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What movie have you seen recently?



  • I saw Down Periscope a couple of times due to it looping loudly on the bus while I had food poisoning over the weekend.

    I am impressed by how utterly average that movie is as a genero comedy.
  • I have to agree with you on Down Periscope. It's not a bad comedy, but it's not a particularly good one either. It's just okay. It's a decent movie if you have nothing better available to do and have some time to kill or if you just want some background noise while doing something more productive, but that's about it.
  • edited December 2013

    On a plane the main screens started showing Now You See Me, so I plugged in my headphones to watch it. It's a very, very dumb movie. It's like someone took The Prestige and Inception, removed any intelligence, then employed some of the same actors to make it feel even MORE like those movies.

    However, even with how dumb and predictable it was, I can't say I didn't enjoy it for what it was. I wouldn't recommend anyone go out of their way to watch it, but if it's on during a flight?

    I'd say that's a fair assessment. Now You See Me was one of my guilty pleasure movies for the year. Guilty because I knew perfectly well how dumb it was before, during, and after seeing it, and because the twist was especially dumb. Pleasure because dang, I just can't resist slick-looking stage magic shit. Also because there really, really was not much else to see in theatres around the time it came out.
    Post edited by Eryn on
  • Ken Burns' The Civil War is so miserable that even now, as an adult interested in the Civil War, I could not bear to watch more than 15 minutes of that ponderous, tedious, information-sparse nightmare.
  • That's pretty much Ken Burns' style, though. All his documentaries follow that same model.
  • Did you expect anything less? You've seen Old Negro Space Program. Didn't that warn you enough?
  • From a week ago:

    Cloud Atlas. I really enjoyed this, but that's probably because I'd just read the book. I don't recommend it unless you've read the book, or unless you really enjoy a challenge. It looked beautiful, and reminded me that the Wachowski's are, despite their track record, genius movie makers.
  • From two days ago:

    Jurassic Park. In German. But I don't care, because I know all the lines, and Jurassic Park is an awesome movie. Why wouldn't I watch it, even in German? Everything about this movie holds up. The story is great, the acting is great, the ideas are great. And the special effects are still better than 99% of modern movies. The way to make it look as though a dinosaur weighs 8 tons is to build a fucking huge 8 ton dinosaur robot. No movie makers seem to put in the same effort these days.
  • Tonight:

    Elysium. Started good, had fun science fiction tech and weapons, had interesting and violent action. Then, about three quarters of the way through, everything turned rubbish. It's still worth watching, but ultimately a disappointment.

    Also, Jodie Foster's mouth doesn't work properly.
  • Rym said:

    Ken Burns' The Civil War is so miserable that even now, as an adult interested in the Civil War, I could not bear to watch more than 15 minutes of that ponderous, tedious, information-sparse nightmare.

    Just read Shelby Foote's books on the subject.

  • From a week ago:

    Cloud Atlas. I really enjoyed this, but that's probably because I'd just read the book. I don't recommend it unless you've read the book, or unless you really enjoy a challenge. It looked beautiful, and reminded me that the Wachowski's are, despite their track record, genius movie makers.

    I thought this movie was incredibly interesting, it didn't have much of a release in Australia and I watched it a month or so ago. I thought there was something really incredible to the story structure but it was just out of grasp from my casual watch while on the computer.

    I'll grab the book and give it a read, then watch it again.
  • Iron Man 3 was so, so bad.

    Cloud Atlas. I really enjoyed this, but that's probably because I'd just read the book. I don't recommend it unless you've read the book, or unless you really enjoy a challenge. It looked beautiful, and reminded me that the Wachowski's are, despite their track record, genius movie makers.

    I haven't read the book, but I loved the movie. What are you saying about the Wachowskis though? They only have two movies.
  • Starfox said:

    Iron Man 3 was so, so bad.

    Cloud Atlas. I really enjoyed this, but that's probably because I'd just read the book. I don't recommend it unless you've read the book, or unless you really enjoy a challenge. It looked beautiful, and reminded me that the Wachowski's are, despite their track record, genius movie makers.

    I haven't read the book, but I loved the movie. What are you saying about the Wachowskis though? They only have two movies.
    Don't you start that shit again.

  • I haven't seen Bound or Speed Racer. The Matrix sequels weren't particularly bad movies, they just didn't live up to the promise of the first movie. V for Vendetta was good, but nothing mind blowing. Cloud Atlas is both good and mind blowing.
  • I've not seen bound either, but Speed Racer is actually pretty decent, if you go in with correctly adjusted expectations.
  • Bound is really interesting but I haven't yet seen Speed Racer.

    I really like the V for Vendetta rendition but I also own a 12 inch hard back version of the book so I'm bias on the matter.

    I don't mind the Matrix sequels as much as others do but it was impossible to make 2 more movies that were as mind blowing as the first as it established the universe and the characters.

