13!
    It looks like it is still active. Why a remake?
  • edited June 2011
    You should remake Space Station 13!
    It looks like it is still active. Why a remake?
    Because that game is unplayable. The networking is broken and the interface is clunky as hell.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • I have never heard of Space Station 13, but having devoured half that wiki, I think it would be fantastic - If you had a good group of people. Shame that that is unlikely to ever happen.
  • edited June 2011
    Maybe we can do a sci-fi game multiplayerish? Maybe massively?
    Space Station 13, the better version!

    You should remake Space Station 13!
    Goddommit. I should've added my comment yesterday when I saw it first. Also, that's Goonstation, it's closed source unlike /tg/station.
    Post edited by Not nine on
  • I play often on goonstation and find the concept very fun but byond sucks major donkey dicks. If we could find some way to make a ~100 player round based space station game , I'd be all for it. I'm a huge fan of retro ASCII graphics, although libtcod provides SDL callbacks so there is a lot of flexibility.
  • edited June 2011
    IMO you should make a space truckers game.
    Sci-fi Oregon Trail roguelike.
    Aww mans, that post was like a phoenix down for an old idea of mine.

    When I was playing Mass Effect 2, I had an idea for a demake. Basically, it would be an old-school shooter/space game, with super-simple graphics, sound, and gameplay, but after every randomly generated level, you would get a wall of text showing all of the drama happening in your crew. I'd also want to have very delicate and specific conditions that determine just what drama develops.

    So, for example, you would travel from Planet X to Moon Y, fight some space pirates, and then suddenly see a long message message saying "Pirate Captain Blah has sword revenge on you and your crew; Pilot #2 is now in love with Yeoman #4; Gunner Sargent Smith has come out of the closet; Medic Q has fallen in love with you; Mercenary Joe now trusts you; First Mate Lucas has an estranged child on Planet V that he would like to reconnect with. Pirate Prisoner Derp is now in love with you." With some intuition and clever manipulations of language, maybe it could become a game that would randomly generate an engaging storyline each time.

    Just a silly idea I had a while ago, but one that could probably be easily open-source-ified. Also, now that it's on the internet, I suppose the shit-talking has commenced and I need to start some pythoning.
    Post edited by Schnevets on
  • I would play the shit out of Randomized Space Battle Soap Opera Simulator 2000.

    It's not actually a fully playable game yet, but all the infrastructure is in place. You can take turns moving units.
  • byond sucks major donkey dicks
    Now now there. BYOND can take it. No need to be so soft on it.
    a ~100 player round based space station game , I'd be all for it.
    I think you could pull in a bunch of developers on Goonstaion and /tg/station that way as well.
  • edited June 2011
    You can take turns moving units.
    I'm just getting a signup/login and once logged in, Turnflict written on the screen with nothing else.
    Edit:Going back to brings up the rest of it. Maybe include a redirect.
    Post edited by Pegu on
    You can take turns moving units.
    I'm just getting a signup/login and once logged in, Turnflict written on the screen with nothing else.
    Edit:Going back to brings up the rest of it. Maybe include a redirect.
    This isn't even alpha.
  • edited June 2011
    You can take turns moving units.
    I'm just getting a signup/login and once logged in, Turnflict written on the screen with nothing else.
    Edit:Going back to brings up the rest of it. Maybe include a redirect.
    This isn't even alpha.
    I know. It was just something I had trouble with, and once I figured it out, a suggestion to resolve it. I understand if you're not looking at small bugs atm.
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • edited June 2011
    The activation e-mail says "Thank you for registering for Turnflict. You have 7 to activate your account." - 7 what?
    You mispelled forfeit as "forefeit".
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • The activation e-mail says "Thank you for registering for Turnflict. You have 7 to activate your account." - 7 what?
    You mispelled forfeit as "forefeit".
    Days I think. I'm not sure.
  • edited June 2011
    Well, I'm in two games and I can't do anything, not even forfeit. It's possible that it isn't my turn, though.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • edited June 2011
    Well, I'm in two games and I can't do anything, not even forfeit. It's possible that it isn't my turn, though.
    You need someone else to join your game before it begins. Also, the forfeit button doesn't work. Also, even if you started a game, all you can do is move guys around, and then only if it's your turn. The player who created the game goes first. I might change it to pick randomly. There isn't any victory condition or shooting yet.

    Please put all issues in the Github. Feel free to make an issue even for obvious items like the fact that attacking isn't implemented at all, typos, or something that is missing from the interface. Also make an issue for any suggestions such as "moar ponies." Also I don't want to make a thread for the game here because I want to keep everything in the Github.

    Also, if anyone knows JavaScript, please help. Right now the client is one gigantic and ugly Javascript file with a mix of jQuery and regular old JavaScript. I'm considering CoffeeScript, but I don't trust it because it is too new a hotness.

    Also, if anyone has skills in the art department, I need sprite sheets for units and sprite sheets for terrain. Right now the squares are 20x20, I think. What size should I make them for best arts? 32x32? I'll also eventually add the ability to zoom in and out, which basically means scaling the squares. What should be minimum and maximum sizes?

    The goal is to make something better than
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • edited June 2011
    Okay. I added some issues.
    EDIT: I fixed them here.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Note sure if this is at all related, but here is a link someone gave me for RPGs in HTML5:
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