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Star Wars: A New Hope



  • Soo some people are really upset about John Boyega playing a Storm Trooper. But I really liked him as Moses in Attack the Block. It wasn't a great movie, but it was stylistic as fuck.

    As far as I'm aware, most of those people are either pissed off just because there's a black guy who's been cast in a movie, or they think that the Empire stormtroopers are all still clones of Jango Fett, which is not actually the case. Not really much to do with the actor himself.
  • Even Starwars Battlefront 2 explains why they're not all clones of Jango anymore. Well speaking of Jango, so in the EU Boba Fett was the last of the Mandalorians if I'm correct? At least that's what I read once. But the new animated series Rebels has a Mandalorian! She's in silly pink armor with flames and she always seems to ditch her helmet, but at least they're getting some representation.
  • Even Starwars Battlefront 2 explains why they're not all clones of Jango anymore. Well speaking of Jango, so in the EU Boba Fett was the last of the Mandalorians if I'm correct? At least that's what I read once. But the new animated series Rebels has a Mandalorian! She's in silly pink armor with flames and she always seems to ditch her helmet, but at least they're getting some representation.

    Sort of yes, sort of no. Boba Fett was one of the few free Mandalorians that we see, but there's still quite a few of them on their home planet. IIRC, the empire took the joint over, there was some resistance action going down there, and then they were back in force. Fett eventually comes back and becomes the new leader at some point, too.

    At the time of the Clone wars and Rebels, there were still plenty of Mandalorians about - the group that went to Kamino were a small, selected group, a best of the best type deal, who were meant to cut ties with the Mandalorians, but some of them returned in the end.

    As for Sabine Wren, while her armor is rather colourful, it's really quite accurate to the EU lore about the Mandalorians. Armor was entirely personal, and colour schemes were left to the owner. She's even got reasonably telling colours according to what we know about the meaning of mando colour schemes - Orange, Red and black, which are Lust for life, honoring a father, and justice, which fit her character to a tee. Clan logo on the shoulder, and the markings on her helmet also make sense.

    She's a pretty kick-ass character, in the end, and she's something we've not yet seen in the Star Wars universe - she's an artist, as well as the usual kicking ass and taking names. We've heard about artists, we've seen them spoken about in print, but we've never had a character that's artistically inclined in 30 years of the franchise - that alone is incredibly interesting.
  • Oola, Max Reebo, and Sy Snoodles were "artists in residence."
  • Soo some racist assholes who don't actually care about Star Wars are really upset about John Boyega playing a Storm Trooper. But I really liked him as Moses in Attack the Block. It wasn't a great movie, but it was stylistic as fuck.

  • Matt said:

    Oola, Max Reebo, and Sy Snoodles were "artists in residence."

    So were Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes, but they were less characters, than just flavor in the world. Background characters. They've got one story in one book about them, I think, but I don't remember a word of it, if I've even read it.
  • You know what genre of music they play is?

  • edited December 2014

    You WILL retweet this #StarWars

    — David Leavitt (@David_Leavitt) December 7, 2014
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • Churba said:

    So were Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes, but they were less characters, than just flavor in the world. Background characters. They've got one story in one book about them, I think, but I don't remember a word of it, if I've even read it.
    I do vaguely recall the plot of that story. I remember them going to play a gig on some land-locked ship and them getting into some shit. It was from Tales of the Cantina. That, and Tales from Jabba's Palace were by far my two favorite EU books. I loved the concept of short stories giving backstory to all of these two-second-appearance aliens, and fitting them into the context of the movie events. More of this, less "continued adventures of Luke & Leia." Helps explain why I enjoyed the X-Wing books so much too.

  • edited December 2014
    Post edited by Daikun on
  • my problem with the lightsaber crossguard idea, is that there is still the lightsaber handle part before the lightsaber blad of the cross guard. So, unlike a sword that the crossgaurd would catch the blade of another sword, a lightsaber would just cut through the mechanical part.
  • Tomovasky said:

    my problem with the lightsaber crossguard idea, is that there is still the lightsaber handle part before the lightsaber blad of the cross guard. So, unlike a sword that the crossgaurd would catch the blade of another sword, a lightsaber would just cut through the mechanical part.

    This has been covered, but there are two possibilities:

    1) The metal housing contains a saber stream. So you'd cut through the housing and hit saber, while the hand is still protected by the other half of the housing.

    2) Lightsaber-proof metal, like cortosis weave.

    Some people, when confronted with 2, have said "well why not make the whole guard out of that metal then?" The video I linked that shows offensive use of crossguards answers that question - because you could use the saber crossguard to block, lever the other saber out of the way, and in the process cut off the other guy's hand.

  • This has been covered, but there are two possibilities:
    There are also the possibilities that it's not a crossguard at all, but some kind of exhaust system. Or that it's a cross-guard and flawed like mentioned, even with it's flaws better than no cross-guard at all.

  • I wonder how much the Force FX lighsabers will cost of the new sabers. I imagine people will buy them out then put them on Ebay like Elza Dolls.
  • Fantasy Flight Games has now partnered with Lucasfilm in the design of entirely brand new ships for the X-Wing Miniatures Game.

    Say hello to the Imperial Raider:

    FFG got themselves in a rut by caving into demand and releasing "epic size" capital ships w/o compromising their adherence to true scale (although I think they did shrink the capital ships a teeny bit). Problem is that only Rebels have ships that could realistically fit on the table. People joked about "hey, maybe they sell 1/8th of a Star Destroyer and put it on the board edge where it never moves" but long story short they needed an Imperial ship on the same scale as a Corellian Corvette. They got one.
  • Does that mean they will never sell a Death Star for the game?
  • HMTKSteve said:

    Does that mean they will never sell a Death Star for the game?

    There is a separate game they are making called Star Wars Armada. That's where you'll find your Star Destroyers. The game hasn't come out yet, so it's going to be easier to start playing than X-Wing. I'm trying to get Rym to waste money on it, so I can go pew pew pew!
  • Armada is a $100 core set, plus many expansions already announced. I am gonna pass.
  • Matt said:

    Armada is a $100 core set, plus many expansions already announced. I am gonna pass.

    I think you missed the part where I said I was trying to get Rym to waste money on it.

  • Well excuse me, princess.
  • edited December 2014
    LOL SO MUCH ^^^

    When 900 years old you reach, be as funny, you will not.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • Guess there's a Star Wars explosion going on, and it isn't one of the Death Stars.

    I like that they are making some Rogue One, as space fighter battles are the best part of Star Wars. But I feel they definitely missed the opportunity to make TIE Fighter: The Movie instead.

    Where da Thrawn at?!?!?!

  • Two Star Wars movies in one year.

    Please don't suck.
  • So much collective "please don't suck" hope focused at the Star Wars franchise. I forget that there is new Star Wars coming most days. They have been doing an incredibly good job of keeping a tight lid on things and not burning out the hype train. That thing is gonna leave the station soon, though.
  • Posted about 10 minutes ago

    Truly none of us are worthy. Holy fuck that was amazing.
  • I never imagined after Episode I that I could ever be as fucking pumped for Star Wars as I am right now.
  • Rym said:

    I never imagined after Episode I that I could ever be as fucking pumped for Star Wars as I am right now.

    Never underestimate the power of the dark side.
  • The wrecked Star Destroyer got me. A few tears were held back. Then the Vader helmet.

    ; _ ;
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