    As noted in prior posts I'm looking forward to Jupiter Ascending as well.
  • edited December 2013
    Watched Sushi Girl last night at the recommendation of a friend who's a huge Tarantino fan (and who made me into a minor one I guess.)

    I wouldn't go back and watch it again like I would Jackie Brown or Kill Bill or Tarantino's other films, but as I was expecting a B-movie type affair, I was able to enjoy it.

    If you really like movies that are like Reservoir dogs, and you are OK with the idea of a naked woman covered in sushi in the middle of all that, then this is a decent take on the idea. If you can't handle the former or the latter or both, then you probably don't need anyone to tell you to skip it. (To be fair and hopefully without spoiling anything, sushi girl isn't the target of the characters' plot, and it is not a violence against women film. But it certainly is a violent film.)

    Also, really hoping to see Walter Mitty soon.
    Post edited by SWATrous on
  • I watched Speed Racer with a friend after we had both taken fairly large doses of LSD. We put the movie on every (10-20) computer in one of the computer labs, and both rolled around in office chairs while watching it. Truly, that is the best way to enjoy that movie.
  • That's hardcore.
  • I hate to say it, because I was really looking forward to it, but American Hustle simply isn't worth seeing in the theater. It will win awards, because there are various aspects of film making are executed so perfectly here, but there is a major Achilles Heel in the film's pacing. It's just too damn slow to get going.

    I was also thrown off by Jennifer Lawrence in the first half of the movie. It felt as though she kept slipping in and out of her Long Island accent mid-scene.

    It's not a bad movie. It's actually still a good movie, and the payoff does much to compensate for the slow start. It's just not something I felt I needed to pay to see in the theater, when there are a lot of other great choices out right now. This movie will play perfectly at home on your couch.
  • Just watched Twelve Years a Slave. It's a powerful movie. You should watch it.
  • Elysium

    Terribly wasted opportunity.
    The universe was so interesting but the cast, dialogue and story was totally uninspiring.

    I agree with Luke on the "Jodie Foster's mouth doesn't work properly."

    Neil Blomkamp should leave the writing to someone else. Treating your audience as if they are idiots will make them resent you.

    Plus there was varying levels of acting from really bad like Spider - the one hacker to rule them all and Matt Damon with a phoned in performance. To the utterly terrible Sharlto Copley, maybe he was trying too hard but he became a caricature. A South African redneck, rapist with a sword and ninja stars who likes blowing people up or impaling them. To the much better acting of side parts from Jodie Foster, Faran Tahir and the guy that played the weapons manufacturer for Elysium.

    2 Guns -

    Silly flick, great banter and dialogue between Mark Wahlberg and Denzel Washington but these guys can't carry the entire silly movie plot, story and lack of substantial supporting cast by themselves.

    I'm surprised either of their agents looked at this movie as a good thing other than easy money.

    It is a sad day when you think a movie should have looked towards Rush Hour and Bad Boys for inspiration.
  • World War Z.

    I really enjoyed this one! There are a few things wrong with it, but only a few niggles. I was on the edge of my seat the whole movie, and for different reasons each time.
  • I looked back through the movies I watched in 2013 and made some lists. I watched 57 movies (at least, I think I missed a few). Overall, I think I had a good year watching movies.

    Yup! (knew/heard it was good, was good):
    District 9
    Cabin in the Woods
    2 Days in Paris
    Two Days in New York
    Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
    Star Trek Into Darkness
    Casino Royale
    Independence Day
    Apollo 13
    Mary Poppins
    Four Weddings and Funeral
    Terminator 2
    Les Miserables
    Source Code
    Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa
    Jurassic Park

    Okay category A. The Anti-Disappointment (thought it would be bad, turned out better than expected (either good or okay)):
    Green Lantern - took two attempts to get through
    Dark Shadows
    The World Is Not Enough
    John Carter (of Mars)
    Now You See Me
    Cloud Atlas

    Okay category B. Just Okay (knew/heard it would be okay, turned out okay):
    Seeking a Friend for the End of the World
    A Good Year
    Star Trek 2009
    Robot and Frank
    Despicable Me
    Slumdog Millionaire
    The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel
    Despicable Me 2

    Disappointment (heard/remembered it was good/okay, turned out barely okay/bad):
    Perfect Pitch - took two attempts to get through
    7 Psychopaths
    My Fair Lady
    Hugo - didn't finish

    Known bad (heard/knew it was bad, was bad):
    Jack the Giant Slayer
    Man of Steel

    Ultimate Disappointment (heard it was bad, turned out worse than I could imagine):
    The Great Gatsby

    Seen before (22):
    2 Days in Paris
    The World Is Not Enough
    Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
    Star Trek 2009
    Casino Royale
    Independence Day
    Apollo 13
    My Fair Lady
    Mary Poppins
    Four Weddings and Funeral
    Terminator 2
    Source Code
    Jurassic Park

