As for being intolerant of beliefs, it is perfectly OK to be intolerant of people because of their beliefs, religious or otherwise.
#a. if you are going to do illegal business with a phone you shouldn't be using an iPhone, why do you think they make pre-paid.
First off, I'll admit to being someone who drinks the mac kool-aid. That being said, I work in IT for an Ad agency. We have a mix of macs and PCs. However, the PCs are only used for Account people…
This dataputs the number of atheists from between .2% and 20% of the population in prison. This seems to match up well with data I've seen for the U.S., which is normally put at around 0.5%-5% of the…
This dataputs the number of atheists from between .2% and 20% of the population in prison. This seems to match up well with data I've seen for the U.S., which is normally put at around 0.5%-5% of the…
Causation vs. Correlation. You seem to forget that atheists are an incredibly small percentage of the population, and are going to occupy a similarly small percentage of the population in jail.
Rockbox is a completely different firmware thrown onto the iPod? Which iPods does it work with?
Well, I get to see the Boll Weevil Monument a couple times a week, mostly when I go downtown to get to the comic shop or the bank.
Deborah Cameron's new book The Myth of Mars and Venus: Do Men and Women Really Speak Different Languages? is about how men and women might not argue as differently as some would have us believe.
Actually fairly close, I guess. I really do consider myself to be a Moderate Centrist.
#!/bin/bash<br />#A Script to load those podcasts downloaded within<br />#last day to the mounted Ipod and remove all others<br />#Incidentally, also my first shell script<br />