    All (57):
    Green Lantern
    District 9
    2 Days in Paris
    Cabin in the Woods
    Seeking a Friend for the End of the World
    A Good Year
    Perfect Pitch
    Dark Shadows
    The World Is Not Enough
    Two Days in New York
    Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
    Star Trek 2009
    Star Trek Into Darkness
    7 Psychopaths
    Casino Royale
    Robot and Frank
    John Carter (of Mars)
    Independence Day
    Despicable Me
    Apollo 13
    Jack the Giant Slayer
    My Fair Lady
    Mary Poppins
    The Great Gatsby
    Four Weddings and Funeral
    Slumdog Millionaire
    Terminator 2
    Les Miserables
    Source Code
    The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel
    Salmon Fishing in the Yemen
    Man of Steel
    Despicable Me 2
    Now You See Me
    Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa
    Cloud Atlas
    Jurassic Park
  • That is some list Luke, I don't keep account but I can see the benefit of having a view / review diary.

    The Lone Ranger (2013)

    Amazing photography, costumes, props, make-up, seemless CG and awesome horses (I dare say that the horses acted more convincingly then the humans).

    Hans Zimmer was clearly told to do something specific and he did so.

    The protagonist was not funny, I couldn't find any sympathy for him he was not engaging at all.

    Johnny Depp playing "Jack Sparrow" showed up to act as Tonto. He has some fun and funny moments but the kid that acted as him in a flashback was a more convincing character.

    The protagonists and the story were completely 1 dimensional, without engaging protagonists however the film suddenly becomes nothing more than enjoying everything auxiliary to the story.

    I ended up wanting to know more about the supporting characters and the villain.
  • sK0pe said:

    That is some list Luke, I don't keep account but I can see the benefit of having a view / review diary.

    This thread is that review diary. All I did was look back through the entries from the last year and copy and paste the movies into the list.
  • sK0pe said:

    That is some list Luke, I don't keep account but I can see the benefit of having a view / review diary.

    This thread is that review diary. All I did was look back through the entries from the last year and copy and paste the movies into the list.
    I understand that Luke, your 2013 summary post just prompted an exclamation from me.

  • Watched Cloud Atlas again.

    Wow, this is one of those movies which I'll be able to watch 10 or more times and discover more every time I watch it.

    I hate that we live in a society that discourages film makers from producing films directed at cerebral audiences.

    I'm sure there are many people in the world who like to be challenged by the text / visual medium that they consume.
  • Missed from the list of movies from last year:

    2001 - I actually watched it twice in 2013, once pan and scan on an airplane screen, once in the real aspect ratio.
    Fifth Element - Why wouldn't I watch it again?
    Curse of the Were-Rabbit - at least I think it was this year
    White Christmas - watched while listening to the White Christmas: The Detractor's Commentary Track by Andy Ihnatko.
  • GeoGeo
    edited January 2014
    I've been binging on Paul Thomas Anderson movies lately because I've hit a wall in terms of screenwriting lately and I need some inspiration, I've finished today and I'd like to share them with you so some of you can hopefully see them if you haven't before.

    •Hard Eight - For a first film, it is very impressive. This is a good gambling, crime drama that you can watch on Netflix Streaming right now.

    •Boogie Nights - For a film that depicts a semi-fictionalized version of the Golden Age of Porn (1977-1984), it is surprisingly entertaining, riveting, and not dripping with constant nudity (there is some but that is to be expected). If you haven't seen if and nudity in film does not bother you, make it a priority to see.

    •Magnolia - This is probably his hardest film to watch for a few reasons: it's very long (3 hours), it's an interconnected story between 10 protagonists, and jumps around a lot confusingly from time to time. It's a great film, but only watch if you are well-rested, not distracted, and completely alert. It needs your complete, undivided attention. It also has Tom Cruise in his best role...ever.

    •Punch-Drunk Love - I love this fucking film because of how weird and original it is, especially considering it is a rom-com. If you hate Adam Sandler because of how much shit he is in, you might change your mind when you see this because he is so dark, so messed up, and so impossible to hate in this. A word of caution, the first half hour or so is brutally uncomfortable, but I ask that you soldier through it because when Sandler meets his love and they start to connect, a wave of relief and happiness will hit you and it feels wonderful. On Netflix Streaming,

    •There Will Be Blood - I won't say too much about this other than it is my #2 favorite film of all time (behind 2001: A Space Odyssey). Once you begin watching, the rest of the world doesn't exist for two and a half hours because you will be hooked in like a fish out of water. This is a towering, brilliant movie with one of the greatest screen performances in the 10-15 years or so (Daniel Day-Lewis). This is a must see for any human being. On Netflix Streaming.

    •The Master - I am very hesitant to recommend this film unless you like being frustrated throughout a film without getting either definitive answers or, at the very least, something vague to chew on so you can work it out. There is little point to seeing it other than watching Joaquin Phoenix and Philip Seymour Hoffman as two forces of nature on opposite ends of the spectrum who butt heads amidst a religion that has faint parallels to Scientology.
    Post edited by Geo on
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